
NEW A3_DMS STATIC MISSION (defent mission system)

6 posts in this topic

So i created my first static AI mission for DMS mission sytem.  It's called the Military Raid it is a basic military instalation that is spawned in using DMS but can also be occupied by VEMFReloaded, all setings can be configured to your liking.

Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwnDum6odAHIRDdIWXJ6RldZNTA

1.  Copy Military_Raid.sqf into a3_dms.pbo missions/static
2.  Copy Military_Raid_buildings.sqf into a3_dms.pbo objects/static
3.  Extract  map_configs/altis_config.sqf
4. Find
 DMS_StaticMissionTypes append [["saltflats",1],["slums",1]];
 Change to (or add extra)
 DMS_StaticMissionTypes append [["saltflats",1],["slums",1],["Military_Raid",1]];
5. Find
 DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart append ["saltflatsbase","slums_objects"];
 Change to (or add extra)
 DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart append ["saltflatsbase","slums_objects","Military_Raid_buildings"];
6. Repack altis_config.sqf into PBO
7.  Put a3_dms.pbo into /@ExileServer/addons/ on server and start.





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We are having a problem with the ammo truck on our server. Everytime the mission is completed by players, as soon as one gets into the ammo truck , they cant get out and they cant access the loot either in the ammo truck. This has been happening since i put it on from the start so its not something that has developed over time. How can we cure it

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On ‎14‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 11:48 PM, hogansheroes said:

ive noticed that ammo truck has been giving me issues also even if it has been whitelisted and so on . so is there away to change that truck maybe to something else

I have not added any vehicles into the mapping as there is an issue that although you map in a locked truck, it doesn't stop people getting into it >>> just out again after!

I even removed the sub on an island mission of someone else as it suffered the same issue, the easiest way to put in a truck is via the mission, sorry for treading on toes but I would change it like this.


In Military_Raid_Buildings.sqf find and delete this line completely, save and put back into PBO.




Open Military_Raid.sqf and paste in the following


 "Military Raid" static mission for Altis.
 Created by HeadlessRocket
 Credits to "HeadlessRocket" for creating the base.

private ["_vehicle", "_vehClass"];

// For logging purposes
_num = DMS_MissionCount;

// Set mission side (only "bandit" is supported for now)
_side = "bandit";

_pos = [12796.6,16673.9,0];

if ([_pos,DMS_StaticMinPlayerDistance] call DMS_fnc_IsPlayerNearby) exitWith {"delay"};

// Set general mission difficulty
_difficulty = "hardcore";

// Define spawn locations for AI Soldiers. These will be used for the initial spawning of AI as well as reinforcements.
// The center spawn location is added 3 times so at least 3 AI will spawn initially at the center location, and so that future reinforcements are more likely to spawn at the center.
_AISoldierSpawnLocations =

// Create AI
_AICount = 20 + (round (random 8));

_group =
 _AISoldierSpawnLocations+[_pos,_pos,_pos],   // Pass the regular spawn locations as well as the center pos 3x
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup_MultiPos;

_staticGuns =
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIStaticMG;


// Define the classnames and locations where the crates can spawn (at least 2, since we're spawning 2 crates)
_crateClasses_and_Positions =

 deleteVehicle (nearestObject _x);  // Make sure to remove any previous crates.
} forEach _crateClasses_and_Positions;

// Shuffle the list
_crateClasses_and_Positions = _crateClasses_and_Positions call ExileClient_util_array_shuffle;

// Create Crates
_crate0 = [_crateClasses_and_Positions select 0 select 1, _crateClasses_and_Positions select 0 select 0] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;
_crate1 = [_crateClasses_and_Positions select 1 select 1, _crateClasses_and_Positions select 1 select 0] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate;

// Disable smoke on the crates so that the players have to search for them >:D
 _x setVariable ["DMS_AllowSmoke", false];
} forEach [_crate0,_crate1];

// Don't think an armed AI vehicle fit the idea behind the mission. You're welcome to uncomment this if you want.
_veh =
  [_pos,100,random 360] call DMS_fnc_SelectOffsetPos,
] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIVehicle;

// Define mission-spawned AI Units
_missionAIUnits =
 _group   // We only spawned the single group for this mission

// Define the group reinforcements
_groupReinforcementsInfo =
  _group,   // pass the group
    0,  // Let's limit number of units instead...
    100, // Maximum 100 units can be given as reinforcements.
   240,  // About a 4 minute delay between reinforcements.
   10,   // Reinforcements will only trigger if there's fewer than 10 members left in the group
   7   // 7 reinforcement units per wave.

// Load in non-persistent vehicle
_vehClass = "O_Truck_02_Ammo_F";
_vehicle = [_vehClass, [[12809.3,16654.1,0],0] call DMS_fnc_SelectOffsetPos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;

// Define mission-spawned objects and loot values
_missionObjs =
 _staticGuns,   // static gun(s). Note, we don't add the base itself because it already spawns on server start.
 _vehicle1,    // non persistent vehicle

// Define Mission Start message
_msgStart = ['#FFFF00', "A small military base has been Raided KILL the raiders and claim their loot!..."];

// Define Mission Win message
_msgWIN = ['#0080ff',"Convicts have successfully rooted out the raiders and claimed the loot for themselves!"];

// Define Mission Lose message
_msgLOSE = ['#FF0000',"The raiders found what they were looking for and left..."];

// Define mission name (for map marker and logging)
_missionName = "Military Raid";

// Create Markers
_markers =
] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;

_circle = _markers select 1;
_circle setMarkerDir 20;
_circle setMarkerSize [150,150];

_time = diag_tickTime;

// Parse and add mission info to missions monitor
_added =
  DMS_StaticMissionTimeOut call DMS_fnc_SelectRandomVal
] call DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor_Static;

// Check to see if it was added correctly, otherwise delete the stuff
if !(_added) exitWith
 diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Attempt to set up mission %1 with invalid parameters for DMS_fnc_AddMissionToMonitor_Static! Deleting mission objects and resetting DMS_MissionCount.",_missionName];

 _cleanup = [];
  _cleanup pushBack _x;
 } forEach _missionAIUnits;

 _cleanup pushBack ((_missionObjs select 0)+(_missionObjs select 1));
  _cleanup pushBack (_x select 0);
 } foreach (_missionObjs select 2);

 _cleanup call DMS_fnc_CleanUp;

 // Delete the markers directly
 {deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markers;

 // Reset the mission count
 DMS_MissionCount = DMS_MissionCount - 1;

// Notify players
[_missionName,_msgStart] call DMS_fnc_BroadcastMissionStatus;


if (DMS_DEBUG) then
 (format ["MISSION: (%1) :: Mission #%2 started at %3 with %4 AI units and %5 difficulty at time %6",_missionName,_num,_pos,_AICount,_difficulty,_time]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;

not tested but should work something like this:

define some variables just to be used in this mission with:

private ["_vehicle", "_vehClass"];


then define the vehicle type and load position with (used cords from buildings file):

_vehClass = "O_Truck_02_Ammo_F";
_vehicle = [_vehClass, [[12809.3,16654.1,0],0] call DMS_fnc_SelectOffsetPos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle;


Then add into the mission objects so it would get cleaned if mission despawned with:

_missionObjs =
 _staticGuns,   // static gun(s). Note, we don't add the base itself because it already spawns on server start.
 _vehicle1,    // non persistent vehicle


I would suggest either doing it this way or just remove the  ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F",[12809.3,16654.1,0],0,[0,0,1],true], line and have no vehicle if you want an easy life.


hope that helps

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