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  1. missing file? 7:38:22 Warning Message: Script x\addons\ZCP\functions\fn_createEdenConvertedCity.sqf not found
  2. Just got a OVH windows server 2012 rk2 and are getting the same problem some people can join just fine but alot of our users are seeing ping 9999 and are unable to join we have all ports open that are req we even submitted a ticket about it to OVH and they did hardware reboot. Alsowent to and got the all Green for connecting to Steam Query port , so any info would be helpful if someone knows how to solve this.
  3. /* Self-explanatory 0 = off 1 = on */ useRestartMessages = 1; Change it to a 1 to turn it on this is also in @ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config\config.cpp
  4. in @ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config\config.cpp /* Number of minutes before the restart to inform your players. Only use full minutes here. Value like 5.5 have not been tested. */ restartWarningTime[] = {15, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1}; also go into mission.pbo open config.cpp find class CfgExileCustomCode and add ExileClient_gui_toaster_addToast = "overwrite\ExileClient_gui_toaster_addToast.sqf"; so it looks like this class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileClient_gui_toaster_addToast = "overwrite\ExileClient_gui_toaster_addToast.sqf"; // Toast time on screen }; then add this file in overwrites or what ever folder you make the path just remember to change the path in the CfgExileCustomCode if you do ExileClient_gui_toaster_addToast.sqf /** * ExileClient_gui_toaster_addToast * * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_rawText","_stripeColor","_display","_toastControl","_toastPosition","_textControl","_textHeight","_textPosition","_backgroundControl","_backgroundPosition","_stripeControl","_stripePosition"]; disableSerialization; if !(ExileClientToastAreaVisible) exitWith { false }; _rawText = _this select 0; _stripeColor = _this select 1; _display = uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscExileToastArea", displayNull]; _toastControl = _display ctrlCreate ["RscExileToast", -1]; _toastPosition = ctrlPosition _toastControl; _textControl = _toastControl controlsGroupCtrl 102; _textControl ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText _rawText); _textHeight = ctrlTextHeight _textControl; _textPosition = ctrlPosition _textControl; _textPosition set [3, _textHeight]; if (_textHeight < ((_toastPosition select 3) - 14 * pixelH)) then { _textPosition set [1, (_toastPosition select 1) + ((_toastPosition select 3) - _textHeight) * 0.5]; } else { _toastPosition set [3, _textHeight + 14 * pixelH]; _textPosition set [1, 7 * pixelH]; }; _textControl ctrlSetPosition _textPosition; _textControl ctrlCommit 0; _backgroundControl = _toastControl controlsGroupCtrl 100; _backgroundPosition = ctrlPosition _backgroundControl; _backgroundPosition set [3, _toastPosition select 3]; _backgroundControl ctrlSetPosition _backgroundPosition; _backgroundControl ctrlCommit 0; _stripeControl = _toastControl controlsGroupCtrl 101; _stripeControl ctrlSetBackGroundColor _stripeColor; _stripePosition = ctrlPosition _stripeControl; _stripePosition set [3, _toastPosition select 3]; _stripeControl ctrlSetPosition _stripePosition; _stripeControl ctrlCommit 0; _toastPosition set [0, safeZoneX + 300 * pixelW]; _toastPosition set [1, safeZoneY + (60 - 10) * pixelH - (_toastPosition select 3)]; _toastControl ctrlSetPosition _toastPosition; _toastControl ctrlSetFade 1; _toastControl ctrlCommit 0; reverse ExileClientToasts; ExileClientToasts pushBack [_toastControl, 0, diag_tickTime + 10]; // Toast time on screen reverse ExileClientToasts; playsound "HintExpand"; call ExileClient_gui_toaster_pushToBottom; Change diag_tickTime + 10 to diag_tickTime + 15 don't go pass 15 try out 10 it keeps the msg up pretty amount of time its what i use
  5. Sadly i can't think of any, i am surprised that the host does not have BEC or have any auto scheduler in the Control panel its kind of mandatory on all hosted arma servers
  6. KillingRe

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    Hello @Taylor Swift and @John I looked at all 21 pages and there was people who had the same problems i do now when looking for instructions that "covered step 8" there where non i am running ExAd virtual garage "ExileServer - Network message dispatch failed: Invalid function call! Called: ExileServer_ClaimVehicles_network_saveVehicleRequest" i looked at the readme in the github but it just leads to Johns profile, Sorry John your profile didn't cover this Thanks
  7. Glad to hear @BiNoX things are working for you. If your on a hosted server they may already have bec installed look in the main DIR for a folder called BEC or on the Contorl panel for I have a Rented host and they have it installed but i also have a Dedicated and i did need to install that manually for that. As for infiSTAR for exile there really is not any other but if you get some funds i would invest in it as its free updates.
  8. KillingRe

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    installed the lastest update and around line 4000 i got this 21:59:42 Subgroup leader candidate was not found, NUnits() = 1, nUnits = 0 <------------STARTED HERE 21:59:42 Subgroup leader candidate was not found, NUnits() = 1, nUnits = 0 21:59:42 Group O Bravo 3-3 (0x8573b880) - network ID 2:6489 21:59:42 - no leader 21:59:42 Subgroup O Bravo 3-3:<No leader> (0x7966f060) - network ID 2:6490 21:59:42 - no leader 21:59:42 Subgroup leader candidate was not found, NUnits() = 1, nUnits = 0 21:59:42 Group O Bravo 3-3 (0x8573b880) - network ID 2:6489 21:59:42 - no leader 21:59:42 Subgroup O Bravo 3-3:<No leader> (0x7966f060) - network ID 2:6490 21:59:42 - no leader 21:59:42 Subgroup leader candidate was not found, NUnits() = 1, nUnits = 0 21:59:42 Group O Bravo 3-3 (0x8573b880) - network ID 2:6489 21:59:42 - no leader 21:59:42 Subgroup O Bravo 3-3:<No leader> (0x7966f060) - network ID 2:6490 21:59:42 - no leader and it spammed my RPT for over 700,000 lines with it, any idea's? here is my dms config to
  9. KillingRe

    [Release] R3F-Waste Dump Override

    nvm my mistake i disabled the load cargo into Veh some time ago and thought this was load cargo into back of veh lol, everything works thanks.
  10. //3rdPersonView = 1; //Comment out thirdPersonView = 1; //This works [SOLVED]
  11. KillingRe

    [Solved] TRYK not loading?

    its alot of mods to load glad it worked out.
  12. KillingRe

    [Solved] TRYK not loading?

    hmmm nothing is coming to mind can you post your startup mod parameters
  13. KillingRe

    Help with starting a server

    err you got mei don't see anything right but i never used XAMPP before i'v only useded
  14. KillingRe

    [Solved] TRYK not loading?

    did you add it to your startup parameters?
  15. KillingRe

    Help with starting a server

    look in xampp\mysql\bin for my.ini