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HellBz last won the day on June 30 2017

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About HellBz

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  • Birthday 12/02/1989

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  1. HellBz

    Persistent Tree Chopping

    ähm bRO
  2. HellBz

    Persistent Tree Chopping

  3. HellBz

    Exile Default and Custom Container Loot System

    i dont get any Hold action Boxes Spawn, but Cannot Acces it.
  4. HellBz

    Accurate Restart Time Calculator

    Now it works... ExileServerStartTime = parseSimpleArray ("extDB3" callExtension "9:LOCAL_TIME"); publicVariable "ExileServerStartTime"; changed to.... ExileServerStartTime = (parseSimpleArray ("extDB3" callExtension "9:LOCAL_TIME")) select 1; publicVariable "ExileServerStartTime"; NOPE NOT Work if Restarts after 24:00 O Clock... Solotion for Restarttimes like [6,18] after This: _aOn = [6,18]; // Military Time startHour = ExileServerStartTime select 3; startMinute = ExileServerStartTime select 4; startSecond = ExileServerStartTime select 5; correcto = []; { if(startHour < _x and startHour != 24) then { correcto pushBack _x; }; } forEach _aOn; Add This Code Snipped to: _aOn = [6,18]; // Military Time startHour = ExileServerStartTime select 3; startMinute = ExileServerStartTime select 4; startSecond = ExileServerStartTime select 5; correcto = []; { if(startHour < _x and startHour != 24) then { correcto pushBack _x; }; } forEach _aOn; //Fix if you Cross the 24:00 mark if ( count correcto == 0 ) then { { if( 0 < _x and startHour != 24) then { correcto pushBack ( _x + 24 ); }; } forEach _aOn; };
  5. HellBz

    Accurate Restart Time Calculator

    Currently not Working, shows ONLY scalar Nan:Any You Know why
  6. Mines be Only by Players, if the Player Disconnects, de Mine will be despawn. Will not Work.. i Think
  7. The Server Side File ExileServer_object_construction_network_buildConstructionRequest Calls in Line 25 This File from Client: _canBuildHereResult = [configName _constructionConfig, (ASLtoAGL (ATLtoASL _objectPosition)), getPlayerUID _playerObject] call ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere; and the Result are The Throws And in LIne 81 the Exile Toast. i Hope i can Help You @Alexis
  8. nope currently nope you can costumize this for extBase Mod Only for Stock Exile
  9. Look here in My Post @kidesh ...
  10. I Inspired by @110 to set a Limit for all Containers or Installable Supply-Boxes for a Base for each Level. And thx for Testing and mutch Help @110 Here you can Setup Limited Safes, Crates, Ternts and Supplyboxes per Baselevel developed by @HellBz BaseLevel Number of Safes Number of Supply Boxes Number of Crates Number of Tents 1 5 1 5 5 2 7 2 5 5 3 9 3 5 5 4 11 4 5 5 5 14 5 10 10 6 16 6 10 10 7 18 7 10 10 8 20 8 15 15 9 22 9 15 15 10 25 10 15 15 GitHub-Code: https://github.com/HellBz/Exile-Limited-Container-SupplyBoxes GitHub-Download: https://github.com/HellBz/Exile-Limited-Container-SupplyBoxes/archive/1.0.zip Discord: discord.gg/Jt9Gmj9 If you have any Qestion of Feature Wishes, feel free to Post. If You Like this, you can give this Thread a Like. All Players and Server-Oweners have fun with Exile. All Server Owners have fun with limit the Containers for Players Best Regards, HellBz
  11. HellBz

    Spawnen nicht möglich

    Aber es geht auch mit extDB3
  12. HellBz

    Spawnen nicht möglich

    hast du geupdatet auf 64 Bit also mit extDB3 Weil da ahabe ich auch einen Fehler gehabt, der recht Simpel zu lösen ist, damals konnte ich auch nicht Spawnen. Es kam die Auswahl von Spawn Positionen, wenn überhaupt, der Server hat eine Session erstellt, und dan bin ich geflogen. Problem war damals glaube ich, es wurde kein Player Profil in der DB erstellt.
  13. HellBz

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    This Serverside: "UAV_05" remoteExecCall ["playSound"];