- VJ -

Sell Price Modifier!

113 posts in this topic

Ok, so I wanted more control over the trader buy and sell price range to allow for a lower or higher sell price to the buy price per item.

This allows you to change from the default of 50% sell price to the buy price in the mission config and set a new ratio per item.


1. In config.cpp in your mission folder (exile.altis) :

Change ALL items under: class CfgExileArsenal {}; >> class ITEM from:

class ITEM { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class ITEM { quality = 2; price = 100; spm = 0.5; };  

Price * tax =  sell price [e.g 100 * 0.5 = 50] spm = Sell Price Modifier

Still in config.cpp, add between the brackets:
class CfgExileCustomCode { 

ExileClient_util_gear_calculateTotalPrice = "spm\ExileClient_util_gear_calculateTotalPrice.sqf";
ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_updateInventoryListBox = "spm\ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_updateInventoryListBox.sqf";
ExileClient_gui_wasteDumpDialog_event_onModeDropDownSelectionChanged = "spm\ExileClient_gui_wasteDumpDialog_event_onModeDropDownSelectionChanged.sqf";

2. Extract and copy these files from exile_client\code\ to a folder named "spm" in your mission folder (exile.altis):
ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_updateInventoryListBox.sqf  ExileClient_gui_wasteDumpDialog_event_onModeDropDownSelectionChanged.sqf 

3. In your custom folder (SPM) open: 

replace line 10:

replace line 14:
    _price = _price + (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileArsenal" >> _x >> "price"));
    _spm = (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileArsenal" >> _x >> "spm"));
    _totalCost = (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileArsenal" >> _x >> "price"));
    _price = _price + round(_totalCost * _spm);

4. In your custom folder (SPM) open: 

Line 56 above (_inventoryLoadProgress) add:
_spm = getNumber(missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileArsenal" >> _itemClassName >> "spm");

Replace line 132-133:
 _sellPrice = floor ( _salesPrice * 0.5);
_sellPrice = floor ( _salesPrice * _spm);
5. In your custom folder (SPM) open: ExileClient_gui_wasteDumpDialog_event_onModeDropDownSelectionChanged.sqf

Delete line 29:
_revenue = _revenue * 0.5; 

6. Extract exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_trading_network_sellItemRequest.sqf

Add under line 38 (_salesPrice):
_spm = getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileArsenal" >> _itemClassName >> "spm");

 Change line 76-77:
_sellPrice = floor ( _salesPrice * 0.5);
_sellPrice = floor ( _salesPrice * _spm);

7. Extract exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_trading_network_wasteDumpRequest.sqf
Delete line 52:
_revenue = _revenue * 0.5; 

8. Repack exile_server

(Thanks to @CassiusMaximus for the rewrite)

Any problems just ask or P.M.
Good Luck!

- VJ -


Q. How does exile handle the sell price?
A. It takes the buy price in the mission config and times it by 0.5 making it 50% of the buy price.

Q. So how did you overcome this?
A. I replaced the 0.5 with a spm creating the new sell price which is set by you in the mission config.

Q. Do I need to add spm="0.5"; to all the prices?
A. Yes if you don't the item will throw an error 0.5 is exiles default.

spm="0.01"; = 1% of the buy price.

spm="0.5"; = 50% of the buy price.

spm="1"; = 100% of the buy price.

Anything set above 1 will cause the item to sell more than what it buys for.

I'll add some code to prevent this in the future.


Edited by - VJ -
(Thanks to @CassiusMaximus for the rewrite)
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if i want to put this in and only use it for special vehicles..can it be done?

i want to put gunner choppers in but want them high price and tax..but nothing else in game i want to cost tax

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I belive so :

class ITEM { quality = 2; price = 10; };


class ITEM { quality = 2; price = 100; tax = 0.5; }; // Price * tax =  sell price [e.g 100 * 0.5 = 50]


Just dont add tax to every item, but only to vehicles. If it doesnt work i suggest set all prices tax to 0.0 and then just raise the vehicle tax to whatever you want it to be.

BTW Awesome addition @- VJ - !

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@[OMG]Slim Thanks

@humpabry class ITEM { quality = 2; price = 100; tax = 0.5; }; // 0.5 is default 0.2 would be 20% of the buy price 0.8 would be 80% of the buy price 2.0 = 200% you should get the point.

BUT you need the tax in the prices or the item will throw an error.

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copy ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_updateInventoryListBox.sqf from  exile_client\code copy to the root or a folder in exile.altis

where is this file? dont see it anywhere :/

got it...morning goggles gone so my eyes open now ;p

Edited by humpabry

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