Hi! Im having an urgent issue. It's a very weird issue that I have never experience before both server side and client side. But it seems like older vehicles that have been used alot in the past on my server leaks fuel even if the engien if turned off. The vehicle is fully repaired and I have even repaired it with infiSTAR admin tools and it still leaks fuel when the engien is off.
Want to point out that this happen to all vehicles, not only the modded.. The vanilla ones are included to on this problem
Hi! Im having an urgent issue. It's a very weird issue that I have never experience before both server side and client side. But it seems like older vehicles that have been used alot in the past on my server leaks fuel even if the engien if turned off. The vehicle is fully repaired and I have even repaired it with infiSTAR admin tools and it still leaks fuel when the engien is off.
Want to point out that this happen to all vehicles, not only the modded.. The vanilla ones are included to on this problem
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