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Server Start up Error

8 posts in this topic

So I brought a server the other day and then installed exile, though once I start the server I get an error: Warning Message: Addon 'exile_client' requires addon 'a3_3den'.
Can anyone please tell me what this file is or what the problem is, I've been looking for hours now and not one post on any forum or even youtube...
Cheers -woodzi8000

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Few questions,

1. Is it Dedi or Rented

2. Did you add @Exile client folder to the server dir

3. are your basic.cfg and config.cfg in the right folder "Can differ if answer 1 is Dedi or Rented

-config=D:\SERVER_FOLDER_NAME\default\config.cfg" "-cfg=D:\SERVER_FOLDER_NAME\default\basic.cfg"  <-------Are they pointed in the right path?

4. Do you add the keys to the folders

5. is your startup parameters right  -servermod=@ExileServer -mod=@Exile  "this can be different to if Dedi or Rented"


Edited by KillingRe

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Well with Rented servers, they don't normally give you a clean server, anyways you need to walk throw your steps that error is saying you missed something.

and because you said you installed exile that is very vague and lacks alot of information  :*(

Do does your Server Dir have these 2 folders? Did you setup your parameters ?


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