
BEC instalation help

10 posts in this topic

I try install BEG my arma 3 exile deli server, but that close instant 

My BEC\config\config.cfg

# Set the ip to your server. normally will be fine.
Ip =

# Set the port to the server. default port is 2302
Port = 2302

# Set the path to the BattlEye directory that is currently in use by the server.
BePath = E:\Arma\battleye

# Set the path to your Admins.xml file containing your admins.
Admins = E:\Arma\BEC\Config\Admins.xml

# Set the path to your Commands.xml file.
Commands = E:\Arma\BEC\Config\Commands.xml
MaxPing 300
RConPort 2302

that are my Arma\battleye\beserver.cfg

		class RCON
			Note that for this to work you need to have serverCommandPassowrd defined in config.cfg and BE enabled

		// This needs to match config.cfg serverCommandPassword
		serverPassword = "xxxxxxxx";


taskkill /im arma3server2.exe /f
taskkill /im bec.exe /f

@echo off

set version=1.0.4 "Pineapple"
set wat=ArmA 3 Apex 1.7
set bac=Battleye Extended Controls
set BECpath = E:\Arma\BEC\bec.exe -f config.cfg

title %wat% %version% WATCHDOG
cd E:\Arma\BEC

color E

echo (%time%) %bac% STARTED...
cd /d C:\Arma\Server\BEC
start bec.exe -f Config.cfg

echo (%time%) SERVER STARTED...
start "Exile" /wait /high "E:\Arma\arma3server.exe" -servermod=@ExileServer; -mod=@Exile;@Zombies_and_Demons -port=2302 -config=E:\Arma\@ExileServer\config.cfg -BEPath=E:\Arma\battleye -profiles=logs -name=Exile -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi -autoinit -enableHT -noPause -high
timeout 7
echo (%time%) %bac% CLOSED, RESTARTING...
cd /d C:\Arma\Server\BEC
start bec.exe -f Config.cfg
echo (%time%) %bac% STARTED...
goto watchdog

That are my sserver start?

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Hello @keraaja,

Hmmm...I BET!  ;)

You need to edit your host file and add these lines:



BEC is 'dead' and when it can not check for an update, IT TERMINATES.  This 'fixes' that issue.



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and are that same reason why i cant connect BRC By infistart? i cant connect 192. or puplick ip that say "Please make sure that you properly set a password in beserver.cfg and the server is running." server i runig and same pasport are login and deserver.cfg

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@keraaja -


USE GOOGLE @keraaja!



What is a HOST file?  AGAIN USE GOOGLE!  See HERE

I do not mind helping, BUT, if you will not even do the BASIC STEPS, I am not 'inclined' to offer help nor will most others on here or anywhere else.  ;)



If you do NOT have the HOST file set as shown in my original post or in this post, when BEC starts, it will FAIL and then TERMINATE, thus it will NEVER WORK!

You MUST have this set!  IT IS REQUIRED!!!

And how do YOU make this change on YOUR RENTED SERVER???  I DO NOT KNOWYOU must ASK THEM!  Then REBOOT THE SERVER to ENSURE it reads those values in!  Sometimes, Windows will read in the new values and use them automatically.   Rebooting makes sure it does 100%.


I will also tell you that you MUST do this FIRST (HOST file)!  Even after you do this, it might not work!  You need to READ and FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS!  It DOES work, for I have used it for 3+ years with NO ISSUES except it looking for the update server which those entries in the HOST file 'fix'.




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I can not make any simpler that this!


***  As I own my server and is located at my house  ***

-MY Batch file (part of) to start BEC-

cd C:\Games\ARMA\server\Bec

C:\Games\ARMA\server\Bec\Bec.exe -f Config.cfg





# This config file is only provided as an example file.
# Edit it to sute your needs.
# For more info on how to edit this file. use the Readme.txt file or visit


# Set the ip to your server. normally will be fine.
Ip =

# Set the port to the server. default port is 2302
Port = 2316

# Set the path to the BattlEye directory that is currently in use by the server.
# BePath = D:\Server_1\BattlEye
BePath = C:\Games\ARMA\server\SC\battleye

# Set the path to your Admins.xml file containing your admins.
Admins = C:\Games\ARMA\server\BEC\Config\Admins.xml

# Set the path to your Commands.xml file.
Commands = C:\Games\ARMA\server\BEC\Config\Commands.xml


# Auto run loadbans when ban file(s) changes.
# 1 or True will turn it on.
# 0 or False will turn it off.
# If this parameter is not defined it will use False as default.

# AutoLoadBans = True
AutoLoadBans = False

# Set which type of hacks that will be added to your banlist.
# 0 = none. 1 = GameHack. 2 = Battleye Hack. 3 = both GameHack & Battleye Hack.
# value 3 is set as default if this parameter is not defined.
# Ban = 3
Ban = 0

# Set the names of your custom ban files, Separate each file with "," (comma): file1.txt, banfile2.txt, newfile.txt
# If you do not use any custom ban files. delete this option or leave this option commented.
# This option will check ban files for changes and automatic do a loadbans file when a file gets changed
# Do not specify the default bans.txt file here.
# BeCustomBanFiles = Bans1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt

# Set the height & width of Becs console window
ConsoleHeight    = 25
ConsoleWidth    = 77

# Only allow english chars.
AsciiNickOnly = False

# Only allow english chars to be typed on the chat. Note, Warnings must be enabled. 0 or more.
AsciiChatOnly = True

# If AsciiChatOnly is set True. you can define none english chars that will be accepted.
# You separate each char with a , "note you need to define lower and upper case of the chars."
IgnoreChatChars    = €,£,æ,Æ,ø,Ø,å,Å,ö,ä,ü,ß

# Set the amount of warnings a player will get before kicked. -1 is disabled. 0 instant kick
# 1 == one warning on a bad word. next bad word results in kick
# Warnings = 3
Warnings = -1

# Kick players who has listed chars in their name when they connect
DisallowPlayerNameChars    = []{}()0123456789

# Min length, kicks players who has to short name when they connect.
MinPlayerNameLength    = 3

# Max length, kicks players who has to long name when they connect.
MaxPlayerNameLength    = 16

# Set the name of your Arma3server.exe if it has been renamed from arma3server.exe to something else!
# if the exe has its original name. comment it out.
# ServerExeName = NewArmaExeName.exe

# Set path to the file containing a list of bad words. Note, Warnings must be enabled. 0 or more.
# WordFilterFile = BadWords.txt

# Set the path to the file containing whitelisted guids.
# WhiteListFile = WhiteList.txt

# Set custom whitelist kick message. Text must be in ascii letters.  MAX 58 CHARS. BE only does ascii on messages
# WhiteListKickMsg = You are not whitelisted on this server.

# Kick people with offensive names
# NickFilterFile = BadNames.txt

# Set the path to the Scheduler.xml file.
Scheduler = C:\Games\ARMA\server\BEC\Config\Scheduler.xml

# Kick people who are idleing in the lobby, kick will happen after given time, Min time is 90 sec. use 0 to disable this function.
KickLobbyIdlers    = 0

# If enabled. Bec will create separate chat files for each channel along with the main file.
#ChatChannelFiles = false

# Set the amount of Normal players who can connect. Set it to -1 to disable it.
# If set to 0 it means only players who are listed in the Admins.xml, (or whatever you call it) will be able to connect to the server.
# Quick Example 1: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins. then set SlotLimit to 45.
# Quick Example 2: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins and 5 slots for friends. then set SlotLimit to 40,
# AND edit your admins.xml. ADD in all your frineds guid and remaining data, put them in group example 100. or whatever you feel likt.
# by using this method you can give some of your friends some access to some commands if you like or none.
# in general this is works like .Whitelisting X player slots for admins and friends, while leaving the remaining Y slots for public.
SlotLimit = -1

# Set the message people will get when they try to connect and is not whitelisted. Text must be in ascii letters.
SlotLimitKickMsg = The Server has reached its player limit.

# The amount of time Bec will wait for the server to start up.
Timeout = 1

# Reporter account. Fill in the username and password for your reporter account.
# GameHacks, BattlEye Hacks will be reported to a database. all players who connect will also be checked against this database.

# Set the Username for your account
#User = alfred

# Set the Password for your account
#Password = 123456

# Set max amount of chat lines a player is allowed to send for each channel.
# Going passed the number will result in kick. -1 is disabled, 0 instant kick.
# If the number is higher than 0 players will be sent warnings.

Lobby = -1
Global = -1
Side = -1
Group = -1
Vehicle    = -1
Command    = -1
Commander = -1
Direct = -1


# Set max amount of chat lines per channel allowed within given time frame.
# Set the values to 0 to disable this function(s)

# Quick Example:
# Lobby = 5
# Lobby_Time_Lower = 10
# Lobby_Time_Upper = 15

# If the time between each new chatlines from a player is less than CHANNEL_Time_Lower the spam counter increases by + 1.
# Consider the CHANNEL (Lobby) as the spam counter.
# When a player has (CHANNEL - 1) in spam counting. a warning will be sent to whom it may concern.
# If the time between each new chatline from the player is Greater than CHANNEL_Time_Lower and Less than CHANNEL_Time_Upper the spam counter stay as it is.
# If the time since the last chatline is greater then CHANNEL_Time_Upper the spam counter is reset to 1.
# To get optimal result play around a bit with the values on your server.

Lobby = 0
Lobby_Time_Lower = 0
Lobby_Time_Upper = 0

Global = 0
Global_Time_Lower = 0
Global_Time_Upper = 0

Side = 0
Side_Time_Lower    = 0
Side_Time_Upper    = 0

Group = 2
Group_Time_Lower = 0
Group_Time_Upper = 0

Vehicle    = 0
Vehicle_Time_Lower = 0
Vehicle_Time_Upper = 0

Command = 0
Command_Time_Lower = 0
Command_Time_Upper = 0

Commander = 0
Commander_Time_Lower = 0
Commander_Time_Upper = 0

Direct = 0
Direct_Time_Lower = 0
Direct_Time_Upper = 0




RConPassword changeMe
MaxPing 300
RConIP 123.456.789.0
RConPort 1337




You are on you own now!  You see, NO ONE helped me.  I read and FOLLOWED the instructions on many websites.  You can do the same as well!



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