
Safe kits not working

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Hey guys, the issue im having is recently the safe kits are not showing the option to lock, unlock or change pin. the only thing i can do is pack the safe but even that doesn't work for some reason. The default code is 0000 but once thats entered it just says "wrong code" and refuses to pack. any ideas?

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Make sure you see it in the database and in config.cpp in the mission file you should see this


    class Safe
        targetType = 2;
        target = "Exile_Container_Safe";
        class Actions
            class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Scan Lock";
                condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
                action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
            class Lock : ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Lock";
                condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
                action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
            class Unlock : ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Unlock";
                condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1)";
                action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
            class Pack : ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Pack";
                condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
                action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_container_pack";
            class SetPinCode : ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Set PIN";
                condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
                action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_lock_setPin";
            class HackSafe : ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Hack Safe";
                condition = "call ExAd_fnc_canHackSafe";
                action = "_this spawn ExAd_fnc_startHack";

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