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About Jagarha

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  1. Jagarha

    Explosive Prices

    Just had this idea while talking with people from my server about the new vehicle storage/prices.... (also w/ the understanding that server admins can change default prices). Just trying to make it a little less work for them to do. Shouldn't the prices of explosives be balanced out in conjunction with the cost of the vehicles? Kart...2k, HMMTT...54k, Huron...50k.. Explosive charge...700, Explosive Satchel...1k. So anyone that can afford a go kart...can go destroy anyone's hard earned work (that nice 50k chopper x 2). Just saying that if one aspect of the game is going to be "balanced" out, shouldn't the half that can counter it also be "balanced" ?
  2. Is there a voting option to see which side of the argument has more voices (increasing or decreasing sizes)? Will these changes be made at the same time as the cargo drop implementation? What about for vehicles that have more items then the proposed changes? I'm sure there are people who don't sit on here following all the heated debates and conversations before their servers are updated. Yes its early stages or whatever, but losing anything because of a change in gameplay can put anyone off to that specific game ever again.
  3. Jagarha

    Question about Flags

    Thanks alot guys! Awesome help!
  4. Jagarha

    Question about Flags

    this leads to another question...if the admin removes the flag or they dont pay the protection money..do all the walls instantly despawn or gradually?
  5. Jagarha

    Question about Flags

    Did a search, couldn't find answer though. Is it possible to destroy other territory flags? We have a group that left the server, leaving their base behind. Without pestering the admin, we were going to try and remove their base but are unsure if flag is destroyable. Thank you!
  6. Yes, those are happening with the newest version.
  7. Did a search, didn't see this listed anywhere. 1) After exiting a vehicle, it keeps the steering wheel (or passenger seat) icon next to your name. (only visible in squad) 2) Sometimes it takes multiple attempts to lock a vehicle (or just not being able to period). Relogging fixes both of these issues, atleast able to lock the first vehicle we approach. Doors do not appear to be affected. 3) Items are sometimes disappearing if after we craft them if packs are full. Do not appear to be dropping on ground anywhere. Have been testing w/ making planks, first noticed when I attempted to build a fortification upgrade. Onesie, twosies work, but when I attempted to craft 9, the pop up showed up and all i had was empty inventory. (other items remained, just no wood) No longer have the pop up in the bottom left for locking/unlocking or the nice chirp from the vehicles that was there for a little bit EDIT: using newest version "Pitaya"