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  1. Hia there. i am working on a Esseker Reborn Server currently and everything is going fairly well, but i have a bit of an issue with the loot system used by exile reborn.. any chance of changing the loot system used by exile reborn from "CfgLootTables" to the vanilla "CfgExileLootServer"? cause i have barely any idea of how to modify and use the custom loot tables and knowing Arma like i do i fear that it would be a massive pain in the a** to wing it by myself.. however if there is a way to get it back to vanilla then i can use the loot compiler tool which is way easier : ) on top of all that, the scavenging system used by reborn is just not working for me what so ever, therefore i am trying to use a 3'rd party scavenge addon but it by default uses custom loot classes defined the vanilla way in CfgExileLootServer. it does however recognize the loot classes in CfgLootTables but then i'm back to the issue of it being sh**... both loot wise being plain and near-impossible to configure any help would be massively appreciated!! i already had a look around the files and cannot find anything. this is a snippet of my exile_server_config config.cpp Even if i have both enabled like they are in this snippet, the scavenge addon cannot see/find the loot class tables in CfgExileLootServer when configured to the default settings, but if i switch it to something in CfgLootTables like CivillianLowerClass then it works as intended. just not the intended loot.. so i am presuming that since reborn is what introduces the CfgLootTables file and class that it is the cause of this magical trickery :,q this is my lootTable.hpp Edit: 3161 Lines this is my CfgExileLootServer.hpp Edit: 1408 Lines also.. while i am here. i got some wierd issues with ExAd.. i can use it fairly fine. statsbar and all, however as soon as i try putting the exad_core.pbo or any other one needing the core.. it freaks out giving me this on repeat making the server get stuck in the loading screen unable to fully start up as it gets stuck in some kind of restart loop and it just keeps repeating forever never letting the server rest for a second.. once i left it running through the night accidentally and found the logfile at around 16 thousand lines saying out of memory x,D :,q poor thing And here is my whole logfile if anyone wants to torture themselves :,q

    Exile 1.0.4a - 1.82 Tanoa EarthQuake Bug

    hmm. i suppose it was. sorry for not replying sooner but i left servermaking for a few months but back at it now :q don't remember if i ever even got this fixed or not. if it was fixed then surely it was something somewhere else than the sqf file itself like you suggested, thanks for the tip though. setting up exile reborn in 1.0.4 currently, it is absolute hell so far x,) damned custom loot tables... DEVILSPAWN!
  3. 17:06:20 "ExileServer - Earth Quake - Rumble 4..." 17:06:24 Error in expression < = selectRandom allPlayers; if !(isNull _player) then { _buildings = _player ne> 17:06:24 Error position: <_player) then { _buildings = _player ne> 17:06:24 Error Undefined variable in expression: _player 17:06:24 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_event_earthQuake_start.sqf, line 23

    Trader price over 1 million fix?

    hia bloody crapping hell wurst x,D :,q Sorry for the late reply btw but i sorta abandoned the server after it game me a couple mountains of shit, bugs and errors.. :,p just come back to setting the server up as the tank dlc is out and i magically managed to find the poxy file that the code has to go into.. D,': thanks again ever so much for the assistance wurst and the others. now i just gotta try to find out where the hell the call function for the trader prices are.. :,q i really cannot believe that the exile dev's have not done something about this already... the damn things been out for years and yet they instead choose to steal ideas of virtual garage, grinding and hacking... just great... and also one last thing.. cause i don't want to be "one of those" assholes the file you need to change is in the @Exile mod not the @exile_server mod @Exile\exile_client.pbo\code\ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_show.sqf have it server-side of course, or so i believe.. we shall find out soon when i actually test it if someone knows where the trader price call function thingy is then please help out <3 xoxo

    Trader price over 1 million fix?

    @WURSTKETTE thank you so much for finding this and posting some help :q however would it be possible for you to point out where that code is supposed to go? i could imagine the init.sqf file maybe but i have no idea D: any further help what so ever would be massively appreciated!

    Trader price over 1 million fix?

    it can be mind boggling especially to a 64 year old man with constant back pain that has trouble remembering what he did 10 minutes ago nevermind yesterday or how " exponential forms" work.. :,q no offence but you gotta try and see the other side of the picture it's difficult for me nevermind people who are mentally challenged weather it be cause of age or any other reason. anyways have fun with yer unlimited power mr.palpatine ;D also. i have the same problem and so does many other server i have been on so it would be extremely helpful if it were fixed!

    Ammo and flares display in HUD

    yes please. bump bump :,q have been looking around a bunch for an hour or so and can't find anything useful... really hope it has not just been forgotten since this post is about a year old now i found out how to enable the hud and stuff in sp etc etc but i have read that exile blocks it, at least the hud part. (for some reason exile (when using standard flight model..) blocks the standard flight on all vtol's but heli's and planes are fine.. :q) it would be perfect if i could somehow enable the hud but without the actuall advanced flight mechanics :q or just some mod that adds some flight hud would be sweet

    Advanced flight controls - HUD

    god dammit.. i hate it when post's are just abandoned... fml bumpedybump a 2 year old post yayayayyy