I have a series of errors in my rpt that i've added below. As you can see they start when my server begins spawning in cars.
I'm not sure what these errors mean or if they are common or uncommon so I was hoping to get some feedback about what they probably mean and if/how/whether I should fix them.
12:06:16 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10006 added."
12:06:17 class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in Exile_Boat_SDV_CSAT
12:06:18 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10007 added."
12:06:18 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10008 added."
12:06:18 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10009 added."
12:06:18 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10010 added."
12:06:18 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10011 added."
12:06:18 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10012 added."
12:06:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10013 added."
12:06:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10014 added."
12:06:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10015 added."
12:06:19 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10016 added."
12:06:20 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10017 added."
12:06:20 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10018 added."
12:06:20 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10019 added."
12:06:20 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10020 added."
12:06:21 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10021 added."
12:06:21 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10022 added."
12:06:21 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10023 added."
12:06:21 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10024 added."
12:06:22 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10025 added."
12:06:22 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10026 added."
12:06:23 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10027 added."
12:06:24 "DMS_SpawnAIGroup_MultiPos :: Spawned 21 AI using positions parameter: [[5850.8,3048.1,-37.8057],[5863.21,3036.56,-38.2891],[5871.43,3054.4,-39.343],[5915.36,3021.77,-58.8748],[5905.08,2987.15,-65.313],[5877.29,2984.19,-60.6961],[5887.88,2986.54,-60.7556],[5909.77,3037.79,-52.0807],[5878.36,3045.98,-48.1157],[5845.63,3028.38,-49.0821],[5851.09,3009.14,-52.1915],[5856.83,3016.01,-49.785],[5869.44,3017.86,-49.7803],[5879.65,3022.51,-47.769],[5892.57,3030.16,-48.894],[5900.21,3031.82,-50.4109],[5882.36,3003.04,-55.3779],[5858.68,2977.79,-63.6817],[5899.83,3044.99,-51.4147],[5875.81,3007.73,-55.331],[5899.77,2994.57,-61.1307]]."
Hi Guys,
I have a series of errors in my rpt that i've added below. As you can see they start when my server begins spawning in cars.
I'm not sure what these errors mean or if they are common or uncommon so I was hoping to get some feedback about what they probably mean and if/how/whether I should fix them.
Thanks in advance.
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