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About Commando_Kain

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  1. Commando_Kain

    Unaccessable Error Causes new player to not be created.

    THANK YOU GOOD SIR! I don't know how I over looked it. but i did. Face Palm*
  2. I'm having an issue were it seems the data base is not creating player once you connect. Causing the player that is connecting to get the ghost player view until the game kicks them. the strange part is that everything was working fine. I changed nothing and it just started happening all of a sudden. Normally this is because the database is not creating a player. After days of trial and error I am still at a lost. Also I am using Host Havoc as my Host. I have done the following. 1. Reformatted my exile sql data base (More than once) 2. Reinstalled Infistar (More than once) 3. Ensured that all of my Rcon and Admin passwords/ IP /Ports are correct in BE, AHAT, and Exile Server Config. 4. Battleye ON or OFF does not matter. Unaccessible still occurs. If i turn on the Server Locking feature in Exile/ Infistar, The Server Never Unlocks when it is done loading. So I just turned it off. After doing all of this the problem remains unchanged... My RPT HERE --> 5:56:06 BEServer: registering a new player #306831841 5:56:21 Unaccessible 5:56:21 "ExileServer - Player COMMANDO_KAIN (UID 76561198022361377) connected!" 5:58:35 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found 5:58:35 "TCAGame/BIS_fnc_log: HandleDisconnect : 1fdb4a40# 1187583: invisibleman.p3d" 5:58:35 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:76 not found 5:58:35 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:76 not found
  3. Commando_Kain

    How to set up Exile with Zombies.

    Having the Same issue
  4. Commando_Kain

    Merging Ravage and Exile

    I to am having trouble with combining the two a well. I have Roaming AI working but the Zombies will not spawn. No Clue why.
  5. I am having and Issue with my Server. I am using Infistar. I have Setup my Beserver.cfg Rcon Info. All of my Password blocks are filled correctly. Pretty Stumped. Cant load into server. My Logs Here:
  6. Commando_Kain

    Help with CUP

    OK I am trying to get CUP weapons, Cup Units & Cup vehicles on my server. I am running into and issue that is causing my server to not Start up My server log is telling me this. 7:08:38 Warning Message: Addon 'CUP_AirVehicles_A10' requires addon 'CUP_Creatures_Military_USArmy' My startup Parameters are. -noPause -noSound "-cfg=A3DS\basic.cfg" -ranking="" -par="" "-config=A3DS\server.cfg" "-profiles=A3DS" "-servermod=@ExileServer;@Exile;@Ryanzombies;@CBA_A3;@Advanced Rappelling;@Advanced Urban Rappelling;@AdvancedTowing;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@CUP_Units;@CBA_A3" "-mod=@Exile;@Ryanzombies;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@CUP_Units;@CBA_A3" -malloc=system -enableHT -world=empty -autoinit -maxMem=6144 Do I need to run Cup on client and server or just client? Do I need to Run CBA on both? Do I need to add and thing to my mission.sqm in the addons section?
  7. Commando_Kain

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    18:24:43 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 98' by server. 18:24:43 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 99' by server. 18:24:43 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#shutdown' by server. 18:24:43 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 18:24:43 Mission id: b034b0cf82932ca1ba9cfded16ff5b46f5f772ed 18:24:45 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_Soldier_VR_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_bootcamp\common\vr_soldier_f.p3d";] 18:24:45 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp ClearNetServer:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 18:24:48 Extensions: 18:24:48 armalog (.\armalog.dll) [] [] getting this and causing my server not to boot up. Also this in my x64 logs 12:22:30 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectFull.sqf, line 16 12:22:30 Error in expression <uery_selectFull; _numberOfClans = count _clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > 12:22:30 Error position: <_clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > 12:22:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _clanids 12:22:30 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_world_loadAllClans.sqf, line 20 12:22:30 Call extension 'extDB2' could not be found 12:22:30 Error in expression <"extDB2" callExtension _query); switch (_result select 0) do { case 0: { (format> 12:22:30 Error position: <_result select 0) do { case 0: { (format> 12:22:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _result 12:22:30 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectFull.sqf, line 16 12:22:30 Error in expression <uery_selectFull; _numberOfClans = count _clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > 12:22:30 Error position: <_clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > 12:22:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _clanids 12:22:30 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_world_loadAllClans.sqf, line 20 12:22:30 Call extension 'extDB2' could not be found 12:22:30 Error in expression <"extDB2" callExtension _query); switch (_result select 0) do { case 0: { (format> 12:22:30 Error position: <_result select 0) do { case 0: { (format> 12:22:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _result 12:22:30 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectFull.sqf, line 16 12:22:30 Error in expression <uery_selectFull; _numberOfClans = count _clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > 12:22:30 Error position: <_clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > 12:22:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _clanids 12:22:30 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_world_loadAllClans.sqf, line 20 12:22:30 Call extension 'extDB2' could not be found 12:22:30 Error in expression <"extDB2" callExtension _query); switch (_result select 0) do { case 0: { (format> 12:22:30 Error position: <_result select 0) do { case 0: { (format> 12:22:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _result 12:22:30 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectFull.sqf, line 16 12:22:30 Error in expression <uery_selectFull; _numberOfClans = count _clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then >
  8. Commando_Kain

    Wrong Expression Error Exilez

  9. Commando_Kain

    Radiation zone damage

    How do i edit the code to effect how fast you lose health in a zone. I want you to die much faster that out do at normally. class Radiation: Radiation { enable = 1; contaminatedZones[] = { {{3960.14, 8454.75, 152.862}, 80, 140}, // Object A1 {{4974.70, 6632.82, 4.74293}, 40, 150}, // Object A2 {{6487.92, 9302.03, 36.0014}, 60, 110} // Sebjan Chemical Factory }; }; Are these Three different stages of radiation?
  10. Commando_Kain

    Wrong Expression Error Exilez

    What is wrong with this section of code? I is in one of the ExileZ files ( post_init.sqf ). It is causing my server not to unlock. if (UseTriggers) then { { _useThisTrigger = _x select 0; _triggerPositions = _x select 1; if (_useThisTrigger) then { //Weight Zombie Group _currentTrigger = _x; _zgroup = _currentTrigger select 13; if (Debug) then { Diag_log Format["ExileZ 2.0: Compounding Zombie Group Weight, Selected Group Trigger Index : %1",_forEachIndex]; }; _count = 0; { _count = _count + (_x select 1); if (Debug) then { Diag_log Format["ExileZ 2.0: Zombie Type Index : %1 Weight : %2 Compound Weight Value : %3",_forEachIndex,_x select 1,_count]; }; (_zgroup select _forEachIndex) set [1,_count]; }foreach (_zgroup); //Create triggers {nul = [_x,_CurrentTrigger] spawn CreateTriggers; sleep 0.01; }foreach (_triggerPositions); }; }foreach Triggers; }; It is causing the Following Error. 9:37:03 "\\\ --- Starting ExileZ 2.0 --- ///" 9:37:03 "ExileZ 2.0: Compounding Zombie Group Weight, Selected Group Trigger Index : 0" 9:37:03 Error in expression < select _forEachIndex) set [1,_count]; }foreach (_zgroup); {nul = [_x,_Current> 9:37:03 Error position: <foreach (_zgroup); {nul = [_x,_Current> 9:37:03 Error foreach: Type code, expected Array 9:37:03 File exilez\init\fn_init.sqf [exilez_fnc_init], line 1956 9:37:04 Land_PlasticCase_01_medium_F: Lid_1_rot - unknown animation source lid_source 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainturret 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: MainGun - unknown animation source maingun 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: Ammo_belt_rotation - unknown animation source reloadanim 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: Bolt_reload_begin - unknown animation source reloadmagazine 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: muzzleFlash - unknown animation source muzzle_source 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: zaslehROT - unknown animation source muzzle_source_rot 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: AddAutonomous_unhide - unknown animation source autonomous_unhide 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_MG: bullet001_reload_hide - unknown animation source revolving 9:37:04 Land_PlasticCase_01_small_F: Lid_1_rot - unknown animation source lid_source 9:37:04 Land_PlasticCase_01_large_F: Lid_1_rot - unknown animation source lid_source 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: RotorImpactHide - unknown animation source rotorhfullydestroyed 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: TailRotorImpactHide - unknown animation source tailrotorhfullydestroyed 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: propeller1_rotation - unknown animation source rotorh 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: propeller2_rotation - unknown animation source rotorv 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: propeller1_hide - unknown animation source rpm 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainturret 9:37:04 Exile_Cosmetic_UAV: MainGun - unknown animation source maingun 9:37:06 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: Ammo_hide - unknown animation source ammo_source 9:37:06 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: AmmoOrd_hide - unknown animation source ammoord_source 9:37:06 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: Grenades_hide - unknown animation source grenades_source 9:37:06 Land_Box_AmmoOld_F: Support_hide - unknown animation source support_source 9:37:22 "TCAGame/BIS_fnc_log: [BIS_fnc_preload] ----- Scripts initialized at 30638 ms -----"
  11. Commando_Kain

    Trader Script Check?

    Gotcha Thank you so Much! that fixed it.
  12. Commando_Kain

    Trader Script Check?

    So if the above is the old format. I get the Below out of 3DEN. //NPC type ["Exile_Trader_Armory", [], "Exile_Trader_Armory", "WhiteHead_01", //Inventory [["srifle_EBR_F","","","",[],[],""],[],[],["U_Rangemaster",[]],["V_Rangemaster_belt",[]],[],"H_Cap_headphones","G_Shades_Black",[], //Animations ["HubStanding_idle1","HubStanding_idle2","HubStanding_idle3"]], //Location & Orentation [23031.6, 7265.82, 49.4433], [0.575354, 0.817905, 0], [0, 0, 1]], This is the New format?
  13. Commando_Kain

    Trader Script Check?

    Thank you I'll try this out
  14. Commando_Kain

    Trader Script Check?

    Can somebody please check my code I am not sure what i missed? Is orientation mandatory? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Armory Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Trader_Armory", "Exile_Trader_Armory", "WhiteHead_20", ["HubStanding_idle1", "HubStanding_idle2", "HubStanding_idle3"], [23064, 7258.45, 48.8435], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Equipment Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Trader_Equipment", "Exile_Trader_Equipment", "WhiteHead_04", ["HubStanding_idle1", "HubStanding_idle2", "HubStanding_idle3"], [23031.6, 7266.01, 49.4433], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Food Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Trader_Food", "Exile_Trader_Food", "WhiteHead_10", ["HubStanding_idle1", "HubStanding_idle2", "HubStanding_idle3"], [23057.2, 7269.09, 49.3995], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Hardware Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Trader_Hardware", "Exile_Trader_Hardware", "WhiteHead_11", ["HubStanding_idle1", "HubStanding_idle2", "HubStanding_idle3"], [23047.6, 7239.82, 48.789], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East WasteDump Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Trader_WasteDump", "Exile_Trader_WasteDump", "GreekHead_A3_06", ["HubStanding_idle1", "HubStanding_idle2", "HubStanding_idle3"], [23019, 7240.2, 47.9571], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East WasteDump Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Trader_Vehicle", "Exile_Trader_Vehicle", "GreekHead_A3_05", ["HubStanding_idle1", "HubStanding_idle2", "HubStanding_idle3"], [23031.4, 7194.76, 46.071], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Guard 01 Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Guard_01", "", "AfricanHead_01", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling1"], [23036.3, 7247.68, 52.675], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Guard 01 Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Guard_01", "", "WhiteHead_12", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling1"], [23051.1, 7199.02, 49.7716], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Guard 01 Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Guard_01", "", "WhiteHead_15", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling1"], [23048.9, 7282.11, 53.4854], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Guard 01 Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Guard_01", "", "WhiteHead_05", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling1"], [22990.3, 7257.98, 52.346], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Guard 02 Trader /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Guard_02", "", "WhiteHead_19", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling2"], [11139.7, 8723.26, 183.382], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Guard 02 Trader /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Guard_02", "", "WhiteHead_01", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling2"], [11192.8, 8688.03, 180.749], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Guard 03 Trader /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Guard_03", "", "GreekHead_A3_08", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling1"], [11166.5, 8726.74, 179.447], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // South East Guard 03 Trader /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _trader = [ "Exile_Guard_03", "", "AfricanHead_01", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling1"], [11211.3, 8699.78, 182.414], ] call ExileClient_object_trader_create;
  15. I am being told that extDB2 is only compatible with 32bit and i was running the server in x64. |>.>|