
Weaponjam and Supply on smoke

14 posts in this topic

Hi, as i quit exile editing and starting the development of a little own mod i decided to do a quick tutorial on my latest changes, including supplydrops called by the player and jamming weapons with a customizable jamming chance.


the installation is as easy as i could be just paste the following code at the bottom of your initPlayerlocal.sqf


		// Weapon Jam & Supplysmoke

		player addAction ["", {
			playSound3D ['a3\sounds_f\weapons\Other\dry9.wss', _this select 0];
		}, "", 0, false, true, "DefaultAction", "isNil 'allowFire'"];

		allowFire = true;

		KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction = {
			_frame = diag_frameno;
			_wep = currentWeapon _this;
			_ammo = _this ammo _wep;
			if (_ammo > 0) then {
			allowFire = nil;
			_this setAmmo [_wep, 0];
			waitUntil {_frame < diag_frameno};
			_this setAmmo [_wep, _ammo];
			["ErrorTitleOnly", ["Your weapon jammed!"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
			menu = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) in actionKeys ""ReloadMagazine"") then {allowFire = true;}"];

		player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
			if (random 1 < 0.0033) then {
			player spawn KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction
			if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellGreen") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",10];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_franta",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_redgull",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_spirit",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_bakedbeans",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_crunchin",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_canteen_coffee",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_canteen_fresh",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_canteen",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_rice",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_container",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_container_soup",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_container_beef",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_tacticalbacon",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_spam",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_tuna",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_spaghetti",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_meatballs",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_hotdogs",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_bloodsucker",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_honeyhoops",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_squares",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_stars",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_kush",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_rick",2];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellRed") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_rifle_FAL5061",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_20Rnd_762x51_B_fal",8];
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_lmg_MG42",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_100Rnd_792x57_B_MG42",6];
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_rifle_M1903A1_unertl",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_5rnd_3006_1903",6];
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_rifle_auga2lsw",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_40Rnd_556x45_B_AUG",6];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_muzzle_snds_a6AUG",1];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellBlue") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_SDAR_F",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag",16];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Uniform_Wetsuit_NATO",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["V_RebreatherB",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Glasses_Diving_NATO",2];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["B_FieldPack_blk",2];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellOrange") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hgun_G17_F",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_L",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",5];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_documents",2];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellPurple") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Item_SafeSmallKit",1];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellYellow") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_rifle_awmagnum_FDE",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_5rnd_300WM_FMJ_AWM",5];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["H_Ghillie_Suit1",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate


iam pretty sure if you know what you are doing you will easly find out on your own how to customize the dropped loot, how ever the jamming rate can be changed by the 0.0033 in the 2nd block of the code and is currently set to 0.33% per bullet.


keep in mind that you will have to make this part of your init execute after the client loaded in compltly so consider to add

waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46};

above my code in case you dont allready have it in your .sqf


If you have anymore questions just ask but keep in mind that i just visit this forum kind of rarely so u might what to add me on steam if you have any questions (post in profilecomments so i can be sure is not csgo scam attemt ^^)


Enjoy the script and have a nice day :-)



Edited by Erzengel
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The weapon jam part is not working for me.

I added this

			waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46};
			player addAction ["", {
			playSound3D ['a3\sounds_f\weapons\Other\dry9.wss', _this select 0];
		}, "", 0, false, true, "DefaultAction", "isNil 'allowFire'"];

		allowFire = true;

		KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction = {
			_frame = diag_frameno;
			_wep = currentWeapon _this;
			_ammo = _this ammo _wep;
			if (_ammo > 0) then {
			allowFire = nil;
			_this setAmmo [_wep, 0];
			waitUntil {_frame < diag_frameno};
			_this setAmmo [_wep, _ammo];
			["ErrorTitleOnly", ["Your weapon jammed!"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
			menu = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) in actionKeys ""ReloadMagazine"") then {allowFire = true;}"];

		player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
			if (random 1 < 0.0033) then {
			player spawn KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction


Edited by El Rabito

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On 23/05/2018 at 3:13 AM, Erzengel said:

Hi, as i quit exile editing and starting the development of a little own mod i decided to do a quick tutorial on my latest changes, including supplydrops called by the player and jamming weapons with a customizable jamming chance.


the installation is as easy as i could be just paste the following code at the bottom of your initPlayerlocal.sqf

  Reveal hidden contents

		// Weapon Jam & Supplysmoke

		player addAction ["", {
			playSound3D ['a3\sounds_f\weapons\Other\dry9.wss', _this select 0];
		}, "", 0, false, true, "DefaultAction", "isNil 'allowFire'"];

		allowFire = true;

		KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction = {
			_frame = diag_frameno;
			_wep = currentWeapon _this;
			_ammo = _this ammo _wep;
			if (_ammo > 0) then {
			allowFire = nil;
			_this setAmmo [_wep, 0];
			waitUntil {_frame < diag_frameno};
			_this setAmmo [_wep, _ammo];
			["ErrorTitleOnly", ["Your weapon jammed!"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
			menu = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) in actionKeys ""ReloadMagazine"") then {allowFire = true;}"];

		player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
			if (random 1 < 0.0033) then {
			player spawn KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction
			if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellGreen") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",10];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_franta",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_redgull",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_spirit",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_bakedbeans",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_crunchin",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_canteen_coffee",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_canteen_fresh",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_canteen",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_rice",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_container",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_container_soup",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_container_beef",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_tacticalbacon",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_spam",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_tuna",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_spaghetti",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_meatballs",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_hotdogs",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_bloodsucker",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_honeyhoops",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_squares",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_stars",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_kush",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_cereal_rick",2];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellRed") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_rifle_FAL5061",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_20Rnd_762x51_B_fal",8];
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_lmg_MG42",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_100Rnd_792x57_B_MG42",6];
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_rifle_M1903A1_unertl",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_5rnd_3006_1903",6];
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_rifle_auga2lsw",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_40Rnd_556x45_B_AUG",6];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_muzzle_snds_a6AUG",1];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellBlue") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_SDAR_F",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag",16];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Uniform_Wetsuit_NATO",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["V_RebreatherB",2];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Glasses_Diving_NATO",2];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["B_FieldPack_blk",2];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "smokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellOrange") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hgun_G17_F",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["muzzle_snds_L",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",5];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_documents",2];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "smokeShellOrange" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellPurple") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exile_Item_SafeSmallKit",1];
			_arsenalCrate addbackpackcargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "smokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate
	if ((_this select 5) isKindOf "smokeShellYellow") then {
		_grenadeObj = (_this select 6);
        _doArsenalCrateDrop = [_grenadeObj] spawn
            private ["_grenadePos","_grenadeObj"];
            params ["_grenadeObj"];
			["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Supplydrop called", "The supply drop is on its way"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
            waitUntil {speed _grenadeObj == 0}; // wait until smoke grenade has stopped moving
            _grenadePos = getPosATL _grenadeObj; // get position of smoke grenade
            _arsenalCrateType = selectRandom ["B_supplyCrate_F","O_supplyCrate_F","I_supplyCrate_F"]; // crate type(s)
			_supplyveh = createVehicle ["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F", [15000,15000,2000], [], 0, "none"];
			createVehicleCrew _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply = _supplyveh;
			Helikoptersupply allowDamage false;
            _arsenalParachuteType = selectRandom ["O_Parachute_02_F"]; // parachute type(s)
			Helikoptersupply move _grenadePos;
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 265;
			waitUntil {_grenadePos distance Helikoptersupply <= 300};
            _arsenalCrate = createVehicle [ _arsenalCrateType, [(_grenadePos select 0),(_grenadePos select 1), (_grenadePos select 2) + 250], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the crate
            _arsenalCrate allowDamage false; // disallow damage to crate
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply move [15000,15000,2000];
            waitUntil {!isNull _arsenalCrate}; // wait until crate actually exists
            clearWeaponCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearItemCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearBackpackCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
            clearMagazineCargoGlobal _arsenalCrate; // empty crate contents
			_arsenalCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hlc_rifle_awmagnum_FDE",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["hlc_5rnd_300WM_FMJ_AWM",5];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["H_Ghillie_Suit1",1];
			_arsenalCrate additemCargoGlobal ["Exitem_Coyote_Backpack",1];
            _arsenalChute = createVehicle [ _arsenalParachuteType, [(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 0),(getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 1), (getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2)], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; // create the parachute
            _arsenalChute allowDamage false; // disallow damage to parachute
            _arsenalCrate attachTo [_arsenalChute, [0,0,0]]; // attach the crate to the parachute
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			uiSleep 9;
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
            waitUntil {getPosATL _arsenalCrate select 2 < 0.2};			// wait until the crate is less than 20cm above terrain level
            detach _arsenalCrate; // detach parachtue from box
			Signal = "smokeShellYellow" createVehicle position _arsenalCrate;
			Signal attachTo [_arsenalCrate];
			Helikoptersupply flyInHeight 200;
			waitUntil {Helikoptersupply distance [0,0,200] <= 300};
			{deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew Helikoptersupply;deleteVehicle Helikoptersupply;
			uiSleep 500; // sleep for 4 minutes
            deleteVehicle _arsenalCrate; // delete crate


iam pretty sure if you know what you are doing you will easly find out on your own how to customize the dropped loot, how ever the jamming rate can be changed by the 0.0033 in the 2nd block of the code and is currently set to 0.33% per bullet.


keep in mind that you will have to make this part of your init execute after the client loaded in compltly so consider to add

waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46};

above my code in case you dont allready have it in your .sqf


If you have anymore questions just ask but keep in mind that i just visit this forum kind of rarely so u might what to add me on steam if you have any questions (post in profilecomments so i can be sure is not csgo scam attemt ^^)


Enjoy the script and have a nice day :-)



This looks so cool. I've been looking for something like this that works in Exile for ages.

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1 hour ago, Cillo said:

This looks so cool. I've been looking for something like this that works in Exile for ages.

iam happy that i can help out :-)

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@Erzengel I haven't been able to actually try this yet because I'm on holiday, but if I just want the weapon jamming and not the supply smoke, should this work? 


// Weapon Jam & Supplysmoke

player addAction ["", {
	playSound3D ['a3\sounds_f\weapons\Other\dry9.wss', _this select 0];
}, "", 0, false, true, "DefaultAction", "isNil 'allowFire'"];

allowFire = true;

KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction = {
	_frame = diag_frameno;
	_wep = currentWeapon _this;
	_ammo = _this ammo _wep;
	if (_ammo > 0) then {
	allowFire = nil;
	_this setAmmo [_wep, 0];
	waitUntil {_frame < diag_frameno};
	_this setAmmo [_wep, _ammo];
	["ErrorTitleOnly", ["Your weapon jammed!"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
	menu = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) in actionKeys ""ReloadMagazine"") then {allowFire = true;}"];

player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
	if (random 1 < 0.0033) then {
	player spawn KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction


I'm still a bit of an amateur at scripting! Thanks.

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On 30.5.2018 at 1:09 AM, Cillo said:

@Erzengel I haven't been able to actually try this yet because I'm on holiday, but if I just want the weapon jamming and not the supply smoke, should this work? 

  Hide contents

// Weapon Jam & Supplysmoke

player addAction ["", {
	playSound3D ['a3\sounds_f\weapons\Other\dry9.wss', _this select 0];
}, "", 0, false, true, "DefaultAction", "isNil 'allowFire'"];

allowFire = true;

KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction = {
	_frame = diag_frameno;
	_wep = currentWeapon _this;
	_ammo = _this ammo _wep;
	if (_ammo > 0) then {
	allowFire = nil;
	_this setAmmo [_wep, 0];
	waitUntil {_frame < diag_frameno};
	_this setAmmo [_wep, _ammo];
	["ErrorTitleOnly", ["Your weapon jammed!"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
	menu = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) in actionKeys ""ReloadMagazine"") then {allowFire = true;}"];

player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
	if (random 1 < 0.0033) then {
	player spawn KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction


I'm still a bit of an amateur at scripting! Thanks.

as am i :-) yeah thats just the jamming funktion. should work like that.


i saw you are using mods, i would maybe think about using the ace weaponjam instead. its a bit more advanced

Edited by Erzengel

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Yeah I've thought about ACE lots of times but I'd rather do stuff with scripts if possible and keep the number of mods  down. I've not encountered a script this simple before, so I'm looking forward to giving it a trial run next week. :D

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