
Battleye restriction #42

8 posts in this topic

Right, I will preface this with "I know I know", you get these all the time.

I am not thick, I am not a kid, I just need a point in the correct direction.

I have a new exile server from GTX gaming and its up and running with Exile and Tanoa. Originally I tried to install AdminToolKit and was getting error #40. I removed this and now entering safe zones, it enables god mode and immediately kicks me for error #42.

I have tried to add the battle eye filters but cannot for the life in me find them in my FTP for my server. Any pointers from the experts?

Thanks lads.

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Dude, @Minipod, thank you so much.

This is my most recent log:

private["_espRenderRange", "_distance", "_alpha", "_"
22.05.2017 20:37:41: fLu ( f85b3cbd6065e1902b769f58b1c91218 - #42 "#line 1 "exile_client\code\ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP.sqf"

Any one around to maybe help point me in the right direction of what to do from here?

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@fLu_ i'm not great a Battleye filters myself, but what i do know is that you need to add the below to the end of line 44 in your scripts.txt

If i'm wrong please someone let me know, as i said its not my forty.


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6 minutes ago, Minipod said:

@fLu_ i'm not great a Battleye filters myself, but what i do know is that you need to add the below to the end of line 44 in your scripts.txt

If i'm wrong please someone let me know, as i said its not my forty.


Ah I see what that means then, how did you generate this line? I get that it points me at a line in the scripts.txt now that was the bit I was missing - is there an easy place to find the fixes?

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4 minutes ago, Minipod said:

Generally the number on the kick message you add 2 and that is the line number you need to add the code to within script.txt

If you look in your script.log file and copy everything in the "" and past it here:


It generates the code you need to paste into your script.txt file.

Bloody hell thanks man! That site is great. You will be glad to know that it worked a treat! What a legend.

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On 23.05.2017 at 1:33 AM, fLu_ said:

Right, I will preface this with "I know I know", you get these all the time.

I am not thick, I am not a kid, I just need a point in the correct direction.

I have a new exile server from GTX gaming and its up and running with Exile and Tanoa. Originally I tried to install AdminToolKit and was getting error #40. I removed this and now entering safe zones, it enables god mode and immediately kicks me for error #42.

I have tried to add the battle eye filters but cannot for the life in me find them in my FTP for my server. Any pointers from the experts?

Thanks lads.

replace line 44

7 ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP !="nt\\code\\ExileClient_gui_safezone_reset.sqf'],\n['ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP', 'exile_client\\code\\ExileClient_gui_safezone_s" !="er = addMissionEventHandler [\"Draw3D\", {20 call ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP}];\n[\"InfoTitleAndText\", [\"Welcome!\", \"You have " !="20 call ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP" !="#line 7 \"exile_client\\code\\ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP.sqf\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nprivate[\"_espRenderRange\",\"_distance\",\"_alpha\",\"_clr" !="#line 1 \"exile_client\code\ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP.sqf\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nprivate[\"_espRenderRange\",\"_distance\",\"_alpha\",\"_clr" !="\ExileClient_gui_safezone_reset.sqf', false],\n['ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP', 'exile_client\code\ExileClient_gui_safezone_s" !="#line 1 \"exile_client\code\ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP.sqf\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nprivate[\"_espRenderRange\", \"_distance\", \"_alpha\", \"_"


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