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  1. could you tell me where i could change the position of the loot crate? @kuplion
  2. Seal

    Where do i put these Ai _wp at?

    // Export of 'Ai%20Base%20Test.Napf' by Seal6 on v0.9 ExileRouletteChairs = []; ExileRouletteChairPositions = []; // 1 Vehicles private _vehicles = [ ["CUP_O_BTR90_RU", [15776.8, 18679.4, 35.5397], [-0.443337, 0.895042, 0.0484953], [-0.109335, -0.107697, 0.988153], true] ]; { private _vehicle = (_x select 0) createVehicle (_x select 1); _vehicle allowDamage false; _vehicle setPosWorld (_x select 1); _vehicle setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3]; _vehicle enableSimulationGlobal (_x select 4); _vehicle setVariable ["ExileIsLocked", -1, true]; if (_vehicle isKindOf "Exile_RussianRouletteChair") then { ExileRouletteChairs pushBack _vehicle; ExileRouletteChairPositions pushBack [_x select 1, getDir _vehicle]; }; } forEach _vehicles; // 0 Simple Objects private _invisibleSelections = ["zasleh", "zasleh2", "box_nato_grenades_sign_f", "box_nato_ammoord_sign_f", "box_nato_support_sign_f"]; private _simpleObjects = [ ]; { private _simpleObject = createSimpleObject [_x select 0, _x select 1]; _simpleObject setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3]; { if ((toLower _x) in _invisibleSelections) then { _simpleObject hideSelection [_x, true]; }; } forEach (selectionNames _simpleObject); } forEach _simpleObjects; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init params [["_layerWhiteList",[],[[]]],["_layerBlacklist",[],[[]]],["_posCenter",[0,0,0],[[]]],["_dir",0,[0]],["_idBlacklist",[],[[]]]]; private _allWhitelisted = _layerWhiteList isEqualTo []; private _layerRoot = (_allWhitelisted || {true in _layerWhiteList}) && {!(true in _layerBlackList)}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Markers private _markers = []; private _markerIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Groups private _groups = []; private _groupIDs = []; private _item57 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item57 = createGroup resistance; _this = _item57; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 57; }; private _item29 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item29 = createGroup east; _this = _item29; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 29; }; private _item72 = grpNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item72 = createGroup east; _this = _item72; _groups pushback _this; _groupIDs pushback 72; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Objects private _objects = []; private _objectIDs = []; private _item2 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item2 = createVehicle ["CUP_O_BTR90_RU",[15777.1,18679.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item2; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 2; _this setPosWorld [15776.8,18679.4,35.5397]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.443337,0.895042,0.0484953],[-0.109335,-0.107697,0.988153]]; Apc = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "Apc"; [_this,"[[[[""CUP_arifle_AK74M"",""CUP_launch_RPG7V""],[4,2]],[[""CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M"",""CUP_45Rnd_TE4_LRT4_Green_Tracer_545x39_RPK_M"",""CUP_1Rnd_HE_GP25_M"",""CUP_PG7V_M"",""CUP_HandGrenade_RGD5"",""SmokeShell"",""SmokeShellOrange"",""Chemlight_red""],[20,4,10,2,4,4,4,4]],[[""FirstAidKit"",""Medikit"",""ToolKit""],[20,2,1]],[[""CUP_B_CivPack_WDL""],[8]]],false]"] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;; }; private _item58 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item58 = _item57 createUnit ["I_G_Soldier_A_F",[15561.8,19111.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item58; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 58; _this setPosWorld [15561.8,19111.8,15.6721]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; selectPlayer _this; _this setname "Chrystophoros Lagos";; _this setface "GreekHead_A3_06";; _this setspeaker "male05gre";; _this setpitch 1.02663;; }; private _item3 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item3 = _item29 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Crew",[15777.1,18679.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item3; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 3; _this setPosWorld [15776.8,18679.4,35.5397]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.443337,0.895042,0.0484953],[-0.109335,-0.107697,0.988153]]; ApcD = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "ApcD"; _this setSkill 1; _this setRank "COLONEL"; _this setname "German Derevenko";; _this setface "WhiteHead_17";; _this setspeaker "CUP_D_Male01_RU";; _this setpitch 1.03;; }; private _item5 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item5 = _item29 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Crew",[15777.1,18679.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item5; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 5; _this setPosWorld [15776.8,18679.4,35.5397]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.443337,0.895042,0.0484953],[-0.109335,-0.107697,0.988153]]; ApcC = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "ApcC"; _this setname "Yuri Petrov";; _this setface "WhiteHead_03";; _this setspeaker "cup_d_male03_ru";; _this setpitch 0.967859;; }; private _item4 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item4 = _item29 createUnit ["CUP_O_RU_Crew",[15777.1,18679.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item4; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 4; _this setPosWorld [15776.8,18679.4,35.5397]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.443337,0.895042,0.0484953],[-0.109335,-0.107697,0.988153]]; ApcG = _this; _this setVehicleVarName "ApcG"; _this setname "Viktor Kirygin";; _this setface "WhiteHead_09";; _this setspeaker "cup_d_male04_ru";; _this setpitch 1.01581;; }; private _item73 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item73 = _item72 createUnit ["O_recon_TL_F",[15790.9,18668.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item73; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 73; _this setPosWorld [15790.9,18668.8,33.3687]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setRank "SERGEANT"; _this setname "Mufid Siddiqi";; _this setface "PersianHead_A3_02";; _this setspeaker "male01per";; _this setpitch 1.0352;; }; private _item74 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item74 = _item72 createUnit ["O_recon_M_F",[15795.9,18663.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item74; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 74; _this setPosWorld [15795.9,18663.8,33.3537]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.45; _this setRank "CORPORAL"; _this setname "Azim Karizi";; _this setface "PersianHead_A3_03";; _this setspeaker "male01per";; _this setpitch 1.0146;; }; private _item75 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item75 = _item72 createUnit ["O_recon_medic_F",[15785.9,18663.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item75; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 75; _this setPosWorld [15785.9,18663.8,32.2732]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.4; _this setname "Ali Tanwir";; _this setface "PersianHead_A3_01";; _this setspeaker "male01per";; _this setpitch 0.97729;; }; private _item76 = objNull; if (_layerRoot) then { _item76 = _item72 createUnit ["O_recon_F",[15800.9,18658.7,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _this = _item76; _objects pushback _this; _objectIDs pushback 76; _this setPosWorld [15800.9,18658.8,33.3355]; _this setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]; _this setSkill 0.4; _this setname "Hasan Khara";; _this setface "PersianHead_A3_01";; _this setspeaker "male01per";; _this setpitch 1.00233;; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Triggers private _triggers = []; private _triggerIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Group attributes (applied only once group units exist) _this = _item57; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item29; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-1"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; _this = _item72; if !(units _this isEqualTo []) then { [_this,0] setWaypointPosition [position leader _this,0]; [_this, "Alpha 1-2"] call CBA_fnc_setCallsign; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Waypoints private _waypoints = []; private _waypointIDs = []; private _item30 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item30 = _item29 addWaypoint [[15558,19235.7,1.90735e-006],0]; _this = _item30; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 30; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item31 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item31 = _item29 addWaypoint [[15555.7,19602.6,0],0]; _this = _item31; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 31; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item32 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item32 = _item29 addWaypoint [[15675.8,19777.1,3.8147e-006],0]; _this = _item32; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 32; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item33 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item33 = _item29 addWaypoint [[15827.7,19653.5,0],0]; _this = _item33; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 33; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item34 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item34 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16018.5,19582.8,0],0]; _this = _item34; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 34; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item35 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item35 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16193.4,19480.4,0],0]; _this = _item35; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 35; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item36 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item36 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16446,19068.2,1.90735e-006],0]; _this = _item36; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 36; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item37 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item37 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16520,18898.4,-1.90735e-006],0]; _this = _item37; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 37; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item38 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item38 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16526.2,18654.4,-1.90735e-006],0]; _this = _item38; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 38; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item39 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item39 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16549.6,18621.2,-1.90735e-006],0]; _this = _item39; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 39; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item40 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item40 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16644.9,18544.2,0],0]; _this = _item40; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 40; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item41 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item41 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16663.3,18518,1.90735e-006],0]; _this = _item41; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 41; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item42 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item42 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16680.3,18432.6,0],0]; _this = _item42; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 42; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item43 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item43 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16743.9,18357.7,-1.90735e-006],0]; _this = _item43; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 43; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item44 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item44 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16750.3,18351.2,0],0]; _this = _item44; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 44; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item45 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item45 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16804.4,18425,0],0]; _this = _item45; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 45; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item46 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item46 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16878.1,18529,0],0]; _this = _item46; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 46; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item47 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item47 = _item29 addWaypoint [[16924.7,18665.7,0],0]; _this = _item47; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 47; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item48 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item48 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17009.7,18854,0],0]; _this = _item48; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 48; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item49 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item49 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17038.1,18873.3,0],0]; _this = _item49; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 49; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item50 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item50 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17086.7,18853,0],0]; _this = _item50; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 50; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item51 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item51 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17112.7,18814,0],0]; _this = _item51; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 51; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item53 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item53 = _item29 addWaypoint [[17144.9,18735.8,0],0]; _this = _item53; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 53; _this setWaypointType "Loiter"; }; private _item77 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item77 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15771.6,18767.6,0],0]; _this = _item77; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 77; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item78 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item78 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15785.1,18856.3,0],0]; _this = _item78; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 78; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item79 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item79 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15798,18997.8,0],0]; _this = _item79; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 79; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item80 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item80 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15732.4,19055.7,0],0]; _this = _item80; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 80; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item81 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item81 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15644.9,19148.3,1.90735e-006],0]; _this = _item81; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 81; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item82 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item82 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15594.7,19246.7,-3.8147e-006],0]; _this = _item82; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 82; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item83 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item83 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15583.7,19381.4,0],0]; _this = _item83; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 83; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item84 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item84 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15712.9,19668.4,0],0]; _this = _item84; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 84; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item85 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item85 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15699.8,19692.6,3.8147e-006],0]; _this = _item85; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 85; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item86 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item86 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15698.5,19731.1,0],0]; _this = _item86; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 86; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item87 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item87 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15699.4,19764.7,-3.8147e-006],0]; _this = _item87; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 87; _this setWaypointType "Move"; }; private _item88 = []; if (_layerRoot) then { _item88 = _item72 addWaypoint [[15668.6,19822.4,0],0]; _this = _item88; _waypoints pushback _this; _waypointIDs pushback 88; _this setWaypointType "Loiter"; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logics private _logics = []; private _logicIDs = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Layers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Crews if (!isNull _item3 && !isNull _item2) then {_item3 moveInDriver _item2;}; if (!isNull _item4 && !isNull _item2) then {_item4 moveInTurret [_item2,[0]];}; if (!isNull _item5 && !isNull _item2) then {_item5 moveInTurret [_item2,[0,0]];}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Connections /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inits (executed only once all entities exist) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Module activations (only once everything is spawned and connected) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [[_objects,_groups,_triggers,_waypoints,_logics,_markers],[_objectIDs,_groupIDs,_triggerIDs,_waypointIDs,_logicIDs,_markerIDs]]
  3. okay thanks i'll Give it a try and if anyone else has any ideas please let me know, all the help is very appreciated -Seal
  4. Yes i did hard place them. what is the files called i'd need to edit in order to place the Ai and Make them move?
  5. So recently i have created a Mission in the editor, nad i'm looking for some pointers on how to set the Ai to be able to move i have DMS and Occupation both installed if that helps any. I also have some Ai just set in place in my missions Objects but they just stand there like a bunch of Donkeys. lol any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance -Seal
  6. Seal


    sick man thanks a ton i appreciate it.
  7. Seal


    got yah so like a .Hpp file?
  8. Seal


    so with that being said, am i able to Edit the base code for Exile? or will that just get me in loads of trouble lol. also if you know where the licenses are please link them.
  9. Seal


    So i've taken a gander around the forums, and so far i have found nothing pertaining to what i'm trying to accomplish. what i'm trying to accomplish is selling specific items to the Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms and only him not every trader on the map. i added my Items to the "Class CfgTraderArsenal" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Custom Items for Arsenal /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class custom_item_1 { quality = 1; price = 20000; sellPrice = 2000; }; class custom_item_2 { quality = 1; price = 20000; sellPrice = 3000; }; class custom_item_3 { quality = 1; price = 20000; sellPrice = 1000; }; class custom_item_4 { quality = 1; price = 20000; sellPrice = 2000; }; and i linked the "CfgTradercategories" class CfgTraderCategories { class Community { name = "Community Items"; icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa"; items[] = { "Community", "custom_item_1", "custom_item_2", "custom_item_3", "custom_item_4" }; }; And last but not least i linked class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms /** * Sells Community Items */ class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms { name = "COMMUNITY"; showWeaponFilter = 0; categories[] = { "Community", "custom_item_1", "custom_item_2", "custom_item_3", "custom_item_4" }; }; so if i'm missing anything here please let me know i'd appreciate any help. -Seal
  10. Seal

    Bro i remember you guys literally had the Best Taviana Server on Arma 2 (:

  11. Seal

    Arma 3 server help please. Server IP:Steam Query Port It can take upto 30 minutes for a server to appear once added on this page and requires a launcher restart!This has to be the STEAM QUERY PORT (Game port + 1)
  12. Seal

    How do i get my map markers?

    See this is where i'm stuck not sure where to paste mine in. mine is the one on the right the left is the original mission.sqm from Tanoa. They both say different [Class] names so that's what is confusing me.
  13. Seal

    How do i get my map markers?

    Yes i know i need to manually move these to match my map but do i just plug my cords in for them to hover where they're supposed to be?
  14. Seal

    How do i get my map markers?

    So i have All the editor tools and i can see export traders and all that but whenever i put them in the corresponding folder they do not work? also my map looks like this with the tanoa markers and that's obviously not where my traders are because i'm also on Napf. Thanks to anyone who can help -Seal
  15. Seal

    Hide Terrain Objects

    Yeah thats what i did i hid them with that tool...How did you hide them because that way apparently doesn't work?