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  1. Minipod

    CG Exile Server

    We are a small gaming community that love to play a great number of games online.
  2. Minipod

    Battleye restriction #42

    Generally the number on the kick message you add 2 and that is the line number you need to add the code to within script.txt If you look in your script.log file and copy everything in the "" and past it here: It generates the code you need to paste into your script.txt file.
  3. Minipod

    Battleye restriction #42

    @fLu_ i'm not great a Battleye filters myself, but what i do know is that you need to add the below to the end of line 44 in your scripts.txt If i'm wrong please someone let me know, as i said its not my forty. !="exile_client\code\ExileClient_gui_safezone_safeESP.sqf"
  4. Minipod

    Battleye restriction #42

    On GTX Servers, from the root folder go to SC then Battleye.
  5. We tried to carry out the update to 1.03 today and it didn't really go that well. We ended up having to rebuild and when we go vanilla, we can connect to the server without any problems. Now this is where the problems start, before we even start looking at installing the mods again, we want infistar up and running. However once it has been installed and configure we are getting a whole range of battle eye restrictions, and despite all my efforts to connect to the server we cannot. 22.05.2017 00:25:22: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #14 "]; false }; mousebuttonupinventory = diag_tickTime; if(!isNil'draw3D_handlerID_dupecheck')then{removeMissionEventHandler ['Draw3" 22.05.2017 00:32:57: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #14 "]; false }; mousebuttonupinventory = diag_tickTime; if(!isNil'draw3D_handlerID_dupecheck')then{removeMissionEventHandler ['Draw3" 22.05.2017 00:35:19: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #14 "]; false }; mousebuttonupinventory = diag_tickTime; if(!isNil'draw3D_handlerID_dupecheck')then{removeMissionEventHandler ['Draw3" 22.05.2017 00:40:15: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #51 "true" 22.05.2017 00:43:26: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #52 "true" 22.05.2017 00:52:19: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #52 "true" 22.05.2017 01:13:20: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #52 "true" 22.05.2017 01:19:10: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #33 "_this call bis_fnc_initVirtualUnit;" 22.05.2017 01:22:23: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #33 "_this call bis_fnc_initVirtualUnit;" 22.05.2017 01:28:03: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "true" 22.05.2017 01:28:46: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "call (_this)" 22.05.2017 01:31:08: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "0.03f" 22.05.2017 01:32:15: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "HitFace max HitNeck" 22.05.2017 01:33:57: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "true" 22.05.2017 01:34:24: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "call (_this)" 22.05.2017 01:36:04: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "true" 22.05.2017 01:36:31: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "call (_this)" 22.05.2017 01:39:12: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "true" 22.05.2017 01:39:40: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "call (_this)" 22.05.2017 01:48:42: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "#line 1 "exile_client\code\ExileClient_gui_hud_event_hook.sqf" [] spawn { waituntil { !(IsNull findDisplay 46) }; (fi" 22.05.2017 01:49:34: PLAYER (???.???.???.???:2304) GUID - #30 "call (_this)" Is anyone able to shed any light on this? @infiSTAR I'm at a loss as what direction to go now. Note: We are using a hosted 30 slot server from GTX Gaming.
  6. Minipod

    Server already exists

    Compendium Gaming Exile Server Query Port: 2303 @Eichi
  7. I've just recently rented a server for Arma3 Exile and tried to sign up for the XM8 app however it says that the server already exists. How do i go about getting this sorted so that i can get my server registered.