
Trader price over 1 million fix?

12 posts in this topic

I may have missed the post but couldn't find anything about it - sorry if I did!

I am having an issue with the traders that I would like to fix. In the game if the price is over 1 million it shows up as: "1e+006", 10 million as "1e+007" etc, is there a way to fix this so that it will show up normally (1000000) or even slightly differently such as 1m or something similar? Any help appreciated!


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it can be mind boggling especially to a 64 year old man with constant back pain that has trouble remembering what he did 10 minutes ago nevermind yesterday or how " exponential forms" work.. :,q no offence but you gotta try and see the other side of the picture

it's difficult for me nevermind people who are mentally challenged weather it be cause of age or any other reason.
anyways have fun with yer unlimited power mr.palpatine ;D :P

also. i have the same problem and so does many other server i have been on so it would be extremely helpful if it were fixed!

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  • Fixed: Poptab values (on character, in locker, and maximum capacity) on the locker dialog menu will no longer take exponent form.

Found - 

EDIT: Apparently it might not take effect on the update. 

Edited by The Raging Kerfuffle

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Dude is toxic...


For locker, try that:

_lockerAmount = player getVariable ["ExileLocker", 0] call BIS_fnc_NumberText;

BIS_fnc_NumberText should also work for traders.


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@WURSTKETTE thank you so much for finding this and posting some help :q :) however would it be possible for you to point out where that code is supposed to go? i could imagine the init.sqf file maybe but i have no idea D:
any further help what so ever would be massively appreciated!

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