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About CassiusMaximus

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  1. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Horbin, Is there a toggle for zombie/AI kill messages? Also can player watch spawn a mission in front of the player? Just wondering. Thanks.
  2. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Thanks Horbin. AllDeadorGone sounds like a good idea tho, it could be a trigger to detect when no players are left standing or abandoned the mission.
  3. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Horbin, What is the proper way to use the reinforce trigger? I tried setting it up as: ["REINF", ["Reinforce", 50, "reinforcements"] ],But RPT trows up an error saying: Trigger Data::Definitions:Name/Trigger Pair : invalid Trigger name. Found Reinforce" I also can't seem to find any info on the trigger ["AllDeadorGone"]. And a final question, is there a side I can setup AI to be friendly to players but attack enemy AI or zeds? Thanks!
  4. Please don't. It will turn this mod into minecraft, and will only attract a bunch of children.
  5. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Horbin, Is it possible to have multiple playerwatch themes running on different timer checks? I tried but was unsuccessful. An idea / feature request, would be to make it so we can have these settings separate for each mission under PlayerWatch: FuMS_PlayerWatch_CheckTime = 300; FuMS_PlayerWatch_CheckChance = 50; FuMS_PlayerWatch_DespawnRange = 1500; FuMS_PlayerWatch_NotifyPlayer = false; I'm not sure how difficult that would be for you to implement but it would be nice to be able to at least set a different mission spawn chance for each mission. Thanks!
  6. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Check your themes/zombies.sqf and make sure all your zombies spawn groups are configured as ["WEST","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"].
  7. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    I believe those are common errors unrelated to the issue you are having. To check if the zombies are spawning or not make sure to set both these values to true in zombies.sqf in your theme folder: true, // Notify players via global message - hint screen on right of game display - true, // Show encounter area on the map
  8. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    I just need a way to avoid the bug I mentioned above. I'm running over 10 instances of the same mission on a map but they will sometimes spawn more than once on the same city. The AI random offset was just a thought but I can live without it.
  9. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Horbin, I got a question/feature request. Is there a way to use a random offset for spawning zeds/troops? I found a clever way to populate a town with your script but if the spawning position was a bit more random it would be less predictable. Also I think I found a bug on mission selection when you pick option 4/5 to spawn all missions at once the script will spawn the same mission on some cities more than once randomly and you'll end up with twice as many spawns on some missions. I ended up having to specify each city along with the missions as a work around. When you get a chance I would love to get a better explanation on how to dump the city names so I can enter each manually. Thank you.
  10. CassiusMaximus

    Support for cba a3

    It's been tested and proven that the problem lies with Exile not using the new standard StackedEventHandler, and yet there seems to be an unwillingness to fix the problem. I'm not gonna lose any sleep if you think I'm a douche for pointing that out.
  11. CassiusMaximus

    Support for cba a3

    I'm not demanding anything. It's a FEATURE WISHES FORUM. Are you that mentally challenged or did you just troll me? I can't decide.
  12. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    I guess you could enable the first option (Notify players via Radio Message) and disable the second option ( Notify players via global message). That would disable the message in the center of the screen but they would still be notified via radio message in chat. If you want to restyle the message box that's a question for Horbin.
  13. CassiusMaximus

    bAdmin - In-Game Admin Menu from A3W

    Anyone have a work around for this? Hard to test missions and scripts when you are getting mauled by zeds.
  14. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Unpack FuMS.pbo and look in your mission theme folder (I.E. Themes/Zombies) and edit the mission file (Zombies.sqf) the part that says [// NOTIFICATION Messages and Map display Control. false, "ALL", 0, // Notify players via Radio Message, radio channel, range from encounter center (0=unlimited. false, // Notify players via global message false,// Show encounter area on the map 30, // Win delay: Time in seconds after a WIN before mission cleanup is performed 10 // Lose delay: Time in seconds after a lose before mission cleanup is performed //NOTE: the above delay must occur before the mission is considered 'complete' by the mission manager control loop. ], // Spawn Mission Message ["Zombie Horde", // title line "A town has become infected!", // title line, do not remove these! "The source of the infection must be destroyed." //description/radio message. ], // Mission Success Message ["Mission Success", "", "The source of the horde has been destroyed." ], // Mission Failure Message ["Mission Failure!", Unpack FuMS.pbo and in your mission theme folder (I.E. Themes/Zombies) replace the contents of the mission file (Zombies.sqf) with:
  15. CassiusMaximus

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Horbin, Is there a place where I can find a list with the names of the Capitals, Cities and Villages used by the mod? After digging up the docs you provided I think I found the trigger I was looking for: ["Reinforce",chance,"<fileName>"]Is this is similar to spawning a child mission but with a random chance?