// Inits (executed only once all entities exist)
// Module activations (only once everything is spawned and connected)
// Export of 'Ai%20Base%20Test.Napf' by Seal6 on v0.9
ExileRouletteChairs = [];
ExileRouletteChairPositions = [];
// 1 Vehicles
private _vehicles = [
["CUP_O_BTR90_RU", [15776.8, 18679.4, 35.5397], [-0.443337, 0.895042, 0.0484953], [-0.109335, -0.107697, 0.988153], true]
private _vehicle = (_x select 0) createVehicle (_x select 1);
_vehicle allowDamage false;
_vehicle setPosWorld (_x select 1);
_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3];
_vehicle enableSimulationGlobal (_x select 4);
_vehicle setVariable ["ExileIsLocked", -1, true];
if (_vehicle isKindOf "Exile_RussianRouletteChair") then
ExileRouletteChairs pushBack _vehicle;
ExileRouletteChairPositions pushBack [_x select 1, getDir _vehicle];
forEach _vehicles;
// 0 Simple Objects
private _invisibleSelections = ["zasleh", "zasleh2", "box_nato_grenades_sign_f", "box_nato_ammoord_sign_f", "box_nato_support_sign_f"];
private _simpleObjects = [
private _simpleObject = createSimpleObject [_x select 0, _x select 1];
_simpleObject setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3];
if ((toLower _x) in _invisibleSelections) then
_simpleObject hideSelection [_x, true];
forEach (selectionNames _simpleObject);
forEach _simpleObjects;
// Init
params [["_layerWhiteList",[],[[]]],["_layerBlacklist",[],[[]]],["_posCenter",[0,0,0],[[]]],["_dir",0,[0]],["_idBlacklist",[],[[]]]];
private _allWhitelisted = _layerWhiteList isEqualTo [];
private _layerRoot = (_allWhitelisted || {true in _layerWhiteList}) && {!(true in _layerBlackList)};
// Markers
private _markers = [];
private _markerIDs = [];
// Groups
private _groups = [];
private _groupIDs = [];
private _item57 = grpNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item57 = createGroup resistance;
_this = _item57;
_groups pushback _this;
_groupIDs pushback 57;
private _item29 = grpNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item29 = createGroup east;
_this = _item29;
_groups pushback _this;
_groupIDs pushback 29;
private _item72 = grpNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item72 = createGroup east;
_this = _item72;
_groups pushback _this;
_groupIDs pushback 72;
// Objects
private _objects = [];
private _objectIDs = [];
private _item2 = objNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item2 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_BTR90_RU",[15777.1,18679.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_this = _item2;
_objects pushback _this;
_objectIDs pushback 2;
_this setPosWorld [15776.8,18679.4,35.5397];
_this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.443337,0.895042,0.0484953],[-0.109335,-0.107697,0.988153]];
Apc = _this;
_this setVehicleVarName "Apc";
[_this,"[[[[""CUP_arifle_AK74M"",""CUP_launch_RPG7V""],[4,2]],[[""CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M"",""CUP_45Rnd_TE4_LRT4_Green_Tracer_545x39_RPK_M"",""CUP_1Rnd_HE_GP25_M"",""CUP_PG7V_M"",""CUP_HandGrenade_RGD5"",""SmokeShell"",""SmokeShellOrange"",""Chemlight_red""],[20,4,10,2,4,4,4,4]],[[""FirstAidKit"",""Medikit"",""ToolKit""],[20,2,1]],[[""CUP_B_CivPack_WDL""],[8]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;;
private _item58 = objNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item58 = _item57 createUnit ["I_G_Soldier_A_F",[15561.8,19111.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_this = _item58;
_objects pushback _this;
_objectIDs pushback 58;
_this setPosWorld [15561.8,19111.8,15.6721];
_this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]];
selectPlayer _this;
_this setname "Chrystophoros Lagos";;
_this setface "GreekHead_A3_06";;
_this setspeaker "male05gre";;
_this setpitch 1.02663;;
private _item3 = objNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item3 = _item29 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Crew",[15777.1,18679.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_this = _item3;
_objects pushback _this;
_objectIDs pushback 3;
_this setPosWorld [15776.8,18679.4,35.5397];
_this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.443337,0.895042,0.0484953],[-0.109335,-0.107697,0.988153]];
ApcD = _this;
_this setVehicleVarName "ApcD";
_this setSkill 1;
_this setRank "COLONEL";
_this setname "German Derevenko";;
_this setface "WhiteHead_17";;
_this setspeaker "CUP_D_Male01_RU";;
_this setpitch 1.03;;
private _item5 = objNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item5 = _item29 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Crew",[15777.1,18679.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_this = _item5;
_objects pushback _this;
_objectIDs pushback 5;
_this setPosWorld [15776.8,18679.4,35.5397];
_this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.443337,0.895042,0.0484953],[-0.109335,-0.107697,0.988153]];
ApcC = _this;
_this setVehicleVarName "ApcC";
_this setname "Yuri Petrov";;
_this setface "WhiteHead_03";;
_this setspeaker "cup_d_male03_ru";;
_this setpitch 0.967859;;
private _item4 = objNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item4 = _item29 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Crew",[15777.1,18679.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_this = _item4;
_objects pushback _this;
_objectIDs pushback 4;
_this setPosWorld [15776.8,18679.4,35.5397];
_this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.443337,0.895042,0.0484953],[-0.109335,-0.107697,0.988153]];
ApcG = _this;
_this setVehicleVarName "ApcG";
_this setname "Viktor Kirygin";;
_this setface "WhiteHead_09";;
_this setspeaker "cup_d_male04_ru";;
_this setpitch 1.01581;;
private _item73 = objNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item73 = _item72 createUnit ["O_recon_TL_F",[15790.9,18668.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_this = _item73;
_objects pushback _this;
_objectIDs pushback 73;
_this setPosWorld [15790.9,18668.8,33.3687];
_this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]];
_this setRank "SERGEANT";
_this setname "Mufid Siddiqi";;
_this setface "PersianHead_A3_02";;
_this setspeaker "male01per";;
_this setpitch 1.0352;;
private _item74 = objNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item74 = _item72 createUnit ["O_recon_M_F",[15795.9,18663.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_this = _item74;
_objects pushback _this;
_objectIDs pushback 74;
_this setPosWorld [15795.9,18663.8,33.3537];
_this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]];
_this setSkill 0.45;
_this setRank "CORPORAL";
_this setname "Azim Karizi";;
_this setface "PersianHead_A3_03";;
_this setspeaker "male01per";;
_this setpitch 1.0146;;
private _item75 = objNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item75 = _item72 createUnit ["O_recon_medic_F",[15785.9,18663.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_this = _item75;
_objects pushback _this;
_objectIDs pushback 75;
_this setPosWorld [15785.9,18663.8,32.2732];
_this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]];
_this setSkill 0.4;
_this setname "Ali Tanwir";;
_this setface "PersianHead_A3_01";;
_this setspeaker "male01per";;
_this setpitch 0.97729;;
private _item76 = objNull;
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item76 = _item72 createUnit ["O_recon_F",[15800.9,18658.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
_this = _item76;
_objects pushback _this;
_objectIDs pushback 76;
_this setPosWorld [15800.9,18658.8,33.3355];
_this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]];
_this setSkill 0.4;
_this setname "Hasan Khara";;
_this setface "PersianHead_A3_01";;
_this setspeaker "male01per";;
_this setpitch 1.00233;;
// Triggers
private _triggers = [];
private _triggerIDs = [];
// Group attributes (applied only once group units exist)
_this = _item57;
if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then {
[_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0];
[_this, "Alpha 1-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign;
_this = _item29;
if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then {
[_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0];
[_this, "Alpha 1-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign;
_this = _item72;
if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then {
[_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0];
[_this, "Alpha 1-2"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign;
// Waypoints
private _waypoints = [];
private _waypointIDs = [];
private _item30 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item30 = _item29 addWaypoint [[15558,19235.7,1.90735e-006],0];
_this = _item30;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 30;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item31 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item31 = _item29 addWaypoint [[15555.7,19602.6,0],0];
_this = _item31;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 31;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item32 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item32 = _item29 addWaypoint [[15675.8,19777.1,3.8147e-006],0];
_this = _item32;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 32;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item33 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item33 = _item29 addWaypoint [[15827.7,19653.5,0],0];
_this = _item33;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 33;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item34 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item34 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16018.5,19582.8,0],0];
_this = _item34;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 34;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item35 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item35 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16193.4,19480.4,0],0];
_this = _item35;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 35;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item36 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item36 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16446,19068.2,1.90735e-006],0];
_this = _item36;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 36;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item37 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item37 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16520,18898.4,-1.90735e-006],0];
_this = _item37;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 37;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item38 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item38 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16526.2,18654.4,-1.90735e-006],0];
_this = _item38;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 38;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item39 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item39 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16549.6,18621.2,-1.90735e-006],0];
_this = _item39;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 39;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item40 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item40 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16644.9,18544.2,0],0];
_this = _item40;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 40;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item41 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item41 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16663.3,18518,1.90735e-006],0];
_this = _item41;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 41;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item42 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item42 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16680.3,18432.6,0],0];
_this = _item42;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 42;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item43 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item43 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16743.9,18357.7,-1.90735e-006],0];
_this = _item43;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 43;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item44 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item44 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16750.3,18351.2,0],0];
_this = _item44;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 44;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item45 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item45 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16804.4,18425,0],0];
_this = _item45;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 45;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item46 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item46 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16878.1,18529,0],0];
_this = _item46;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 46;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item47 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item47 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16924.7,18665.7,0],0];
_this = _item47;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 47;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item48 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item48 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17009.7,18854,0],0];
_this = _item48;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 48;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item49 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item49 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17038.1,18873.3,0],0];
_this = _item49;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 49;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item50 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item50 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17086.7,18853,0],0];
_this = _item50;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 50;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item51 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item51 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17112.7,18814,0],0];
_this = _item51;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 51;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item53 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item53 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17144.9,18735.8,0],0];
_this = _item53;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 53;
_this setWaypointType "Loiter";
private _item77 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item77 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15771.6,18767.6,0],0];
_this = _item77;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 77;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item78 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item78 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15785.1,18856.3,0],0];
_this = _item78;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 78;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item79 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item79 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15798,18997.8,0],0];
_this = _item79;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 79;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item80 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item80 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15732.4,19055.7,0],0];
_this = _item80;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 80;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item81 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item81 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15644.9,19148.3,1.90735e-006],0];
_this = _item81;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 81;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item82 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item82 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15594.7,19246.7,-3.8147e-006],0];
_this = _item82;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 82;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item83 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item83 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15583.7,19381.4,0],0];
_this = _item83;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 83;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item84 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item84 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15712.9,19668.4,0],0];
_this = _item84;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 84;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item85 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item85 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15699.8,19692.6,3.8147e-006],0];
_this = _item85;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 85;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item86 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item86 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15698.5,19731.1,0],0];
_this = _item86;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 86;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item87 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item87 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15699.4,19764.7,-3.8147e-006],0];
_this = _item87;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 87;
_this setWaypointType "Move";
private _item88 = [];
if (_layerRoot) then {
_item88 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15668.6,19822.4,0],0];
_this = _item88;
_waypoints pushback _this;
_waypointIDs pushback 88;
_this setWaypointType "Loiter";
// Logics
private _logics = [];
private _logicIDs = [];
// Layers
// Crews
if (!isNull _item3 && !isNull _item2) then {_item3 moveInDriver _item2;};
if (!isNull _item4 && !isNull _item2) then {_item4 moveInTurret [_item2,[0]];};
if (!isNull _item5 && !isNull _item2) then {_item5 moveInTurret [_item2,[0,0]];};
// Connections
// Inits (executed only once all entities exist)
// Module activations (only once everything is spawned and connected)
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