
Can anyone give me the best place to learn mapping? Im going to build Taviana 3.0

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I need to know how to get started, but I find myself wasting time on tutorials that are wrong or people say there is another way. 


I love Taviana and I think we need need one, full post apocalyptic setting. I have put my notice in at work so have two months free to do it.


Any help would be welcome and your name will be in the credits of the map :)





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Couple of things to check out.... firstly, the BI Forums. There are some map makers on these forums but they mostly frequent the BI forums and there's a heap more info on there for map builders as well as people that can help learning the tools.

Secondly, before you go and create Taviana 3.0, check out Crazy Mike's Vortorsk terrain. It's similar in "feel" and due for release early next year I believe.

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On 18-8-2017 at 0:09 AM, Crazy Mike said:

2 months is about enough time to get your foot halfway through the door and then stubbed on something on the other side

I still don't understand that you didn't rip your hair off after that much arma

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