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About woodzi8000

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  1. woodzi8000

    Server Start up Error

    Yea sorry, I have them, @Exile and @ExileServer with parameters: @Exile;@ExileServer but still the same thing happens
  2. woodzi8000

    Server Start up Error

    Anyway you could help?
  3. woodzi8000

    Server Start up Error

    Rented, everything (from what I know) is in the right place though this error comes up
  4. woodzi8000

    Server Start up Error

    So I brought a server the other day and then installed exile, though once I start the server I get an error: Warning Message: Addon 'exile_client' requires addon 'a3_3den'. Can anyone please tell me what this file is or what the problem is, I've been looking for hours now and not one post on any forum or even youtube... Cheers -woodzi8000