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MGTDB last won the day on July 3

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  1. MGTDB

    Purchased vehicle/player TP

    ExileClient_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleResponse.sqf Remove or comment out the line:- player moveInDriver _vehicleObject;
  2. MGTDB

    Exile Hud

  3. MGTDB

    Define ban.txt file location

    Winget and symlink between servers if on different machines. The default location of ban.txt is now in the server config/users folder, along with a new kick.txt log
  4. You could convert the server to use 64bit
  5. MGTDB

    MGT Exile Chernarus

    Added Mega ZCP AI will be highly armed Max respect gain will be between 40k and 58k Vehicle reward will be one of ten MBT's 40 player threshold Marked as "Mega ZCP" on map
  6. Fix for rewarding respect, it would read the wrong variable when calculating reward
  7. Just add unsafeCVL = 1; into description.ext
  8. MGTDB

    [Release] (Bounties) Most Wanted

    Pushed a small fix that fixes and error where player doesn't select an amount
  9. Updated, will now show coordinates, check 1st post for code
  10. MGTDB

    MGT Exile Livonia

    Changed: Due to the author of the original Mozzie mod pulling it from Steam workshop with 80k subs, we have been forced to switch mozzie mod to
  11. MGTDB

    MGT Exile Chernarus Winter

    Changed: Due to the author of the original Mozzie mod pulling it from Steam workshop with 80k subs, we have been forced to switch mozzie mod to
  12. MGTDB

    MGT Exile Tanoa

    Changed: Due to the author of the original Mozzie mod pulling it from Steam workshop with 80k subs, we have been forced to switch mozzie mod to
  13. MGTDB

    MGT Exile Altis

    Changed: Due to the author of the original Mozzie mod pulling it from Steam workshop with 80k subs, we have been forced to switch mozzie mod to
  14. MGTDB

    MGT Exile Chernarus

    Changed: Due to the author of the original Mozzie mod pulling it from Steam workshop with 80k subs, we have been forced to switch mozzie mod to
  15. MGTDB

    Abandon Territory

    Updated 19th June 2019 (server side only) The returned flag kit will now spawn at players position See OP for download link