This is my first post on the forum because i'm having a large problem.
Whenever I try and Trade with one of the traders I have placed on a custom map, an empty screen appears with no items. I have tried multiple fixes for this issue but with no luck so far.
* Should vanilla Arma animals (fish, rabbits, bees, etc.) be disabled?
* We think it should, since it might confuse players if they cant eat them. *munches on bees*
disableVanillaAnimals = 1;
* Which animals to spawn.
* Exile automatically spawns a color variation of that animal, if variations exist.
* Each player (client) has a maximum of one animal at a time.
* Exile checks which animal type can spawn in front of the player and then
* picks a random one.
* For now it is like this:
* - Goats spawn on hill tops, but not in forests
* - Sheep spawn on meadows, but not next to forests and not on hill tops
* - Hens and roosters spawn next to buildings only
* => More animal types will follow in upcoming Exile versions, hopefully.
animalTypes[] =
* Animals are always spawned in front of the player, but
* at least a certain distance away. The radius is applied on top.
* Example:
* Distance = 150
* Radius = 50
* => Minimum Distance from Player = 150
* => Maximum Distance from Player = 150 + 50 * 2
spawnDistance = 150;
spawnRadius = 50;
* Specifies the minimum time in seconds between spawning animals.
* When the animal diededed, this time has to pass before it spawns
* a new one.
* It is a min/max setting, so the intervals will be uneven and a bit random.
* By default it will take 5 to 10 minutes to respawn a new animal.
minimumSpawnDelay = 5 * 60;
maximumSpawnDelay = 10 * 60;
* Clients will despawn animals if no player is in this radius around the animal
* This check is ran every 1 minute, so it is pretty unprecise, but performance-friendly.
keepAliveRadius = 500;
* Defines the minimum lifetime of an animal in seconds. During this time, right after spawning,
* it will not despawn. (+-0..1 minute delay)
minimumLifetime = 5 * 60;
class CfgExileArsenal
class Exile_Uniform_BambiOverall { quality = 1; price = 1; sellPrice = 1; };
// Static MGs
class O_HMG_01_weapon_F { quality = 4; price = 5000; };
class O_HMG_01_support_F { quality = 4; price = 1000; };
// Does not seem to work with HMG01, only the lower version does
//class O_HMG_01_support_high_F { quality = QUALITY_LEVEL_9000; price = 5000; };
// Watch out for a Walter fart! He has gas!
class Exile_Headgear_GasMask { quality = 4; price = 500; };
class Temperature
// Temperature in °C for the time of day, per hour
// Add the first index to the last index, so it is 25 indizes!
daytimeTemperature[] = {15.93,16.89,18.42,20.40,22.68,25.10,27.48,29.63,31.40,32.66,33.32,33.80,33.80,33.32,32.66,31.40,29.63,27.48,25.10,22.68,20.40,18.42,16.89,15.93,15.93};
// Temperature change in °C when it is 100% overcast
overcast = -2;
// Temperature change in °C when it is 100% raining
rain = -5;
// Temperature change in °C when it is 100% windy
wind = -1;
// Temperature change per 100m altitude in °C
altitude = -0.5;
// Difference from the daytime temperature to the water temperature
water = -5;
class Namalsk: Altis
class FireFlies: FireFlies
enable = 1;
class Temperature: Temperature
daytimeTemperature[] = {-2.00,-1.77,-1.12,-0.10,1.24,2.78,4.40,6.00,7.46,8.65,9.50,9.90,9.90,9.50,8.65,7.46,6.00,4.40,2.78,1.24,-0.10,-1.12,-1.77,-2.00,-2.00};
class Tanoa: Altis
class FireFlies: FireFlies
enable = 0;
class Anomalies: Anomalies
enable = 0;
class Breathing: Breathing
enable = 0;
class Snow: Snow
enable = 0;
class Radiation: Radiation
enable = 1;
class Temperature: Temperature
daytimeTemperature[] = {15.93,16.89,18.42,20.40,22.68,25.10,27.48,29.63,31.40,32.66,33.32,33.80,33.80,33.32,32.66,31.40,29.63,27.48,25.10,22.68,20.40,18.42,16.89,15.93,15.93};
class Malden: Altis
class FireFlies: FireFlies
enable = 1;
class Anomalies: Anomalies
enable = 0;
class Breathing: Breathing
enable = 0;
class Snow: Snow
enable = 0;
class Radiation: Radiation
enable = 0;
class Temperature: Temperature
daytimeTemperature[] = {15.93,16.89,18.42,20.40,22.68,25.10,27.48,29.63,31.40,32.66,33.32,33.80,33.80,33.32,32.66,31.40,29.63,27.48,25.10,22.68,20.40,18.42,16.89,15.93,15.93};
class CfgExileHUD
class ShortItemNames
SmokeShell[] = {"WHITE", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell[] = {"WHITE", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell[] = {"WHITE", "SMOKE"};
Exile_Item_ZipTie[] = {"ZIP", "TIE"};
class CfgExileLootSettings
* Lifetime of loot in minutes. Synchronize this with
* the garbage collector settings of your server
* CfgSettings!
lifeTime = 8;
* Interval in seconds when the client searches for
* new buildings to spawn loot in
spawnInterval = 30;
* This is a percentage value to determine how many loot
* positions should contain loot when the system spawns loot.
* If a building has 20 positions defined, Exile will
* spawn loot in 10 random positions of them.
* This means smaller buildings spawn less loot and larger
* ones spawn more loot.
* You can also cap it at a maximum value. See below.
maximumPositionCoverage = 30;
* Limit the number of loot positions per building. If the
* above percentage value exceeds this value, it will be capped.
* Example: Coverage is 50%. Building has 60 loot positions defined.
* This results in 30 loot positions and that is too much. So we
* cap this at 10
maximumNumberOfLootSpotsPerBuilding = 3;
* Exile spawns a random number of items per loot spot. This
* is the upper cap for that. So 3 means it could spawn 1, 2
* or 3.
maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = 2;
* Radius in meter to spawn loot AROUND each player.
* Do NOT touch this value if you dont know what you do.
* The higher the number, the higher the drop rates, the
* easier your server will lag.
* 50m = Minimum
* 200m = Maximum
spawnRadius = 60;
* Defines the radius around trader cities where the system should
* not spawn loot. Set this to 0 if you want to have loot spawning
* in trader citites, ugh.
minimumDistanceToTraderZones = 500;
* Defines the radius around territories where no loot spawns.
* This does not regard the actual size of a territory. So do not
* set this to a lower value than the maximum radius of a territory,
* which is 150m by default.
minimumDistanceToTerritories = 150;
class CfgExileMobileXM8
* Add the 4 digit permission code here, so players can authorize
* your server to send them messages to their Mobile XM8 app.
code = "";
class CfgExileMusic
Ambient[] = {"ExileTrack03","ExileTrack04"};
Combat[] = {"ExileTrack06","ExileTrack07"};
Intro[] = {"ExileTrack02","ExileTrack03"};
class CfgExileParty
showESP = 1;
allow3DMarkers = 1;
class CfgExileRussianRoulette
Minimum amount to join a session of
russian roulette
buyInAmount = 100;
class CfgFlags
class USA
name = "USA";
texture = "\A3\Data_F\Flags\flag_us_co.paa";
uids[] = {};
class CfgGrinding
// Enables code lock grinding on the server
enableGrinding = 1;
// Time it takes to grind a fresh lock in minutes
grindDuration = 25;
// Percentage chance the grinding will fail
failChance = 25;
// Percentage chance that failing will break your grinder (otherwise it will just remove a battery)
breakChance = 20;
// Notify the entire server if someone is hacking. 1 == notify, 0 == don't notify
notifyServer = 1;
// The cooldown time, in minutes, before another server side notification is sent out from a territory. This is on a per territory basis.
notificationCooldown = 30;
class CfgHacking
// Enables safe hacking on the server
enableHacking = 1;
// Time it takes to hack in minutes
hackDuration = 20;
// Percentage chance the hacking will fail
failChance = 50;
// Percentage chance the laptop will be removed on fail
removeChance = 5;
// Max attepts to hack a safe during one restart
maxHackAttempts = 3;
// Notify the entire server if someone is hacking. 1 == notify, 0 == don't notify
notifyServer = 1;
// The cooldown time, in minutes, before another server side notification is sent out from a territory. This is on a per territory basis.
notificationCooldown = 30;
// The minimal amount of players on the server required in order to hack a safe (set to 0 to disable)
minPlayers = 1;
// How many safe hacks are allowed to be going at one time
maxHacks = 5;
// Show a map icon where the hacking is taking place
showMapIcon = 1;
class ExileAbstractAction
title = "";
condition = "true";
action = "";
priority = 1.5;
showWindow = false;
* Sort this by probability of occurence to speed things up a bit
class CfgInteractionMenus
class Car
targetType = 2;
target = "Car";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Unlocks a vehicle
class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
// Check if vector up is fucked
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
class Air
target = "Air";
targetType = 2;
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Unlocks a vehicle
class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
// Check if vector up is fucked
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
class RotateLeft: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Rotate Left";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,-15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";
class RotateRight: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Rotate Right";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";
class Safe
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Container_Abstract_Safe";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Picks up the construction so you can move it
class Move: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Move";
condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_move";
// Removes the construction.
class Deconstruct: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Remove";
condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_deconstruct";
class AddALock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Add a Lock";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_lockAddShow";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_lockAdd";
class Upgrade : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Upgrade";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_upgradeShow";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_construction_upgrade";
class MakeBoom : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Plant charge";
condition = "call ExileClient_system_breaching_condition";
action = "_this call ExileClient_system_breaching_action";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
// Pushes a boat into look direction to move into water
class Push: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Fus Ro Dah!";
condition = "((crew ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo [])";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_push";
class Bikes
targetType = 2;
target = "Bicycle";
class Actions
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "true";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
class Player
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Unit_Player";
class Actions
class Free: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Free";
condition = "(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileIsHandcuffed', false]) && !ExileClientIsHandcuffed";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_handcuffs_free";
class Animal
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Animal_Abstract";
class Actions
class Gut: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Gut Animal";
condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['CanBeGutted', false])";
action = "['GutAnimal', ExileClientInteractionObject] call ExileClient_action_execute";
* Classname is used for reference
* name is displayed in crafting requirements
* models is used for crafting and interaction menus
class CfgInteractionModels
class WaterSource
name = "Water tanks, barrels, coolers or pumps";
models[] =
class CfgPlayer
// In minutes ammount of time it takes to go from 100 - 0 if stationary
hungerDecay = 90;
thirstDecay = 60;
// Damage taken from 0 (health||thirst)/sec
healthDecay = 5.0;
// Health regen if over BOTH
thirstRegen = 90;
hungerRegen = 90;
// IF above meet recover HP%/MIN
recoveryPerMinute = 2;
// Set custom aim precision coefficient for weapon sway
// Set to -1 if you want to use Arma 3 default value
// setCustomAimCoef
customAimCoefficient = 0.5;
// 0 or 1
enableFatigue = 0;
enableStamina = 0;
disableMapDrawing = 1;
// Use the current gradient to affect the players movement when autorunning.
// 0 == default exile auto run
useGradientAffectedAutoRun = 0;
This config will allow you to override the default poptab storage for vehicles and containers.
The current system takes the maxLoad of a vehicle * 10, and that gives you the max poptabs that can be stored.
This will allow you to override that max with your own value.
To override, just add the vehicle/containers classname to this class, and define its max. Look at Exile_Container_Safe_Small as an example.
class CfgPoptabStorage
class Exile_Container_Safe_Small { max = 25000; };
class CfgSimulation
Use Arma built in Dynamic Simulation.
If you have any issues with players unable to get into cars, control vehicles, fly planes, etc. try turning this off
0: Use Exile's built in simulation system (Same system in 1.0.3 and below)
1: Use Dynamic Simulation
enableDynamicSimulation = 1;
// The distance, in meters, will infantry units be simulated. Default: 500m
groupSimulationDistance = 500;
// The distance, in meters, will vehicles with crew be simulated. Default: 350m
vehicleSimulationDistance = 250;
// The distance, in meters, will all vehicles without crew be simulated. Default: 250m
emptyVehicleSimulationDistance = 250;
// The distance, in meters, will static objects be simulated. This includes anything from a small tin can to a building. Default: 50m
propSimulationDistance = 50;
// Multiplies the entity activation distance by set value if the entity is moving. Default: 2
isMovingSimulationCoef = 2;
class CfgSlothMachine
spinCost = 100;
Jackpot = 10100;
// A shortcut of the above maximum radius
maximumRadius = 150;
// The above * 2 plus coverving the 20m you can move while placing things
minimumDistanceToOtherTerritories = 325;
// Maximum number of territories a player can own
maximumNumberOfTerritoriesPerPlayer = 2;
* Defines the minimum distance to safe zones / trader cities where players
* cannot build territories
minimumDistanceToTraderZones = 1000;
* Defines the minimum distance to spawn zones where players
* cannot build territories
minimumDistanceToSpawnZones = 1000;
// Amount of pop tabs per object to pay
popTabAmountPerObject = 10;
// Amount of minutes building is disabled after a charge has been planted
// in a territory. This basically prevents people from placing tons of walls
// or removing walls while their territory is under attack.
constructionBlockDuration = 5;
class CfgTraderCategories
class Community
name = "Community Items";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community2
name = "Community Items 2";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community3
name = "Community Items 3";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community4
name = "Community Items 4";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community5
name = "Community Items 5";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community6
name = "Community Items 6";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community7
name = "Community Items 7";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community8
name = "Community Items 8";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community9
name = "Community Items 9";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community10
name = "Community Items 10";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class UAVs
name = "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\gps_ca.paa";
items[] =
class StaticMGs
name = "Static Machine Guns";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
//"O_HMG_01_support_high_F", // Does not seem to work with HMG01, only the lower version does
* Light bulbs, metal, etc.
class Exile_Trader_Hardware
name = "HARDWARE";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Sells cars and general vehicles
class Exile_Trader_Vehicle
name = "VEHICLE";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Sells choppers and planes
class Exile_Trader_Aircraft
name = "AIRCRAFT";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Sells ships and boats
class Exile_Trader_Boat
name = "BOAT";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_Diving
name = "DIVERS";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Sells Community Items
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms2
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms3
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms4
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms5
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms6
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms7
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms8
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms9
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms10
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class CfgTrading
* This factor defines the difference between sales/purchase price of
* items and vehicles. It is used if there is no sales price defined
* in CfgExileArsenal.
sellPriceFactor = 0.5;
class Exile_Car_Tempest_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0.08, -0.85, 0.4};
cargoIndizes[] = {1, 6, 7, 9};
detachPosition[] = {0.08, -6};
class CfgVirtualGarage
Enable or disable virtual garage on the server
0: Disable virtual garage
1: Enable virtual garage
enableVirtualGarage = 1;
Enables or disables the ability to access virtual garage while in combat
0: Players cannot access virtual garage while they are in combat
1: Players can access virtual garage when they are in combat
canAccessGarageInCombat = 0;
When enabled, this will dump any items and money from the vehicle onto the ground where the car was.
0: Do not clear inventory and money
1: Clear inventory and money
clearInventoryOnStore = 1;
The maximum number of vehicles that can be stored in the VG for that territory.
Use -1 to disable the ability to store vehicles at that level.
Make sure to have the same number of levels here as you do in CfgTerritories!
numberOfVehicles[] =
-1, // Level 1
5, // Level 2
8, // Level 3
11, // Level 4
13, // Level 5
15, // Level 6
18, // Level 7
21, // Level 8
25, // Level 9
28 // Level 10
The allowed types of vehicles that can be stored in the garage
Available Types: "Car", "Tank", "Plane", "Air", "Ship", "Submarine"
allowedVehicleTypes[] = {"Car","Tank","Plane","Air","Ship","Submarine"};
class CfgXM8
class settings
controlID = 4070;
appID = "App01";
title = "Settings";
class healthScanner
controlID = 4120;
appID = "App02";
title = "Health Scanner";
class slothMachine
controlID = 4140;
appID = "App03";
title = "Sloth Machine";
XM8 Extra apps, the Exile way of doing it
Here is an example app layout:
class XM8_App01_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = ""; // Path to picture. This can be via mission file or client side PBO
text = ""; // The name of the app to be display on the button
onButtonClick = ""; // The code to fire when the app is clicked
resource = ""; // The name of the resource to load for the app, leave as an empty string if you just want to run code without a GUI, like BOOM or spawning a bike
class XM8_App01_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_settings_ca.paa";
text = "Settings";
onButtonClick = "['settings', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
resource = "XM8SlideSettings";
class XM8_App04_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_boom_ca.paa";
text = "BOOM!";
onButtonClick = "call ExileClient_system_breaching_detonate";
resource = "";
class XM8_App05_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App06_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App07_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App08_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App09_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App10_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App11_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App12_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App13_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App14_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8SlideSettings: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4070;
class Controls
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4071;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class 8GDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4072;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_on8GSelectionChanged";
class 8GLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Show my device in global 8G network.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class SoundDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4075;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (7 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onSoundSelectionChanged";
class SoundLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Play a beep sound on notifications.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (7 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyEspDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4076;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (9 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyEspSelectionChanged";
class PartyEspLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Color of 3D party icons and name tags.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (9 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyEspSlider: RscExileXM8XSliderH
idc = 4078;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (11 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onSliderPosChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyEspSliderChanged";
class PartyEspSliderLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Opacity of 3D party icons and name tags.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (11 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyMarkerSlider: RscExileXM8XSliderH
idc = 4079;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (13 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onSliderPosChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyMarkerSliderChanged";
class PartyMarkerSliderLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Opacity of 3D party markers.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (13 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class StreamModeDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4077;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (15 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onStreamModeSelectionChanged";
class StreamModeLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Masquerade PIN codes. Perfect for streamers.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (15 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class XM8SlideHealthScanner: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4120;
class Controls
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4122;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class HealthInfoControlGroup: RscExileXM8ControlsGroupNoHScrollbars
idc = -1;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 30 * (0.025);
h = 15 * (0.04);
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.25};
class controls
class HealthInfo: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4121;
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = 29 * (0.025); // minus 1!
h = 15 * (0.04);
class XM8SlideSlothMachine: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4140;
class Controls
class Background: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = -1;
text = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\slothMachine\xm8_slothMachineBackground.paa";
x = -3.1 * (0.025) + (0);
y = -6 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 40 * (0.025);
h = 33 * (0.04);
class XM8SlothMachineSpinButton: RscExileXM8PictureButton
idc = 4141;
style = 0x30;
x = 14.3 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 15.9 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.7 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
text = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\slothMachine\button_off_ca.paa";
action = "[] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_slothMachine_event_onSpinButtonClick;";
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4148;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
sizeEx = .9 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class PopTabsLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4142;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'><img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /></t>";
x = 6.5 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class JackpotLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4143;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'></t>";
x = 14 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class WinningsLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4144;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'>0</t>";
x = 21.5 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class Symbol01: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4145;
text = "";
x = 6.55 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
class Symbol02: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4146;
text = "";
x = 14.1 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
class Symbol03: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4147;
text = "";
x = 21.6 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
I attached an Image of the problem I am having, not one I took, but of the same problem.
If there are anymore files that I would need to post to help diagnose the problem please let me know as I would like to resolve this issue quickly!
This is my first post on the forum because i'm having a large problem.
Whenever I try and Trade with one of the traders I have placed on a custom map, an empty screen appears with no items. I have tried multiple fixes for this issue but with no luck so far.
* config
* Exile Mod
* © 2015 Exile Mod Team
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit
class CfgClans
Defines the amount of pop tabs needed to register a new clan
Default: 20,000
registrationFee = 20000;
A list of all characters allowed in a clan *name*
clanNameAlphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 ._-!\\/";
Maximum markers per clan
maximumIcons = 20;
Maximum number of characters on a Marker in a presistent system
Note: MAX 255!
maximumIconText = 50;
Maximum poly markers per clan
maximumPolys = 10;
Maximum points in poly
maximumPolyNode = 10;
class Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "";
pictureItem = "";
returnedItems[] = {};
components[] = {}; // Required components
tools[] = {}; // Required tools (matches, gas cooker etc.)
requiredInteractionModelGroup = ""; // See CfgInteractionModels
requiresOcean = 0; // isSurfaceWater test
requiresFire = 0; // inflamed object nearby
requiresConcreteMixer = 0; // Check if concrete mixer is nearby
class CfgCraftingRecipes
class BreachingChargeBigMomma: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Breaching Charge (Big Momma)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_BigMomma";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_BigMomma"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Metal"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MobilePhone"},
{1, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"},
{1, "Exile_Item_ZipTie"}
class BreachingChargeMetal: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Breaching Charge (Metal)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Metal";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Metal"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"},
{1, "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag"}
class BreachingChargeWood: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Breaching Charge (Wood)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Wood";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_BreachingCharge_Wood"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_DuctTape"},
{1, "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"}
class CookBBQSandwich: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook BBQ Sandwich";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_BBQSandwich"}
class CookCatFood: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Cat Food";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_CatFood_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CatFood_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CatFood"}
class CookChristmasTinner: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Christmas Tinner";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner"}
class CookCoffee: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Brew Coffee";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleCoffee";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleCoffee"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_InstantCoffee"}
class CookDogFood: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Dog Food";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_DogFood_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_DogFood_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_DogFood"}
class CookGloriousKnakworst: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Glorious Knakworst";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst"}
class CookMacasCheese: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Macas Cheese";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MacasCheese_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MacasCheese_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MacasCheese"}
class CookPlasticBottleDirtyWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Dirty Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}
class CookPlasticBottleSaltWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Salt Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleSaltWater"}
class CookSausageGravy: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Sausage Gravy";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SausageGravy_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SausageGravy"}
class CookSurstromming: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Surströmming";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_Surstromming_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Surstromming_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Surstromming"}
class CraftBandage: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Bandage";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_Bandage";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Bandage"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_ToiletPaper"}
class CraftConcreteDoorway: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Doorway";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorwayKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorwayKit"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{3, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{3, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteDrawbridge: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Drawbridge";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteDrawBridgeKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteDrawBridgeKit"},
{4, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{4, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"},
{4, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteFloor: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Floor";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteFloorPort: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Floor Port";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortKit"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{3, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{3, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteFloorPortSmall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Floor Port (Small)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortSmallKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortSmallKit"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteGate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Gate";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteGateKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteGateKit"},
{4, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{4, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteLadderHatch: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Ladder Hatch";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteLadderHatchKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteLadderHatchKit"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{3, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"},
{3, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcretStairs: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Stairs";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteStairsKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteStairsKit"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{1, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcretSupport: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Support";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteSupportKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteSupportKit"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{1, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftConcreteWall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Wall";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteWallKit";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteWallKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftFirePlace: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Fire Place";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_CampFireKit";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CampFireKit"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodLog"}
class CraftFloodLight: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Flood Light";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FloodLightKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{1, "Exile_Item_LightBulb"},
{1, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}
class CraftFortificationUpgrade: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Fortification Upgrade";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"; //<< CHANGE IT
requiresFire = 1;
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FortificationUpgrade"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Grinder"};
class CraftHBarrier5Kit: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft H-barrier (5 Blocks)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_HBarrier5Kit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
tools[] =
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_HBarrier5Kit"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Long"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalWire"}
class CraftMetalBoard: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Metal Board";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalBoard";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Grinder"};
class CraftMetalHedgehog: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Metal Hedgehog";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalHedgehogKit";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalHedgehogKit"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"}
tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Grinder"};
class CraftMetalLadder: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Metal Ladder";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalLadderKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalLadderKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
class CraftMetalLadderDouble: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Metal Ladder (Double Tall)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalLadderDoubleKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalLadderDoubleKit"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalLadderKit"}
class CraftMetalPole: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Metal Pole";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MetalPole";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Grinder"};
class CraftOldChest: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Old Chest";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_OldChestKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_OldChestKit"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{3, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
class CraftPortableGenerator: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Portable Generator";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PortableGeneratorKit"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"},
{1, "Exile_Item_ExtensionCord"}
/*class CraftRazorWireKit: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Razor Wire Kit Kit";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RazorWireKit_Long";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
tools[] =
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RazorWireKit_Long"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalWire"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
class CraftRepairKitConcrete: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Concrete Repair Kit";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_Cement";
requiresConcreteMixer = true;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RepairKitConcrete"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_Cement"},
{2, "Exile_Item_Sand"},
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"},
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class CraftRepairKitMetal: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Metal Repair Kit";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RepairKitMetal";
requiresFire = 0;
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RepairKitMetal"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
tools[] =
class CraftRepairKitWood: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Repair Kit";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RepairKitWood";
requiresFire = 0;
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RepairKitWood"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
tools[] =
class CraftSandBagsKitCorner: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Sandbags Kit (Corner)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Corner";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Corner"}
components[] =
{3, "Exile_Item_Sand"}
class CraftSandBagsKitLong: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Sand Bags Kit (Long)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Long";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SandBagsKit_Long"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_Sand"}
class CraftStorageCrate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Storage Crate";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_StorageCrateKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_StorageCrateKit"}
components[] =
{5, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWaterBarrel: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Water Barrel";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WaterBarrelKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterBarrelKit"}
components[] =
{20, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
class CraftWireFenceKit: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wire Fence Kit";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WireFenceKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
tools[] =
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WireFenceKit"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{6, "Exile_Item_MetalWire"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
class CraftWoodDoorWay: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Doorway";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodDoorwayKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodDoorwayKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodDrawBridge: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Draw Bridge";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodDrawBridgeKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodDrawBridgeKit"}
components[] =
{8, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{1, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
class CraftWoodFloor: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Floor";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodFloorKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorKit"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodFloorPort: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Floor Port";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodFloorPortSmall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Floor Port (Small)";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortSmallKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortSmallKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodGate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Gate";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit"}
components[] =
{8, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodLadder: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Ladder";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodLadderKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodLadderKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodLadderHatch: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Ladder Hatch";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodLadderHatchKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodLadderHatchKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{3, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"}
class CraftWoodPlank: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Plank";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodPlank";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodLog"}
tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Handsaw"};
class CraftWoodStairs: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Stairs";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodStairsKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodSupport: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Support";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodSupportKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodSupportKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodWall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Wall";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodWallHalf: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft 1/2 Wood Wall";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWallHalfKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallHalfKit"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWoodWindow: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Wood Window";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWindowKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodWindowKit"}
components[] =
{6, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CraftWorkBench: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Craft Work Bench";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WorkBenchKit";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WorkBenchKit"}
components[] =
{4, "Exile_Item_WoodLog"}
class CookAlsatianSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Alsatian Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_AlsatianSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_AlsatianSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_AlsatianSteak_Raw"}
class CookCatSharkFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Cat Shark Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_CatSharkFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CatSharkFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_CatSharkFilet_Raw"}
class CookChickenFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Chicken Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ChickenFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ChickenFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ChickenFilet_Raw"}
class CookFinSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Fin Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FinSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FinSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FinSteak_Raw"}
class CookGoatSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Goat Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_GoatSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_GoatSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_GoatSteak_Raw"}
class CookMackerelFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Mackerel Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MackerelFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MackerelFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MackerelFilet_Raw"}
class CookMulletFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Mullet Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_MulletFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MulletFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_MulletFilet_Raw"}
class CookOrnateFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Ornate Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_OrnateFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_OrnateFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_OrnateFilet_Raw"}
class CookRabbitSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Rabbit Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RabbitSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RabbitSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RabbitSteak_Raw"}
class CookRoosterFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Rooster Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_RoosterFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RoosterFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_RoosterFilet_Raw"}
class CookSalemaFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Salema Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SalemaFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SalemaFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SalemaFilet_Raw"}
class CookSheepSteak: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Sheep Steak";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SheepSteak_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SheepSteak_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SheepSteak_Raw"}
class CookSnakeFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Snake Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_SnakeFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SnakeFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_SnakeFilet_Raw"}
class CookTunaFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Tuna Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_TunaFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_TunaFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_TunaFilet_Raw"}
class CookTurtleFilet: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Cook Turtle Filet";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_TurtleFilet_Cooked";
requiresFire = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_TurtleFilet_Cooked"}
tools[] =
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_TurtleFilet_Raw"}
class EmptyFuelCanister: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Empty Fuel Canister";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
class EmptyPlasticBottleDirtyWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Empty Dirty Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}
class EmptyPlasticBottleSaltWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Empty Salt Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleSaltWater"}
class FillEmptyPlasticBottleWithDirtyWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Dirty Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WaterSource";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleDirtyWater"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
class FillEmptyPlasticBottleWithFreshWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Fresh Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "CleanWaterSource";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
class FillEmptyPlasticBottleWithSaltWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Salt Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleSaltWater";
requiresOcean = 1;
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleSaltWater"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty"}
class FillEmptyWaterCanisterWithDirtyWater: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Dirty Water";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WaterSource";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WaterCanisterEmpty"}
class FillFuelCanister: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Fill Fuel Canister";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "FuelSource";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"}
class UpgradeToConcreteDoor: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Concrete Door";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorwayKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
class UpgradeToConcreteFloorPort: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Concrete Floor Port";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorPortKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
class UpgradeToConcreteGate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Concrete Gate";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteGateKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteGateKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteWallKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
class UpgradeToConcreteWindow: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Concrete Window";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_ConcreteWindowKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteWindowKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_ConcreteWallKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole"},
{4, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard"}
class UpgradeToWoodDoor: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Wood Door";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodDoorKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodDoorKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodDoorwayKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class UpgradeToWoodDrawBridge: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Wood Draw Bridge";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodDrawBridgeKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodDrawBridgeKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"},
{1, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal"},
{1, "Exile_Item_MetalScrews"}
class UpgradeToWoodFloorPort: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Wood Floor Port";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorPortKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodFloorKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class UpgradeToWoodGate: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Wood Gate";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodGateKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit"},
{4, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class UpgradeToWoodWall: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Wood Wall";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWallHalfKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit"}
components[] =
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodWallHalfKit"}
class UpgradeToWoodWindow: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe
name = "Upgrade to Wood Window";
pictureItem = "Exile_Item_WoodWindowKit";
requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench";
returnedItems[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodWindowKit"}
components[] =
{1, "Exile_Item_WoodWallKit"},
{2, "Exile_Item_WoodPlank"}
class CfgExileAnimals
* Should animals spawn on your server? Y/N?
enabled = 1;
* Should vanilla Arma animals (fish, rabbits, bees, etc.) be disabled?
* We think it should, since it might confuse players if they cant eat them. *munches on bees*
disableVanillaAnimals = 1;
* Which animals to spawn.
* Exile automatically spawns a color variation of that animal, if variations exist.
* Each player (client) has a maximum of one animal at a time.
* Exile checks which animal type can spawn in front of the player and then
* picks a random one.
* For now it is like this:
* - Goats spawn on hill tops, but not in forests
* - Sheep spawn on meadows, but not next to forests and not on hill tops
* - Hens and roosters spawn next to buildings only
* => More animal types will follow in upcoming Exile versions, hopefully.
animalTypes[] =
* Animals are always spawned in front of the player, but
* at least a certain distance away. The radius is applied on top.
* Example:
* Distance = 150
* Radius = 50
* => Minimum Distance from Player = 150
* => Maximum Distance from Player = 150 + 50 * 2
spawnDistance = 150;
spawnRadius = 50;
* Specifies the minimum time in seconds between spawning animals.
* When the animal diededed, this time has to pass before it spawns
* a new one.
* It is a min/max setting, so the intervals will be uneven and a bit random.
* By default it will take 5 to 10 minutes to respawn a new animal.
minimumSpawnDelay = 5 * 60;
maximumSpawnDelay = 10 * 60;
* Clients will despawn animals if no player is in this radius around the animal
* This check is ran every 1 minute, so it is pretty unprecise, but performance-friendly.
keepAliveRadius = 500;
* Defines the minimum lifetime of an animal in seconds. During this time, right after spawning,
* it will not despawn. (+-0..1 minute delay)
minimumLifetime = 5 * 60;
class CfgExileArsenal
class Exile_Uniform_BambiOverall { quality = 1; price = 1; sellPrice = 1; };
// Civillian Clothing
class U_C_Journalist { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_C_Poloshirt_blue { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_C_Poloshirt_salmon { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_C_Poloshirt_stripped { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_C_Poor_1 { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_C_Poor_2 { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_C_Poor_shorts_1 { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_C_Scientist { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class U_OrestesBody { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class U_Rangemaster { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class U_NikosAgedBody { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class U_NikosBody { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class U_Competitor { quality = 1; price = 40; };
// Soldier Uniforms
class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CTRG_1 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CTRG_2 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CTRG_3 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_I_CombatUniform { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_I_CombatUniform_shortsleeve { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_I_CombatUniform_tshirt { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_I_OfficerUniform { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_O_CombatUniform_oucamo { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_O_OfficerUniform_ocamo { quality = 3; price = 80; };
class U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg { quality = 3; price = 80; };
class U_O_SpecopsUniform_blk { quality = 3; price = 80; };
class U_O_SpecopsUniform_ocamo { quality = 3; price = 80; };
class U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F { quality = 3; price = 100; };
class Exile_Uniform_Woodland { quality = 3; price = 150; };
// Guerilla Uniforms
class U_C_HunterBody_grn { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_IG_Guerilla1_1 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_IG_Guerilla2_1 { quality = 2; price = 60; };
class U_IG_Guerilla2_2 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_IG_Guerilla2_3 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_IG_Guerilla3_1 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_BG_Guerilla2_1 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_IG_Guerilla3_2 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_BG_Guerrilla_6_1 { quality = 2; price = 60; };
class U_BG_Guerilla1_1 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_BG_Guerilla2_2 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_BG_Guerilla2_3 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_BG_Guerilla3_1 { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_BG_leader { quality = 3; price = 40; };
class U_IG_leader { quality = 3; price = 40; };
class U_I_G_resistanceLeader_F { quality = 3; price = 100; };
// Ghillie Suits
class U_B_FullGhillie_ard { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_B_FullGhillie_lsh { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_B_FullGhillie_sard { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_B_GhillieSuit { quality = 3; price = 100; };
class U_I_FullGhillie_ard { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_I_FullGhillie_lsh { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_I_FullGhillie_sard { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_I_GhillieSuit { quality = 3; price = 100; };
class U_O_FullGhillie_ard { quality = 6; price = 150; };
class U_O_FullGhillie_lsh { quality = 6; price = 150; };
class U_O_FullGhillie_sard { quality = 6; price = 150; };
class U_O_GhillieSuit { quality = 5; price = 100; };
// Wet Suits
class U_I_Wetsuit { quality = 3; price = 80; };
class U_O_Wetsuit { quality = 3; price = 80; };
class U_B_Wetsuit { quality = 3; price = 80; };
class U_B_survival_uniform { quality = 3; price = 80; };
// Bandolliers
class V_BandollierB_blk { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class V_BandollierB_cbr { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class V_BandollierB_khk { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class V_BandollierB_oli { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class V_BandollierB_rgr { quality = 1; price = 20; };
// Chestrigs
class V_Chestrig_blk { quality = 1; price = 30; };
class V_Chestrig_khk { quality = 1; price = 30; };
class V_Chestrig_oli { quality = 1; price = 30; };
class V_Chestrig_rgr { quality = 1; price = 30; };
// Vests
class V_Press_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class V_Rangemaster_belt { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class V_TacVest_blk { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class V_TacVest_blk_POLICE { quality = 3; price = 50; };
class V_TacVest_brn { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class V_TacVest_camo { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class V_TacVest_khk { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class V_TacVest_oli { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class V_TacVestCamo_khk { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class V_TacVestIR_blk { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class V_I_G_resistanceLeader_F { quality = 2; price = 50; };
// Harnesses
class V_HarnessO_brn { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class V_HarnessO_gry { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class V_HarnessOGL_brn { quality = 1; price = 30; };
class V_HarnessOGL_gry { quality = 1; price = 30; };
class V_HarnessOSpec_brn { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class V_HarnessOSpec_gry { quality = 1; price = 40; };
// Plate Carriers
class V_PlateCarrier1_blk { quality = 1; price = 80; };
class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr { quality = 1; price = 80; };
class V_PlateCarrier2_rgr { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class V_PlateCarrier3_rgr { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class V_PlateCarrierGL_blk { quality = 6; price = 500; };
class V_PlateCarrierGL_mtp { quality = 6; price = 500; };
class V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr { quality = 6; price = 500; };
class V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl { quality = 2; price = 80; };
class V_PlateCarrierIA2_dgtl { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class V_PlateCarrierIAGL_dgtl { quality = 3; price = 400; };
class V_PlateCarrierIAGL_oli { quality = 3; price = 400; };
class V_PlateCarrierL_CTRG { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class V_PlateCarrierSpec_blk { quality = 5; price = 200; };
class V_PlateCarrierSpec_mtp { quality = 5; price = 200; };
class V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr { quality = 5; price = 200; };
// Caps
class H_Cap_blk { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_blk_Raven { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_blu { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_brn_SPECOPS { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_grn { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_headphones { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_khaki_specops_UK { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_oli { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_press { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_red { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_tan { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_tan_specops_US { quality = 1; price = 6; };
// Glasses
class G_Spectacles { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Spectacles_Tinted { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Combat { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Lowprofile { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Shades_Black { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Shades_Green { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Shades_Red { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Squares { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Squares_Tinted { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Sport_BlackWhite { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Sport_Blackyellow { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Sport_Greenblack { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Sport_Checkered { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Sport_Red { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Tactical_Black { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Aviator { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Lady_Mirror { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Lady_Dark { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Lady_Red { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Lady_Blue { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Diving { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_B_Diving { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_O_Diving { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_I_Diving { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Goggles_VR { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Balaclava_blk { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class G_Balaclava_oli { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class G_Balaclava_combat { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class G_Balaclava_lowprofile { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class G_Bandanna_blk { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Bandanna_oli { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Bandanna_khk { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Bandanna_tan { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Bandanna_beast { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Bandanna_shades { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Bandanna_sport { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Bandanna_aviator { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Shades_Blue { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Sport_Blackred { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Tactical_Clear { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class G_Balaclava_TI_blk_F { quality = 2; price = 15; };
class G_Balaclava_TI_tna_F { quality = 2; price = 15; };
class G_Balaclava_TI_G_blk_F { quality = 2; price = 15; };
class G_Balaclava_TI_G_tna_F { quality = 2; price = 15; };
class G_Combat_Goggles_tna_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
// Military Caps
class H_MilCap_blue { quality = 1; price = 8; };
class H_MilCap_dgtl { quality = 1; price = 8; };
class H_MilCap_mcamo { quality = 1; price = 8; };
class H_MilCap_ocamo { quality = 1; price = 8; };
class H_MilCap_oucamo { quality = 1; price = 8; };
class H_MilCap_rucamo { quality = 1; price = 8; };
// Beanies
class H_Watchcap_blk { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Watchcap_camo { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Watchcap_khk { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Watchcap_sgg { quality = 1; price = 6; };
// Bandannas
class H_Bandanna_camo { quality = 1; price = 4; };
class H_Bandanna_cbr { quality = 1; price = 4; };
class H_Bandanna_gry { quality = 1; price = 4; };
class H_Bandanna_khk { quality = 1; price = 4; };
class H_Bandanna_khk_hs { quality = 1; price = 4; };
class H_Bandanna_mcamo { quality = 1; price = 4; };
class H_Bandanna_sgg { quality = 1; price = 4; };
class H_Bandanna_surfer { quality = 1; price = 4; };
// Boonie Hats
class H_Booniehat_dgtl { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Booniehat_dirty { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Booniehat_grn { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Booniehat_indp { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Booniehat_khk { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Booniehat_khk_hs { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Booniehat_mcamo { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Booniehat_tan { quality = 1; price = 6; };
// Hats
class H_Hat_blue { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Hat_brown { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Hat_camo { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Hat_checker { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Hat_grey { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Hat_tan { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_StrawHat { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_StrawHat_dark { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class Exile_Headgear_SantaHat { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class Exile_Headgear_SafetyHelmet { quality = 1; price = 20; };
// Berets
class H_Beret_02 { quality = 2; price = 6; };
class H_Beret_blk { quality = 2; price = 6; };
class H_Beret_blk_POLICE { quality = 2; price = 6; };
class H_Beret_brn_SF { quality = 2; price = 6; };
class H_Beret_Colonel { quality = 3; price = 8; };
class H_Beret_grn { quality = 2; price = 6; };
class H_Beret_grn_SF { quality = 2; price = 6; };
class H_Beret_ocamo { quality = 2; price = 6; };
class H_Beret_red { quality = 2; price = 6; };
// Shemags
class H_Shemag_khk { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class H_Shemag_olive { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class H_Shemag_olive_hs { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class H_Shemag_tan { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class H_ShemagOpen_khk { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class H_ShemagOpen_tan { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class H_TurbanO_blk { quality = 1; price = 10; };
// Light Helmets
class H_HelmetB_light { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class H_HelmetB_light_black { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class H_HelmetB_light_desert { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class H_HelmetB_light_grass { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class H_HelmetB_light_sand { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class H_HelmetB_light_snakeskin { quality = 2; price = 20; };
// Helmets
class H_HelmetIA { quality = 3; price = 40; };
class H_HelmetIA_camo { quality = 3; price = 40; };
class H_HelmetIA_net { quality = 3; price = 40; };
class H_HelmetB { quality = 3; price = 60; };
class H_HelmetB_black { quality = 3; price = 60; };
class H_HelmetB_camo { quality = 3; price = 80; }; // This one is awesome!
class H_HelmetB_desert { quality = 3; price = 60; };
class H_HelmetB_grass { quality = 3; price = 60; };
class H_HelmetB_paint { quality = 3; price = 60; };
class H_HelmetB_plain_blk { quality = 3; price = 60; };
class H_HelmetB_sand { quality = 3; price = 60; };
class H_HelmetB_snakeskin { quality = 3; price = 60; };
// Spec Ops Helmets
class H_HelmetSpecB { quality = 4; price = 80; };
class H_HelmetSpecB_blk { quality = 4; price = 80; };
class H_HelmetSpecB_paint1 { quality = 4; price = 80; };
class H_HelmetSpecB_paint2 { quality = 4; price = 80; };
// Super Helmets
class H_HelmetO_ocamo { quality = 5; price = 150; };
class H_HelmetO_oucamo { quality = 5; price = 150; };
class H_HelmetSpecO_blk { quality = 5; price = 100; };
class H_HelmetSpecO_ocamo { quality = 5; price = 100; };
class H_HelmetLeaderO_ocamo { quality = 5; price = 200; };
class H_HelmetLeaderO_oucamo { quality = 5; price = 200; };
// Pointer Attachments
class acc_flashlight { quality = 1; price = 4; };
class acc_pointer_IR { quality = 1; price = 10; };
// Bitpod Attachments
class bipod_01_F_blk { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class bipod_01_F_mtp { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class bipod_01_F_snd { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class bipod_02_F_blk { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class bipod_02_F_hex { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class bipod_02_F_tan { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class bipod_03_F_blk { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class bipod_03_F_oli { quality = 2; price = 10; };
// Muzzle Attachments
class muzzle_snds_338_black { quality = 5; price = 50; };
class muzzle_snds_338_green { quality = 5; price = 50; };
class muzzle_snds_338_sand { quality = 5; price = 50; };
class muzzle_snds_93mmg { quality = 4; price = 50; };
class muzzle_snds_93mmg_tan { quality = 4; price = 50; };
class muzzle_snds_acp { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class muzzle_snds_B { quality = 3; price = 20; };
class muzzle_snds_H { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class muzzle_snds_H_MG { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class muzzle_snds_H_SW { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class muzzle_snds_L { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class muzzle_snds_M { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class I_UavTerminal { quality = 4; price = 750; };
class I_UAV_01_backpack_F { quality = 4; price = 3000; };
// Static MGs
class O_HMG_01_weapon_F { quality = 4; price = 5000; };
class O_HMG_01_support_F { quality = 4; price = 1000; };
// Does not seem to work with HMG01, only the lower version does
//class O_HMG_01_support_high_F { quality = QUALITY_LEVEL_9000; price = 5000; };
// Optic Attachments
class optic_Aco { quality = 1; price = 70; };
class optic_ACO_grn { quality = 1; price = 70; };
class optic_ACO_grn_smg { quality = 1; price = 70; };
class optic_Aco_smg { quality = 1; price = 70; };
class optic_AMS { quality = 5; price = 300; };
class optic_AMS_khk { quality = 5; price = 300; };
class optic_AMS_snd { quality = 5; price = 300; };
class optic_Arco { quality = 1; price = 100; };
class optic_DMS { quality = 2; price = 150; };
class optic_Hamr { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class optic_Holosight { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class optic_Holosight_smg { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class optic_KHS_blk { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class optic_KHS_hex { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class optic_KHS_old { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class optic_KHS_tan { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class optic_LRPS { quality = 5; price = 300; };
class optic_MRCO { quality = 1; price = 100; };
class optic_MRD { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class optic_Nightstalker { quality = 6; price = 1000; };
class optic_NVS { quality = 4; price = 500; };
class optic_SOS { quality = 2; price = 200; };
//class optic_tws { quality = QUALITY_LEVEL_9000; price = 1500; };
//class optic_tws_mg { quality = QUALITY_LEVEL_9000; price = 1500; };
class optic_Yorris { quality = 1; price = 10; };
// Hardware
class Exile_Item_Rope { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Item_DuctTape { quality = 1; price = 300; };
class Exile_Item_ExtensionCord { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class Exile_Item_JunkMetal { quality = 1; price = 400; };
class Exile_Item_LightBulb { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Item_MetalBoard { quality = 1; price = 600; };
//class Exile_Item_MetalHedgehogKit { quality = 1; price = 1200; };
class Exile_Item_SafeKit { quality = 4; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Item_CodeLock { quality = 1; price = 5000; };
//class Exile_Item_Laptop { quality = 2; price = 9000; };
//class Exile_Item_BaseCameraKit { quality = 2; price = 5000; };
class Exile_Item_CamoTentKit { quality = 1; price = 250; };
class Exile_Item_MetalPole { quality = 1; price = 800; };
class Exile_Item_MetalScrews { quality = 1; price = 100; };
//class Exile_Item_MetalWire { quality = 1; price = 100; };
//class Exile_Item_Cement { quality = 1; price = 20; };
//class Exile_Item_Sand { quality = 1; price = 20; };
//class Exile_Item_CarWheel { quality = 1; price = 1000; };
// Added in 1.0.3, but not used
//class Exile_Item_SprayCan_Black { quality = 2; price = 20; };
//class Exile_Item_SprayCan_Red { quality = 2; price = 20; };
//class Exile_Item_SprayCan_Green { quality = 2; price = 20; };
//class Exile_Item_SprayCan_White { quality = 2; price = 20; };
//class Exile_Item_SprayCan_Blue { quality = 2; price = 20; };
//class Exile_Item_BurlapSack { quality = 2; price = 5; };
//class Exile_Item_Bullets_556 { quality = 2; price = 5; };
//class Exile_Item_Bullets_762 { quality = 2; price = 5; };
//class Exile_Item_WeaponParts { quality = 2; price = 20; };
// Food
class Exile_Item_SheepSteak_Cooked { quality = 4; price = 230; }; //100, 30
class Exile_Item_AlsatianSteak_Cooked { quality = 4; price = 230; }; //100, 30
class Exile_Item_CatSharkFilet_Cooked { quality = 4; price = 230; }; //100, 30
class Exile_Item_FinSteak_Cooked { quality = 4; price = 230; }; //100, 30
class Exile_Item_GoatSteak_Cooked { quality = 4; price = 230; }; //100, 30
class Exile_Item_TurtleFilet_Cooked { quality = 4; price = 230; }; //100, 30
class Exile_Item_TunaFilet_Cooked { quality = 3; price = 220; }; //90, 30
class Exile_Item_RabbitSteak_Cooked { quality = 3; price = 215; }; //80, 30
class Exile_Item_EMRE { quality = 3; price = 54; }; //75, 60
class Exile_Item_ChickenFilet_Cooked { quality = 3; price = 205; }; //70, 30
class Exile_Item_RoosterFilet_Cooked { quality = 3; price = 205; }; //70, 30
class Exile_Item_MulletFilet_Cooked { quality = 3; price = 200; }; //65, 30
class Exile_Item_SalemaFilet_Cooked { quality = 3; price = 200; }; //65, 30
class Exile_Item_GloriousKnakworst { quality = 3; price = 40; }; //60, 30
class Exile_Item_MackerelFilet_Cooked { quality = 3; price = 190; }; //55, 30
class Exile_Item_Surstromming { quality = 3; price = 34; }; //55, 25
class Exile_Item_SausageGravy { quality = 3; price = 30; }; //50, 25
class Exile_Item_OrnateFilet_Cooked { quality = 3; price = 180; }; //40, 30
class Exile_Item_SnakeFilet_Cooked { quality = 3; price = 180; }; //40, 30
class Exile_Item_Catfood { quality = 2; price = 24; }; //40, 40
class Exile_Item_ChristmasTinner { quality = 3; price = 20; }; //40, 60
class Exile_Item_BBQSandwich { quality = 3; price = 20; }; //40, 60
class Exile_Item_MacasCheese { quality = 3; price = 20; }; //40, 60
class Exile_Item_Dogfood { quality = 2; price = 18; }; //30, 30
class Exile_Item_BeefParts { quality = 2; price = 18; }; //30, 30
class Exile_Item_Cheathas { quality = 2; price = 18; }; //30, 30
class Exile_Item_CatSharkFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 125; }; //25, 30
class Exile_Item_Noodles { quality = 1; price = 14; }; //25, 50
class Exile_Item_SeedAstics { quality = 1; price = 12; }; //20, 40
class Exile_Item_TunaFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 120; }; //20, 30
class Exile_Item_AlsatianSteak_Raw { quality = 2; price = 115; }; //15, 30
class Exile_Item_TurtleFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 115; }; //15, 30
class Exile_Item_SheepSteak_Raw { quality = 2; price = 115; }; //15, 30
class Exile_Item_FinSteak_Raw { quality = 2; price = 115; }; //15, 30
class Exile_Item_GoatSteak_Raw { quality = 2; price = 115; }; //15, 30
class Exile_Item_Raisins { quality = 1; price = 10; }; //15, 30
class Exile_Item_ChickenFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 110; }; //10, 30
class Exile_Item_RoosterFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 110; }; //10, 30
class Exile_Item_Moobar { quality = 1; price = 8; }; //10, 30
class Exile_Item_InstantCoffee { quality = 1; price = 20; }; //5, 10
class Exile_Item_MackerelFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 108; }; //5, 30
class Exile_Item_MulletFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 108; }; //5, 30
class Exile_Item_OrnateFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 108; }; //5, 30
class Exile_Item_RabbitSteak_Raw { quality = 2; price = 108; }; //5, 30
class Exile_Item_SalemaFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 108; }; //5, 30
class Exile_Item_SnakeFilet_Raw { quality = 2; price = 108; }; //5, 30
class Exile_Item_Can_Empty { quality = 1; price = 1; sellPrice = 1; };
// Drinks
class Exile_Item_PlasticBottleCoffee { quality = 3; price = 70; sellPrice = 10; };//100, 60
class Exile_Item_PowerDrink { quality = 3; price = 60; }; //95, 10
class Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater { quality = 2; price = 50; sellPrice = 4; }; //80, 15
class Exile_Item_Beer { quality = 1; price = 50; }; //75, 30
class Exile_Item_EnergyDrink { quality = 1; price = 40; }; //75, 20
class Exile_Item_ChocolateMilk { quality = 1; price = 25; }; //75, 20
class Exile_Item_MountainDupe { quality = 1; price = 30; }; //50, 20
class Exile_Item_PlasticBottleEmpty { quality = 1; price = 4; };
// First Aid
class Exile_Item_InstaDoc { quality = 5; price = 1250; };
class Exile_Item_Vishpirin { quality = 3; price = 300; };
class Exile_Item_Bandage { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class Exile_Item_Heatpack { quality = 1; price = 50; };
//class Exile_Item_Defibrillator { quality = 1; price = 7500; };
// Tools
class Exile_Item_Matches { quality = 1; price = 60; };
class Exile_Item_CookingPot { quality = 2; price = 80; };
class Exile_Melee_Axe { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class Exile_Melee_SledgeHammmer { quality = 3; price = 500; };
class Exile_Item_CanOpener { quality = 1; price = 80; };
class Exile_Item_Handsaw { quality = 2; price = 500; };
class Exile_Item_Pliers { quality = 2; price = 350; };
class Exile_Item_Grinder { quality = 2; price = 1250; };
class Exile_Item_Foolbox { quality = 2; price = 4000; };
//class Exile_Item_CordlessScrewdriver { quality = 1; price = 750; };
//class Exile_Item_FireExtinguisher { quality = 1; price = 650; };
//class Exile_Item_Hammer { quality = 1; price = 600; };
//class Exile_Item_OilCanister { quality = 1; price = 1750; };
//class Exile_Item_Screwdriver { quality = 1; price = 250; };
//class Exile_Item_Shovel { quality = 1; price = 700; };
//class Exile_Item_Wrench { quality = 1; price = 250; };
//class Exile_Item_SleepingMat { quality = 1; price = 1250; };
//class Exile_Item_ToiletPaper { quality = 1; price = 5; };
//class Exile_Item_ZipTie { quality = 1; price = 250; };
// Navigation
class ItemWatch { quality = 1; price = 2; };
class ItemGPS { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class ItemMap { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class ItemCompass { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class ItemRadio { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class Binocular { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class Rangefinder { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class Laserdesignator { quality = 6; price = 750; };
class Laserdesignator_02 { quality = 6; price = 750; };
class Laserdesignator_03 { quality = 6; price = 750; };
class NVGoggles { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class NVGoggles_INDEP { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class NVGoggles_OPFOR { quality = 2; price = 100; };
class Exile_Item_XM8 { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class Exile_Item_MobilePhone { quality = 6; price = 500; };
// Watch out for a Walter fart! He has gas!
class Exile_Headgear_GasMask { quality = 4; price = 500; };
// Rebreather
class V_RebreatherB { quality = 2; price = 250; };
class V_RebreatherIA { quality = 2; price = 250; };
class V_RebreatherIR { quality = 2; price = 250; };
// Pilot Stuff
class B_Parachute { quality = 3; price = 150; };
class H_CrewHelmetHeli_B { quality = 3; price = 150; };
class H_CrewHelmetHeli_I { quality = 3; price = 150; };
class H_CrewHelmetHeli_O { quality = 3; price = 150; };
class H_HelmetCrew_I { quality = 3; price = 100; };
class H_HelmetCrew_B { quality = 3; price = 100; };
class H_HelmetCrew_O { quality = 3; price = 100; };
class H_PilotHelmetHeli_B { quality = 4; price = 100; };
class H_PilotHelmetHeli_I { quality = 4; price = 100; };
class H_PilotHelmetHeli_O { quality = 4; price = 100; };
class U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls { quality = 4; price = 80; };
class U_B_PilotCoveralls { quality = 2; price = 60; };
class U_I_HeliPilotCoveralls { quality = 2; price = 60; };
class U_I_pilotCoveralls { quality = 2; price = 60; };
class U_O_PilotCoveralls { quality = 2; price = 60; };
class H_PilotHelmetFighter_B { quality = 5; price = 150; };
class H_PilotHelmetFighter_I { quality = 5; price = 150; };
class H_PilotHelmetFighter_O { quality = 5; price = 150; };
// Backpacks
class B_HuntingBackpack { quality = 3; price = 70; };
class B_OutdoorPack_blk { quality = 1; price = 80; };
class B_OutdoorPack_blu { quality = 1; price = 80; };
class B_OutdoorPack_tan { quality = 1; price = 80; };
class B_AssaultPack_blk { quality = 1; price = 90; };
class B_AssaultPack_cbr { quality = 1; price = 90; };
class B_AssaultPack_dgtl { quality = 1; price = 90; };
class B_AssaultPack_khk { quality = 1; price = 90; };
class B_AssaultPack_mcamo { quality = 1; price = 90; };
class B_AssaultPack_rgr { quality = 1; price = 90; };
class B_AssaultPack_sgg { quality = 1; price = 90; };
class B_FieldPack_blk { quality = 2; price = 120; };
class B_FieldPack_cbr { quality = 2; price = 120; };
class B_FieldPack_ocamo { quality = 2; price = 120; };
class B_FieldPack_oucamo { quality = 2; price = 120; };
class B_TacticalPack_blk { quality = 2; price = 150; };
class B_TacticalPack_rgr { quality = 2; price = 150; };
class B_TacticalPack_ocamo { quality = 2; price = 150; };
class B_TacticalPack_mcamo { quality = 2; price = 150; };
class B_TacticalPack_oli { quality = 2; price = 150; };
class B_Kitbag_cbr { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class B_Kitbag_mcamo { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class B_Kitbag_sgg { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class B_Bergen_blk { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class B_Bergen_mcamo { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class B_Bergen_rgr { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class B_Bergen_sgg { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class B_Carryall_cbr { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class B_Carryall_khk { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class B_Carryall_mcamo { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class B_Carryall_ocamo { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class B_Carryall_oli { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class B_Carryall_oucamo { quality = 4; price = 300; };
// Ammunition
class 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class 100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class 10Rnd_127x54_Mag { quality = 4; price = 30; };
// Broken in Arma
class 10Rnd_338_Mag { quality = 5; price = 30; };
class 10Rnd_762x54_Mag { quality = 3; price = 30; };
//class 10Rnd_762x51_Mag { quality = 1; price = 30; };
class 10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Mag { quality = 4; price = 40; };
class 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag { quality = 1; price = 8; };
class 150Rnd_762x54_Box { quality = 3; price = 20; };
class 150Rnd_762x54_Box_Tracer { quality = 3; price = 30; };
class 16Rnd_9x21_Mag { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class 200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class 200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box_Tracer { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class 150Rnd_93x64_Mag { quality = 6; price = 50; };
class 130Rnd_338_Mag { quality = 5; price = 40; };
class 20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class 20Rnd_762x51_Mag { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Green { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Yellow { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01_Tracer_Red { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_green { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Yellow { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_red { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class 30Rnd_9x21_Mag { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class 30Rnd_9x21_Yellow_Mag { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class 30Rnd_9x21_Green_Mag { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class 30Rnd_9x21_Red_Mag { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class 5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag { quality = 6; price = 50; };
class 5Rnd_127x108_Mag { quality = 6; price = 40; };
class 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder { quality = 1; price = 8; };
class 6Rnd_GreenSignal_F { quality = 1; price = 30; };
class 6Rnd_RedSignal_F { quality = 1; price = 30; };
class 7Rnd_408_Mag { quality = 6; price = 10; };
class 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag { quality = 1; price = 6; };
// Price for bullet cam magazines is normal magazine price + 20 pop tabs per bullet
class Exile_Magazine_5Rnd_127x108_Bullet_Cam_Mag { quality = 6; price = 40 + 5 * 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Bullet_Cam_Mag { quality = 6; price = 40 + 5 * 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_10Rnd_93x64_DMR_05_Bullet_Cam_Mag { quality = 6; price = 40 + 10 * 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_7Rnd_408_Bullet_Cam_Mag { quality = 6; price = 10 + 7 * 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_10Rnd_338_Bullet_Cam_Mag { quality = 6; price = 30 + 10 * 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_10Rnd_127x99_m107_Bullet_Cam_Mag { quality = 6; price = 40 + 10 * 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_5Rnd_127x108_KSVK_Bullet_Cam_Mag { quality = 6; price = 40 + 5 * 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_5Rnd_127x108_APDS_KSVK_Bullet_Cam_Mag { quality = 6; price = 40 + 5 * 20; };
// Flares
class Chemlight_blue { quality = 1; price = 2; };
class Chemlight_green { quality = 1; price = 2; };
class Chemlight_red { quality = 1; price = 2; };
class FlareGreen_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class FlareRed_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class FlareWhite_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class FlareYellow_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class UGL_FlareGreen_F { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class UGL_FlareRed_F { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class UGL_FlareWhite_F { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class UGL_FlareYellow_F { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class 3Rnd_UGL_FlareGreen_F { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
class 3Rnd_UGL_FlareRed_F { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
class 3Rnd_UGL_FlareWhite_F { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
class 3Rnd_UGL_FlareYellow_F { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
// Smokes
class SmokeShell { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class SmokeShellBlue { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class SmokeShellGreen { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class SmokeShellOrange { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class SmokeShellPurple { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class SmokeShellRed { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class SmokeShellYellow { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class 1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class 1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class 1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class 1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class 1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class 1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class 1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell { quality = 2; price = 8; };
class 3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
class 3Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
class 3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
class 3Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
class 3Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
class 3Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
class 3Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell { quality = 3; price = 8*3; };
// Explosives
class HandGrenade { quality = 3; price = 40; };
class MiniGrenade { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class B_IR_Grenade { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class O_IR_Grenade { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class I_IR_Grenade { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class 1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell { quality = 2; price = 70; };
class 3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell { quality = 3; price = 70*3; };
class APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag { quality = 3; price = 500; };
class APERSMine_Range_Mag { quality = 3; price = 600; };
class APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag { quality = 3; price = 300; };
class ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag { quality = 3; price = 350; };
class DemoCharge_Remote_Mag { quality = 4; price = 700; };
class IEDLandBig_Remote_Mag { quality = 3; price = 600; };
class IEDLandSmall_Remote_Mag { quality = 3; price = 300; };
class IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Mag { quality = 3; price = 800; };
class IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Mag { quality = 3; price = 400; };
class SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag { quality = 5; price = 1000; };
class SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag { quality = 3; price = 700; };
// Pistols
class hgun_ACPC2_F { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class hgun_P07_F { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F { quality = 2; price = 80; };
class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F { quality = 2; price = 80; };
class hgun_Pistol_Signal_F { quality = 1; price = 100; };
class hgun_Rook40_F { quality = 1; price = 50; };
// Sub Machine Guns
class hgun_PDW2000_F { quality = 1; price = 100; };
class SMG_01_F { quality = 1; price = 150; };
class SMG_02_F { quality = 1; price = 150; };
// Light Machine Guns
class arifle_MX_SW_Black_F { quality = 2; price = 250; };
class arifle_MX_SW_F { quality = 2; price = 250; };
class LMG_Mk200_F { quality = 2; price = 300; };
class LMG_Zafir_F { quality = 3; price = 350; };
class MMG_01_hex_F { quality = 6; price = 800; };
class MMG_01_tan_F { quality = 6; price = 800; };
class MMG_02_black_F { quality = 6; price = 450; };
class MMG_02_camo_F { quality = 5; price = 450; };
class MMG_02_sand_F { quality = 5; price = 450; };
// Assault Rifles
class arifle_Katiba_C_F { quality = 2; price = 150; };
class arifle_Katiba_F { quality = 2; price = 150; };
class arifle_Katiba_GL_F { quality = 2; price = 200; };
class arifle_Mk20_F { quality = 1; price = 150; };
class arifle_Mk20_GL_F { quality = 1; price = 200; };
class arifle_Mk20_GL_plain_F { quality = 1; price = 200; };
class arifle_Mk20_plain_F { quality = 1; price = 150; };
class arifle_Mk20C_F { quality = 1; price = 150; };
class arifle_Mk20C_plain_F { quality = 1; price = 150; };
class arifle_MX_Black_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_MX_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_MX_GL_Black_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_MX_GL_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_MXC_Black_F { quality = 2; price = 350; };
class arifle_MXC_F { quality = 2; price = 350; };
class arifle_SDAR_F { quality = 1; price = 650; };
class arifle_TRG20_F { quality = 1; price = 250; };
class arifle_TRG21_F { quality = 1; price = 250; };
class arifle_TRG21_GL_F { quality = 1; price = 350; };
// Sniper Rifles
class arifle_MXM_Black_F { quality = 2; price = 550; };
class arifle_MXM_F { quality = 2; price = 550; };
class srifle_DMR_01_F { quality = 3; price = 600; };
class srifle_DMR_02_camo_F { quality = 3; price = 800; };
class srifle_DMR_02_F { quality = 3; price = 800; };
class srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F { quality = 3; price = 800; };
class srifle_DMR_03_F { quality = 3; price = 750; };
class srifle_DMR_03_khaki_F { quality = 3; price = 750; };
class srifle_DMR_03_multicam_F { quality = 3; price = 750; };
class srifle_DMR_03_tan_F { quality = 3; price = 750; };
class srifle_DMR_03_woodland_F { quality = 3; price = 750; };
class srifle_DMR_04_F { quality = 4; price = 700; };
class srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F { quality = 4; price = 700; };
class srifle_DMR_05_blk_F { quality = 4; price = 850; };
class srifle_DMR_05_hex_F { quality = 4; price = 850; };
class srifle_DMR_05_tan_f { quality = 4; price = 850; };
class srifle_DMR_06_camo_F { quality = 5; price = 800; };
class srifle_DMR_06_olive_F { quality = 5; price = 800; };
class srifle_EBR_F { quality = 3; price = 700; };
class srifle_GM6_camo_F { quality = 6; price = 900; };
class srifle_GM6_F { quality = 6; price = 900; };
class srifle_LRR_camo_F { quality = 6; price = 850; };
class srifle_LRR_F { quality = 6; price = 850; };
// ArmA 2 Weapons
class Exile_Weapon_AK107 { quality = 1; price = 300; };
class Exile_Weapon_AK107_GL { quality = 2; price = 400; };
class Exile_Weapon_AK74 { quality = 2; price = 350; };
class Exile_Weapon_AK74_GL { quality = 2; price = 400; };
class Exile_Weapon_AK47 { quality = 3; price = 500; };
class Exile_Weapon_AKM { quality = 3; price = 500; };
class Exile_Weapon_AKS { quality = 3; price = 500; };
class Exile_Weapon_AKS_Gold { quality = 3; price = 550; };
class Exile_Weapon_DMR { quality = 3; price = 650; };
class Exile_Weapon_LeeEnfield { quality = 1; price = 250; };
class Exile_Weapon_CZ550 { quality = 2; price = 400; };
class Exile_Weapon_SVD { quality = 4; price = 800; };
class Exile_Weapon_SVDCamo { quality = 4; price = 850; };
class Exile_Weapon_VSSVintorez { quality = 3; price = 600; };
class Exile_Weapon_RPK { quality = 2; price = 250; };
class Exile_Weapon_PK { quality = 3; price = 300; };
class Exile_Weapon_PKP { quality = 3; price = 350; };
class Exile_Weapon_Colt1911 { quality = 1; price = 100; };
class Exile_Weapon_Makarov { quality = 1; price = 100; };
class Exile_Weapon_Taurus { quality = 1; price = 100; };
class Exile_Weapon_TaurusGold { quality = 1; price = 150; };
class Exile_Weapon_M1014 { quality = 2; price = 200; };
class Exile_Weapon_SA61 { quality = 1; price = 150; };
class Exile_Weapon_m107 { quality = 5; price = 850; };
class Exile_Weapon_ksvk { quality = 5; price = 850; };
class Exile_Weapon_M4 { quality = 2; price = 300; };
class Exile_Weapon_M16A4 { quality = 2; price = 350; };
class Exile_Weapon_M16A2 { quality = 1; price = 300; };
// ArmA 2 Ammunition
class Exile_Magazine_30Rnd_762x39_AK { quality = 3; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_30Rnd_545x39_AK { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_30Rnd_545x39_AK_Green { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_30Rnd_545x39_AK_Red { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_30Rnd_545x39_AK_White { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_30Rnd_545x39_AK_Yellow { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_45Rnd_545x39_RPK_Green { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_75Rnd_545x39_RPK_Green { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_20Rnd_762x51_DMR { quality = 3; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_20Rnd_762x51_DMR_Yellow { quality = 3; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_20Rnd_762x51_DMR_Red { quality = 3; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_20Rnd_762x51_DMR_Green { quality = 3; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_10Rnd_303 { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_100Rnd_762x54_PK_Green { quality = 3; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_7Rnd_45ACP { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_8Rnd_9x18 { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_6Rnd_45ACP { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_5Rnd_22LR { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_10Rnd_762x54 { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_10Rnd_9x39 { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_20Rnd_9x39 { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_8Rnd_74Slug { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_8Rnd_74Pellets { quality = 1; price = 20; }; // broken?
class Exile_Magazine_10Rnd_765x17_SA61 { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class Exile_Magazine_20Rnd_765x17_SA61 { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class Exile_Magazine_10Rnd_127x99_m107 { quality = 3; price = 30; };
class Exile_Magazine_5Rnd_127x108_APDS_KSVK { quality = 3; price = 40; };
class Exile_Magazine_5Rnd_127x108_KSVK { quality = 3; price = 30; };
// Apex Items & Weapons
class hgun_Pistol_01_F { quality = 1; price = 65; };
class hgun_P07_khk_F { quality = 1; price = 65; };
class SMG_05_F { quality = 1; price = 150; };
class LMG_03_F { quality = 2; price = 300; };
class arifle_MX_khk_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_MX_GL_khk_F { quality = 2; price = 500; };
class arifle_MXC_khk_F { quality = 2; price = 350; };
class arifle_MXM_khk_F { quality = 2; price = 500; };
class srifle_LRR_tna_F { quality = 6; price = 850; };
class srifle_GM6_ghex_F { quality = 6; price = 900; };
class srifle_DMR_07_blk_F { quality = 4; price = 750; };
class srifle_DMR_07_hex_F { quality = 4; price = 750; };
class srifle_DMR_07_ghex_F { quality = 4; price = 750; };
class arifle_AK12_F { quality = 3; price = 650; };
class arifle_AK12_GL_F { quality = 3; price = 700; };
class arifle_AKM_F { quality = 3; price = 400; };
class arifle_AKM_FL_F { quality = 3; price = 400; };
class arifle_AKS_F { quality = 3; price = 350; };
class arifle_ARX_blk_F { quality = 5; price = 900; };
class arifle_ARX_ghex_F { quality = 5; price = 900; };
class arifle_ARX_hex_F { quality = 5; price = 900; };
class arifle_CTAR_blk_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_CTAR_hex_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_CTAR_ghex_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_CTAR_GL_blk_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_CTAR_GL_ghex_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_CTAR_GL_hex_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_CTARS_blk_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_CTARS_ghex_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_CTARS_hex_F { quality = 2; price = 450; };
class arifle_SPAR_01_blk_F { quality = 1; price = 400; };
class arifle_SPAR_01_khk_F { quality = 1; price = 400; };
class arifle_SPAR_01_snd_F { quality = 1; price = 400; };
class arifle_SPAR_01_GL_blk_F { quality = 1; price = 500; };
class arifle_SPAR_01_GL_khk_F { quality = 1; price = 500; };
class arifle_SPAR_01_GL_snd_F { quality = 1; price = 500; };
class arifle_SPAR_02_blk_F { quality = 2; price = 550; };
class arifle_SPAR_02_khk_F { quality = 2; price = 550; };
class arifle_SPAR_02_snd_F { quality = 2; price = 550; };
class arifle_SPAR_03_blk_F { quality = 3; price = 600; };
class arifle_SPAR_03_khk_F { quality = 3; price = 600; };
class arifle_SPAR_03_snd_F { quality = 3; price = 600; };
class muzzle_snds_H_khk_F { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class muzzle_snds_H_snd_F { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class muzzle_snds_58_blk_F { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class muzzle_snds_m_khk_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class muzzle_snds_m_snd_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class muzzle_snds_B_khk_F { quality = 3; price = 50; };
class muzzle_snds_B_snd_F { quality = 3; price = 50; };
class muzzle_snds_58_wdm_F { quality = 1; price = 20; };
class muzzle_snds_65_TI_blk_F { quality = 2; price = 75; };
class muzzle_snds_65_TI_hex_F { quality = 2; price = 75; };
class muzzle_snds_65_TI_ghex_F { quality = 2; price = 75; };
class muzzle_snds_H_MG_blk_F { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class muzzle_snds_H_MG_khk_F { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class optic_Arco_blk_F { quality = 1; price = 100; };
class optic_Arco_ghex_F { quality = 1; price = 100; };
class optic_DMS_ghex_F { quality = 2; price = 150; };
class optic_Hamr_khk_F { quality = 3; price = 200; };
class optic_ERCO_blk_F { quality = 1; price = 125; };
class optic_ERCO_khk_F { quality = 1; price = 125; };
class optic_ERCO_snd_F { quality = 1; price = 125; };
class optic_SOS_khk_F { quality = 2; price = 200; };
class optic_LRPS_tna_F { quality = 5; price = 300; };
class optic_LRPS_ghex_F { quality = 5; price = 300; };
class optic_Holosight_blk_F { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class optic_Holosight_khk_F { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class optic_Holosight_smg_blk_F { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class bipod_01_F_khk { quality = 2; price = 10; };
class O_NVGoggles_hex_F { quality = 3; price = 150; };
class O_NVGoggles_urb_F { quality = 3; price = 150; };
class O_NVGoggles_ghex_F { quality = 3; price = 150; };
class NVGoggles_tna_F { quality = 2; price = 100; };
//class NVGogglesB_blk_F { quality = 1; price = 1000; }; //Normal NightV but fullscreen thermal
//class NVGogglesB_grn_F { quality = 1; price = 1000; }; //Normal NightV but fullscreen thermal
//class NVGogglesB_gry_F { quality = 1; price = 1000; }; //Normal NightV but fullscreen thermal
//class Laserdesignator_01_khk_F { quality = 1; price = 1000; }; //Thermal
//class Laserdesignator_02_ghex_F { quality = 1; price = 1000; }; //Thermal
class U_B_T_Soldier_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_T_Soldier_AR_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_T_Soldier_SL_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_T_Sniper_F { quality = 3; price = 100; };
class U_B_T_FullGhillie_tna_F { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_B_CTRG_Soldier_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CTRG_Soldier_2_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CTRG_Soldier_3_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_GEN_Soldier_F { quality = 2; price = 35; };
class U_B_GEN_Commander_F { quality = 2; price = 35; };
class U_O_T_Soldier_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_O_T_Officer_F { quality = 3; price = 40; };
class U_O_T_Sniper_F { quality = 3; price = 100; };
class U_O_T_FullGhillie_tna_F { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_O_V_Soldier_Viper_F { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_O_V_Soldier_Viper_hex_F { quality = 4; price = 150; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Para_3_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Para_4_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Para_5_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_1_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_2_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_3_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_4_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_5_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class U_I_C_Soldier_Camo_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class U_C_man_sport_1_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class U_C_man_sport_2_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class U_C_man_sport_3_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class U_C_Man_casual_1_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class U_C_Man_casual_2_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class U_C_Man_casual_3_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class U_C_Man_casual_4_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class U_C_Man_casual_5_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class U_C_Man_casual_6_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class U_B_CTRG_Soldier_urb_1_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CTRG_Soldier_urb_2_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class U_B_CTRG_Soldier_urb_3_F { quality = 2; price = 40; };
class H_Helmet_Skate { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class H_HelmetB_TI_tna_F { quality = 4; price = 100; };
//class H_HelmetO_ViperSP_hex_F { quality = 4; price = 1000; }; //Themal
//class H_HelmetO_ViperSP_ghex_F { quality = 4; price = 1000; }; //Themal
class H_HelmetB_tna_F { quality = 3; price = 50; };
class H_HelmetB_Enh_tna_F { quality = 4; price = 100; };
class H_HelmetB_Light_tna_F { quality = 2; price = 20; };
class H_HelmetSpecO_ghex_F { quality = 5; price = 100; };
class H_HelmetLeaderO_ghex_F { quality = 5; price = 175; };
class H_HelmetO_ghex_F { quality = 5; price = 75; };
class H_HelmetCrew_O_ghex_F { quality = 3; price = 75; };
class H_MilCap_tna_F { quality = 1; price = 8; };
class H_MilCap_ghex_F { quality = 1; price = 8; };
class H_Booniehat_tna_F { quality = 1; price = 4; };
class H_Beret_gen_F { quality = 2; price = 12; };
class H_MilCap_gen_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class H_Cap_oli_Syndikat_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_tan_Syndikat_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_blk_Syndikat_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_Cap_grn_Syndikat_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class H_FakeHeadgear_Syndikat_F { quality = 1; price = 6; };
class V_TacChestrig_grn_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class V_TacChestrig_oli_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class V_TacChestrig_cbr_F { quality = 1; price = 15; };
class V_PlateCarrier1_tna_F { quality = 3; price = 50; };
class V_PlateCarrier2_tna_F { quality = 3; price = 60; };
class V_PlateCarrierSpec_tna_F { quality = 5; price = 100; };
class V_PlateCarrierGL_tna_F { quality = 6; price = 500; };
class V_HarnessO_ghex_F { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class V_HarnessOGL_ghex_F { quality = 1; price = 30; };
class V_BandollierB_ghex_F { quality = 1; price = 10; };
class V_TacVest_gen_F { quality = 1; price = 25; };
class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr_noflag_F { quality = 2; price = 50; };
class V_PlateCarrier2_rgr_noflag_F { quality = 2; price = 60; };
class B_Bergen_Base_F { quality = 5; price = 400; };
class B_Bergen_mcamo_F { quality = 5; price = 400; };
class B_Bergen_dgtl_F { quality = 5; price = 400; };
class B_Bergen_hex_F { quality = 5; price = 400; };
class B_Bergen_tna_F { quality = 5; price = 400; };
class B_AssaultPack_tna_F { quality = 1; price = 90; };
class B_Carryall_ghex_F { quality = 4; price = 300; };
class B_FieldPack_ghex_F { quality = 2; price = 120; };
class B_ViperHarness_base_F { quality = 3; price = 250; };
class B_ViperHarness_blk_F { quality = 3; price = 250; };
class B_ViperHarness_ghex_F { quality = 3; price = 250; };
class B_ViperHarness_hex_F { quality = 3; price = 250; };
class B_ViperHarness_khk_F { quality = 3; price = 250; };
class B_ViperHarness_oli_F { quality = 3; price = 250; };
class B_ViperLightHarness_base_F { quality = 2; price = 200; };
class B_ViperLightHarness_blk_F { quality = 2; price = 200; };
class B_ViperLightHarness_ghex_F { quality = 2; price = 200; };
class B_ViperLightHarness_hex_F { quality = 2; price = 200; };
class B_ViperLightHarness_khk_F { quality = 2; price = 200; };
class B_ViperLightHarness_oli_F { quality = 2; price = 200; };
class 30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02 {quality = 1; price = 10; };
class 30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02_Tracer_Red {quality = 1; price = 15; };
class 30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02_Tracer_Yellow {quality = 1; price = 15; };
class 30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02_Tracer_Green {quality = 1; price = 15; };
class 30Rnd_580x42_Mag_F {quality = 2; price = 15; };
class 30Rnd_580x42_Mag_Tracer_F {quality = 2; price = 15; };
class 100Rnd_580x42_Mag_F {quality = 2; price = 15; };
class 100Rnd_580x42_Mag_Tracer_F {quality = 2; price = 15; };
class 20Rnd_650x39_Cased_Mag_F {quality = 4; price = 20; };
class 10Rnd_50BW_Mag_F {quality = 5; price = 35; };
class 150Rnd_556x45_Drum_Mag_F {quality = 2; price = 75; };
class 150Rnd_556x45_Drum_Mag_Tracer_F {quality = 2; price = 75; };
class 30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F {quality = 3; price = 25; };
class 30Rnd_762x39_Mag_Green_F {quality = 3; price = 25; };
class 30Rnd_762x39_Mag_Tracer_F {quality = 3; price = 25; };
class 30Rnd_762x39_Mag_Tracer_Green_F {quality = 3; price = 25; };
class 30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F {quality = 1; price = 10; };
class 30Rnd_545x39_Mag_Green_F {quality = 1; price = 10; };
class 30Rnd_545x39_Mag_Tracer_F {quality = 1; price = 10; };
class 30Rnd_545x39_Mag_Tracer_Green_F {quality = 1; price = 10; };
class 200Rnd_556x45_Box_F {quality = 1; price = 90; };
class 200Rnd_556x45_Box_Red_F {quality = 1; price = 90; };
class 200Rnd_556x45_Box_Tracer_F {quality = 1; price = 90; };
class 200Rnd_556x45_Box_Tracer_Red_F {quality = 1; price = 90; };
class 10Rnd_9x21_Mag {quality = 1; price = 10; };
// Jets DLC items
class V_DeckCrew_yellow_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class V_DeckCrew_blue_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class V_DeckCrew_green_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class V_DeckCrew_red_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class V_DeckCrew_white_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class V_DeckCrew_brown_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class V_DeckCrew_violet_F { quality = 2; price = 30; };
class Exile_Bike_OldBike { quality = 1; price = 40; };
class Exile_Bike_MountainBike { quality = 1; price = 50; };
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Black { quality = 1; price = 2500; };
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Blue { quality = 1; price = 2500; };
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Red { quality = 1; price = 2500; };
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_White { quality = 1; price = 2500; };
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Nato { quality = 1; price = 2500; };
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Csat { quality = 1; price = 2500; };
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Fia { quality = 1; price = 2500; };
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla01 { quality = 1; price = 2500; };
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla02 { quality = 1; price = 2500; };
class Exile_Car_Kart_BluKing { quality = 1; price = 1100; };
class Exile_Car_Kart_RedStone { quality = 1; price = 1100; };
class Exile_Car_Kart_Vrana { quality = 1; price = 1100; };
class Exile_Car_Kart_Green { quality = 1; price = 1100; };
class Exile_Car_Kart_Blue { quality = 1; price = 1100; };
class Exile_Car_Kart_Orange { quality = 1; price = 1100; };
class Exile_Car_Kart_White { quality = 1; price = 1100; };
class Exile_Car_Kart_Yellow { quality = 1; price = 1100; };
class Exile_Car_Kart_Black { quality = 1; price = 1100; };
class Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Police { quality = 1; price = 700; };
class Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Orange { quality = 1; price = 700; };
class Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_White { quality = 1; price = 700; };
class Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_CSAT { quality = 1; price = 500; };
class Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Digital { quality = 1; price = 500; };
class Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Orange { quality = 1; price = 500; };
class Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Blue { quality = 1; price = 500; };
class Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Black { quality = 1; price = 500; };
// SDV
class Exile_Boat_SDV_CSAT { quality = 2; price = 11000; };
class Exile_Boat_SDV_Digital { quality = 2; price = 11000; };
class Exile_Boat_SDV_Grey { quality = 2; price = 11000; };
// UH-1H Huey
class Exile_Chopper_Huey_Green { quality = 2; price = 21000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Huey_Desert { quality = 2; price = 21000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green { quality = 2; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Desert { quality = 2; price = 25000; };
// Hellcat
class Exile_Chopper_Hellcat_Green { quality = 3; price = 27500; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hellcat_FIA { quality = 3; price = 27500; };
// Hummingbird
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Green { quality = 3; price = 23000; };
// Hummingbird (Civillian)
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Blue { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Red { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_ION { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_BlueLine { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Digital { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Elliptical { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Furious { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_GrayWatcher { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Jeans { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Light { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Shadow { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Sheriff { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Speedy { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Sunset { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Vrana { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Wasp { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Wave { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
// Huron
class Exile_Chopper_Huron_Black { quality = 5; price = 50000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Huron_Green { quality = 5; price = 50000; };
// Mohawk
class Exile_Chopper_Mohawk_FIA { quality = 4; price = 45000; };
// Orca
class Exile_Chopper_Orca_CSAT { quality = 3; price = 28000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Orca_Black { quality = 3; price = 28000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Orca_BlackCustom { quality = 3; price = 28000; };
// Taru
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Transport_CSAT { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Transport_Black { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_CSAT { quality = 4; price = 33000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Black { quality = 4; price = 33000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Covered_CSAT { quality = 4; price = 43000; };
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Covered_Black { quality = 4; price = 43000; };
// Cessna
class Exile_Plane_Cessna { quality = 1; price = 16500; };
// An-2
class Exile_Plane_AN2_Green { quality = 2; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Plane_AN2_White { quality = 2; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Plane_AN2_Stripe { quality = 2; price = 17000; };
// Hatchback
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Beige { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Green { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Blue { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_BlueCustom { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_BeigeCustom { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Yellow { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Grey { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Black { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Dark { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Rusty1 { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Rusty2 { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Rusty3 { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
// Golf
class Exile_Car_Golf_Red { quality = 1; price = 8000; };
class Exile_Car_Golf_Black { quality = 1; price = 8000; };
// Ikarus
class Exile_Car_Ikarus_Blue { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Ikarus_Red { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Ikarus_Party { quality = 1; price = 17000; };
// Ural (Open)
class Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Blue { quality = 2; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Yellow { quality = 2; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Worker { quality = 2; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Military { quality = 2; price = 25000; };
// Ural (Covered)
class Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Blue { quality = 2; price = 28000; };
class Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Yellow { quality = 2; price = 28000; };
class Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Worker { quality = 2; price = 28000; };
class Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Military { quality = 2; price = 28000; };
// V3S
class Exile_Car_V3S_Open { quality = 2; price = 28000; };
class Exile_Car_V3S_Covered { quality = 2; price = 28000; };
class Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black { quality = 3; price = 20000; };
// Tractor
class Exile_Car_Tractor_Red { quality = 1; price = 2000; };
// Tractor (Old)
class Exile_Car_OldTractor_Red { quality = 1; price = 1200; };
// Tow Tractor
class Exile_Car_TowTractor_White { quality = 1; price = 1800; };
// Octavius
class Exile_Car_Octavius_White { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
class Exile_Car_Octavius_Black { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
// UAZ
class Exile_Car_UAZ_Green { quality = 2; price = 7000; };
// UAZ (Open)
class Exile_Car_UAZ_Open_Green { quality = 2; price = 8000; };
// Land Rover
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Red { quality = 3; price = 11000; };
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Urban { quality = 3; price = 11000; };
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Green { quality = 3; price = 11000; };
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Sand { quality = 3; price = 11000; };
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Desert { quality = 3; price = 11000; };
// Land Rover (Ambulance)
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Green { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Desert { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Sand { quality = 3; price = 12000; };
// Lada
class Exile_Car_Lada_Green { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
class Exile_Car_Lada_Taxi { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
class Exile_Car_Lada_Red { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
class Exile_Car_Lada_White { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
class Exile_Car_Lada_Hipster { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
// Volha
class Exile_Car_Volha_Blue { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
class Exile_Car_Volha_White { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
class Exile_Car_Volha_Black { quality = 2; price = 6000; };
// Hatchback (Sport)
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Red { quality = 4; price = 14000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Blue { quality = 4; price = 14000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Orange { quality = 4; price = 14000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_White { quality = 4; price = 14000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Beige { quality = 4; price = 14000; };
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Green { quality = 4; price = 14000; };
class Exile_Car_HEMMT { quality = 3; price = 48000; };
// Hunter
class Exile_Car_Hunter { quality = 5; price = 26500; };
// Ifrit
class Exile_Car_Ifrit { quality = 4; price = 23000; };
// Offroad
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Red { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Beige { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_White { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Blue { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_BlueCustom { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla01 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla02 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla03 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla04 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla05 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla06 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla07 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla08 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla09 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla10 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla11 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla12 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Rusty1 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Rusty2 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Rusty3 { quality = 3; price = 16000; };
// Offroad (Armed)
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla01 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla02 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla03 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla04 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla05 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla06 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla07 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla08 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla09 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla10 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla11 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla12 { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
// Offroad (Repair)
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Civillian { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Red { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Beige { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_White { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Blue { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_DarkRed { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_BlueCustom { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla01 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla02 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla03 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla04 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla05 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla06 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla07 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla08 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla09 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla10 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla11 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla12 { quality = 4; price = 12500; };
// Strider
class Exile_Car_Strider { quality = 6; price = 44000; };
// SUV
class Exile_Car_SUV_Red { quality = 3; price = 14000; };
class Exile_Car_SUV_Black { quality = 3; price = 14000; };
class Exile_Car_SUV_Grey { quality = 3; price = 14000; };
class Exile_Car_SUV_Orange { quality = 3; price = 14000; };
// SUV (Armed)
class Exile_Car_SUV_Armed_Black { quality = 4; price = 25000; };
// BRDM2
class Exile_Car_BRDM2_HQ { quality = 5; price = 25000; };
// BTR40
class Exile_Car_BTR40_MG_Green { quality = 6; price = 38000; };
class Exile_Car_BTR40_MG_Camo { quality = 6; price = 38000; };
class Exile_Car_BTR40_Green { quality = 2; price = 15000; };
class Exile_Car_BTR40_Camo { quality = 2; price = 15000; };
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_M134_Green { quality = 5; price = 33000; };
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_M134_Desert { quality = 5; price = 33000; };
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_M2_Green { quality = 6; price = 40000; };
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_M2_Desert { quality = 6; price = 40000; };
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_MEV_Green { quality = 3; price = 21000; };
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_MEV_Desert { quality = 3; price = 21000; };
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_UNA_Green { quality = 3; price = 21000; };
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_UNA_Desert { quality = 3; price = 21000; };
// Tempest
class Exile_Car_Tempest { quality = 4; price = 48300; };
// Van
class Exile_Car_Van_Black { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_White { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Red { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla01 { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla02 { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla03 { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla04 { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla05 { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla06 { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla07 { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla08 { quality = 2; price = 12000; };
// Van (Box)
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Black { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_White { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Red { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla01 { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla02 { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla03 { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla04 { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla05 { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla06 { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla07 { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla08 { quality = 3; price = 17000; };
// Van (Fuel)
class Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Black { quality = 3; price = 15000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_White { quality = 3; price = 15000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Red { quality = 3; price = 15000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla01 { quality = 3; price = 15000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla02 { quality = 3; price = 15000; };
class Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla03 { quality = 3; price = 15000; };
// Zamak
class Exile_Car_Zamak { quality = 4; price = 43000; };
// Water Scooter
class Exile_Boat_WaterScooter { quality = 2; price = 800; };
class Exile_Boat_RHIB { quality = 3; price = 1500; };
// Ceaser BTT
class Exile_Plane_Ceasar { quality = 2; price = 15000; };
// V-44 X Blackfish
class Exile_Plane_BlackfishInfantry { quality = 6; price = 60000; };
class Exile_Plane_BlackfishVehicle { quality = 6; price = 60000; };
// Prowler
class Exile_Car_ProwlerLight { quality = 3; price = 22000; };
class Exile_Car_ProwlerUnarmed { quality = 3; price = 22000; };
// Qilin
class Exile_Car_QilinUnarmed { quality = 3; price = 21000; };
// MB 4WD
class Exile_Car_MB4WD { quality = 2; price = 15000; };
class Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen { quality = 2; price = 15000; };
// Flags
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen1 { quality = 1; price = 5000; sellPrice = 5000; };
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen2 { quality = 1; price = 10000; sellPrice = 10000; };
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen3 { quality = 1; price = 15000; sellPrice = 15000; };
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen4 { quality = 1; price = 20000; sellPrice = 20000; };
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen5 { quality = 1; price = 25000; sellPrice = 25000; };
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen6 { quality = 1; price = 30000; sellPrice = 30000; };
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen7 { quality = 1; price = 35000; sellPrice = 35000; };
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen8 { quality = 1; price = 40000; sellPrice = 40000; };
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen9 { quality = 1; price = 45000; sellPrice = 45000; };
class Exile_Item_FlagStolen10 { quality = 1; price = 50000; sellPrice = 50000; };
class CfgExileCustomCode
ExileClient_system_lootManager_thread_spawn = "custom\ExileClient_system_lootManager_thread_spawn.sqf"; //loot spawn for heli crashes
class CfgExileEnvironment
class Altis
class FireFlies
// 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable = 0;
// At this hour fire flies begin to spawn
startHour = 18;
// At this hour fire flies stop spawning
endHour = 4;
class Anomalies
// 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable = 0;
// At this hour anomalies begin to spawn
startHour = 19;
// At this hour anomalies stop spawning
endHour = 6;
class Breathing
// 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable = 0;
class Snow
// 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable = 0;
surfaces[] = {};
class Radiation
// 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
enable = 1;
class Temperature
// Temperature in °C for the time of day, per hour
// Add the first index to the last index, so it is 25 indizes!
daytimeTemperature[] = {15.93,16.89,18.42,20.40,22.68,25.10,27.48,29.63,31.40,32.66,33.32,33.80,33.80,33.32,32.66,31.40,29.63,27.48,25.10,22.68,20.40,18.42,16.89,15.93,15.93};
// Temperature change in °C when it is 100% overcast
overcast = -2;
// Temperature change in °C when it is 100% raining
rain = -5;
// Temperature change in °C when it is 100% windy
wind = -1;
// Temperature change per 100m altitude in °C
altitude = -0.5;
// Difference from the daytime temperature to the water temperature
water = -5;
class Namalsk: Altis
class FireFlies: FireFlies
enable = 1;
class Anomalies: Anomalies
enable = 1;
class Breathing: Breathing
enable = 1;
class Snow: Snow
enable = 1;
surfaces[] = {"#nam_snow"};
class Radiation: Radiation
enable = 1;
contaminatedZones[] =
{{3960.14, 8454.75, 152.862}, 80, 140}, // Object A1
{{4974.70, 6632.82, 4.74293}, 40, 150}, // Object A2
{{6487.92, 9302.03, 36.0014}, 60, 110} // Sebjan Chemical Factory
class Temperature: Temperature
daytimeTemperature[] = {-2.00,-1.77,-1.12,-0.10,1.24,2.78,4.40,6.00,7.46,8.65,9.50,9.90,9.90,9.50,8.65,7.46,6.00,4.40,2.78,1.24,-0.10,-1.12,-1.77,-2.00,-2.00};
class Tanoa: Altis
class FireFlies: FireFlies
enable = 0;
class Anomalies: Anomalies
enable = 0;
class Breathing: Breathing
enable = 0;
class Snow: Snow
enable = 0;
class Radiation: Radiation
enable = 1;
class Temperature: Temperature
daytimeTemperature[] = {15.93,16.89,18.42,20.40,22.68,25.10,27.48,29.63,31.40,32.66,33.32,33.80,33.80,33.32,32.66,31.40,29.63,27.48,25.10,22.68,20.40,18.42,16.89,15.93,15.93};
class Malden: Altis
class FireFlies: FireFlies
enable = 1;
class Anomalies: Anomalies
enable = 0;
class Breathing: Breathing
enable = 0;
class Snow: Snow
enable = 0;
class Radiation: Radiation
enable = 0;
class Temperature: Temperature
daytimeTemperature[] = {15.93,16.89,18.42,20.40,22.68,25.10,27.48,29.63,31.40,32.66,33.32,33.80,33.80,33.32,32.66,31.40,29.63,27.48,25.10,22.68,20.40,18.42,16.89,15.93,15.93};
class CfgExileHUD
class ShortItemNames
SmokeShell[] = {"WHITE", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell[] = {"WHITE", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell[] = {"WHITE", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellBlue[] = {"BLUE", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell[] = {"BLUE", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell[] = {"BLUE", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellGreen[] = {"GREEN", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell[] = {"GREEN", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell[] = {"GREEN", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellOrange[] = {"ORANGE", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell[] = {"ORANGE", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell[] = {"ORANGE", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellPurple[] = {"PURPLE", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell[] = {"PURPLE", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell[] = {"PURPLE", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellRed[] = {"RED", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell[] = {"RED", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell[] = {"RED", "SMOKE"};
SmokeShellYellow[] = {"YELLOW", "SMOKE"};
1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell[] = {"YELLOW", "SMOKE"};
3Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell[] = {"YELLOW", "SMOKE"};
UGL_FlareCIR_F[] = {"IR", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareCIR_F[] = {"IR", "FLARE"};
UGL_FlareGreen_F[] = {"GREEN", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareGreen_F[] = {"GREEN", "FLARE"};
UGL_FlareRed_F[] = {"RED", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareRed_F[] = {"RED", "FLARE"};
UGL_FlareWhite_F[] = {"WHITE", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareWhite_F[] = {"WHITE", "FLARE"};
UGL_FlareYellow_F[] = {"YELLOW", "FLARE"};
3Rnd_UGL_FlareYellow_F[] = {"YELLOW", "FLARE"};
Chemlight_blue[] = {"BLUE", "LIGHT"};
Chemlight_green[] = {"GREEN", "LIGHT"};
Chemlight_red[] = {"RED", "LIGHT"};
Chemlight_yellow[] = {"YELLOW", "LIGHT"};
1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell[] = {"40MM"};
3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell[] = {"40MM"};
O_IR_Grenade[] = {"IR"};
I_IR_Grenade[] = {"IR"};
B_IR_Grenade[] = {"IR"};
HandGrenade[] = {"RGO"};
MiniGrenade[] = {"RGN"};
Exile_Item_ZipTie[] = {"ZIP", "TIE"};
class CfgExileLootSettings
* Lifetime of loot in minutes. Synchronize this with
* the garbage collector settings of your server
* CfgSettings!
lifeTime = 8;
* Interval in seconds when the client searches for
* new buildings to spawn loot in
spawnInterval = 30;
* This is a percentage value to determine how many loot
* positions should contain loot when the system spawns loot.
* If a building has 20 positions defined, Exile will
* spawn loot in 10 random positions of them.
* This means smaller buildings spawn less loot and larger
* ones spawn more loot.
* You can also cap it at a maximum value. See below.
maximumPositionCoverage = 30;
* Limit the number of loot positions per building. If the
* above percentage value exceeds this value, it will be capped.
* Example: Coverage is 50%. Building has 60 loot positions defined.
* This results in 30 loot positions and that is too much. So we
* cap this at 10
maximumNumberOfLootSpotsPerBuilding = 3;
* Exile spawns a random number of items per loot spot. This
* is the upper cap for that. So 3 means it could spawn 1, 2
* or 3.
maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = 2;
* Radius in meter to spawn loot AROUND each player.
* Do NOT touch this value if you dont know what you do.
* The higher the number, the higher the drop rates, the
* easier your server will lag.
* 50m = Minimum
* 200m = Maximum
spawnRadius = 60;
* Defines the radius around trader cities where the system should
* not spawn loot. Set this to 0 if you want to have loot spawning
* in trader citites, ugh.
minimumDistanceToTraderZones = 500;
* Defines the radius around territories where no loot spawns.
* This does not regard the actual size of a territory. So do not
* set this to a lower value than the maximum radius of a territory,
* which is 150m by default.
minimumDistanceToTerritories = 150;
class CfgExileMobileXM8
* Add the 4 digit permission code here, so players can authorize
* your server to send them messages to their Mobile XM8 app.
code = "";
class CfgExileMusic
Ambient[] = {"ExileTrack03","ExileTrack04"};
Combat[] = {"ExileTrack06","ExileTrack07"};
Intro[] = {"ExileTrack02","ExileTrack03"};
class CfgExileParty
showESP = 1;
allow3DMarkers = 1;
class CfgExileRussianRoulette
Minimum amount to join a session of
russian roulette
buyInAmount = 100;
class CfgFlags
class USA
name = "USA";
texture = "\A3\Data_F\Flags\flag_us_co.paa";
uids[] = {};
class CfgGrinding
// Enables code lock grinding on the server
enableGrinding = 1;
// Time it takes to grind a fresh lock in minutes
grindDuration = 25;
// Percentage chance the grinding will fail
failChance = 25;
// Percentage chance that failing will break your grinder (otherwise it will just remove a battery)
breakChance = 20;
// Notify the entire server if someone is hacking. 1 == notify, 0 == don't notify
notifyServer = 1;
// The cooldown time, in minutes, before another server side notification is sent out from a territory. This is on a per territory basis.
notificationCooldown = 30;
class CfgHacking
// Enables safe hacking on the server
enableHacking = 1;
// Time it takes to hack in minutes
hackDuration = 20;
// Percentage chance the hacking will fail
failChance = 50;
// Percentage chance the laptop will be removed on fail
removeChance = 5;
// Max attepts to hack a safe during one restart
maxHackAttempts = 3;
// Notify the entire server if someone is hacking. 1 == notify, 0 == don't notify
notifyServer = 1;
// The cooldown time, in minutes, before another server side notification is sent out from a territory. This is on a per territory basis.
notificationCooldown = 30;
// The minimal amount of players on the server required in order to hack a safe (set to 0 to disable)
minPlayers = 1;
// How many safe hacks are allowed to be going at one time
maxHacks = 5;
// Show a map icon where the hacking is taking place
showMapIcon = 1;
class ExileAbstractAction
title = "";
condition = "true";
action = "";
priority = 1.5;
showWindow = false;
* Sort this by probability of occurence to speed things up a bit
class CfgInteractionMenus
class Car
targetType = 2;
target = "Car";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Unlocks a vehicle
class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Hot-wires a vehicle
class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hotwire";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
// Check if vector up is fucked
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
class Air
target = "Air";
targetType = 2;
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Unlocks a vehicle
class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Hot-wires a vehicle
class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hotwire";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Flips a vehicle so the player doesnt have to call an admin
// Check if vector up is fucked
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
class RotateLeft: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Rotate Left";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,-15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";
class RotateRight: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Rotate Right";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "[ExileClientInteractionObject,15] call ExileClient_object_vehicle_rotate";
class Safe
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Container_Abstract_Safe";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
class Unlock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
class Pack : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Pack";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_container_pack";
class SetPinCode : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Set PIN";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_lock_setPin";
class HackLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hack Lock";
condition = "(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> 'CfgHacking' >> 'enableHacking') isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Laptop' in (magazines player)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone";
action = "['HackLock', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
class Laptop
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Construction_Laptop_Static";
class Actions
class CameraSystem: ExileAbstractAction
title = "CCTV Access";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject animationPhase 'LaptopLidRotation') >= 0.5)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_baseCamera_show";
class SupplyBox
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Container_SupplyBox";
class Actions
class Mount: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Mount";
condition = "(isNull (attachedTo ExileClientInteractionObject)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileOwnerUID',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_supplyBox_mount";
class Install: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Install";
condition = "isNull (attachedTo ExileClientInteractionObject) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileOwnerUID',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_supplyBox_install";
class Unmount: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unmount";
condition = "!(isNull (attachedTo ExileClientInteractionObject)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileOwnerUID',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_supplyBox_unmount";
class Drawbridge
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Construction_Abstract_DrawBridge";
class Actions
class Lower: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lower";
condition = "ExileClientInteractionObject call ExileClient_object_construction_openBridgeShow";
action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 0];";
class Raise: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Raise";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject animationSourcePhase 'DrawBridge_Source') < 0.5)";
action = "ExileClientInteractionObject animateSource ['DrawBridge_Source', 2]";
class Construction
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Construction_Abstract_Static";
class Actions
class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Scan Lock";
condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan";
class Unlock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
class Lock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Picks up the construction so you can move it
class Move: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Move";
condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_move";
// Removes the construction.
class Deconstruct: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Remove";
condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_deconstruct";
class AddALock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Add a Lock";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_lockAddShow";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_lockAdd";
class Upgrade : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Upgrade";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_construction_upgradeShow";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_construction_upgrade";
class MakeBoom : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Plant charge";
condition = "call ExileClient_system_breaching_condition";
action = "_this call ExileClient_system_breaching_action";
class Repair : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "(!((ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileConstructionDamage',0]) isEqualTo 0)) && (call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_construction_repair";
class GrindLock : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Grind Lock";
condition = "(getNumber(missionConfigFile >> 'CfgGrinding' >> 'enableGrinding') isEqualTo 1) && ('Exile_Item_Grinder' in (magazines player)) && ('Exile_Magazine_Battery' in (magazines player)) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1) && ((ExileClientInteractionObject animationPhase 'DoorRotation') < 0.5)";
action = "['GrindLock', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
Tent, Storage crate etc.
class Container
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Container_Abstract";
class Actions
class Pack
title = "Pack";
condition = "!((typeOf ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 'Exile_Container_SupplyBox')";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_container_pack";
// Picks up the container so you can move it
class Move: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Move";
condition = "(getNumber(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> typeOf ExileClientInteractionObject >> 'exileIsLockable') isEqualTo 0) || ((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_construction_move";
class Flag
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static";
class Actions
class Manage : ExileAbstractAction
title = "Manage";
condition = "true";
action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_baseManagement_event_show";
class StealFlag: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Steal Flag";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileFlagStolen',1]) isEqualTo 0)";
action = "['StealFlag', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
class RestoreFlag: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Restore Flag";
condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileFlagStolen',0]) isEqualTo 1)";
action = "['restoreFlagRequest', [netID ExileClientInteractionObject]] call ExileClient_system_network_send";
class Boat
targetType = 2;
target = "Ship";
class Actions
// Locks a vehicle
class Lock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Lock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Unlocks a vehicle
class Unlock: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Unlock";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle";
// Hot-wires a vehicle
class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hotwire";
condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Repairs a vehicle to 100%. Requires Duckttape
class Repair: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Repair";
condition = "true";
action = "['RepairVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute";
// Fills fuel from a can into a car
class Refuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Refuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_refuel";
// Drains fuel from a car into an empty jerry can
class DrainFuel: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Drain Fuel";
condition = "call ExileClient_object_vehicle_interaction_show";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain";
// Pushes a boat into look direction to move into water
class Push: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Fus Ro Dah!";
condition = "((crew ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo [])";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_push";
class Bikes
targetType = 2;
target = "Bicycle";
class Actions
class Flip: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Flip";
condition = "true";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip";
class Player
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Unit_Player";
class Actions
class Free: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Free";
condition = "(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileIsHandcuffed', false]) && !ExileClientIsHandcuffed";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_handcuffs_free";
class Search: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Search Gear";
condition = "(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['ExileIsHandcuffed', false]) && !ExileClientIsHandcuffed";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_handcuffs_searchGear";
class Identify: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Identify Body";
condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject)";
action = "_this call ExileClient_object_player_identifyBody";
class HideCorpse: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Hide Body";
condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && ('Exile_Melee_Shovel' isEqualTo (currentWeapon player))";
action = "['HideBody', (_this select 0)] call ExileClient_action_execute";
class Animal
targetType = 2;
target = "Exile_Animal_Abstract";
class Actions
class Gut: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Gut Animal";
condition = "!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['CanBeGutted', false])";
action = "['GutAnimal', ExileClientInteractionObject] call ExileClient_action_execute";
* Classname is used for reference
* name is displayed in crafting requirements
* models is used for crafting and interaction menus
class CfgInteractionModels
class WaterSource
name = "Water tanks, barrels, coolers or pumps";
models[] =
// Namalsk
class CleanWaterSource
name = "Water cooler";
models[] =
class WorkBench
name = "Work Bench";
models[] =
class ShippingContainerSource
name = "Shipping Containers";
models[] =
// Arma 3
// Namalsk
// Also allow wrecks
// TODO: Ask community for CUP/AiA model names
class WoodSource
name = "Trees";
models[] =
" t_",
" bo_t_",
// A2 trees
" str_",
" Smrk_",
" les_",
" brg_"
// TODO: Add
class FuelSource
name = "Fuel pumps, stations or barrels";
models[] =
class CfgLocker
numbersOnly = "0123456789";
maxDeposit = 10000;
class CfgPlayer
// In minutes ammount of time it takes to go from 100 - 0 if stationary
hungerDecay = 90;
thirstDecay = 60;
// Damage taken from 0 (health||thirst)/sec
healthDecay = 5.0;
// Health regen if over BOTH
thirstRegen = 90;
hungerRegen = 90;
// IF above meet recover HP%/MIN
recoveryPerMinute = 2;
// Set custom aim precision coefficient for weapon sway
// Set to -1 if you want to use Arma 3 default value
// setCustomAimCoef
customAimCoefficient = 0.5;
// 0 or 1
enableFatigue = 0;
enableStamina = 0;
disableMapDrawing = 1;
// Use the current gradient to affect the players movement when autorunning.
// 0 == default exile auto run
useGradientAffectedAutoRun = 0;
This config will allow you to override the default poptab storage for vehicles and containers.
The current system takes the maxLoad of a vehicle * 10, and that gives you the max poptabs that can be stored.
This will allow you to override that max with your own value.
To override, just add the vehicle/containers classname to this class, and define its max. Look at Exile_Container_Safe_Small as an example.
class CfgPoptabStorage
class Exile_Container_Safe_Small { max = 25000; };
class CfgSimulation
Use Arma built in Dynamic Simulation.
If you have any issues with players unable to get into cars, control vehicles, fly planes, etc. try turning this off
0: Use Exile's built in simulation system (Same system in 1.0.3 and below)
1: Use Dynamic Simulation
enableDynamicSimulation = 1;
Simulation distance settings
For more information:
// The distance, in meters, will infantry units be simulated. Default: 500m
groupSimulationDistance = 500;
// The distance, in meters, will vehicles with crew be simulated. Default: 350m
vehicleSimulationDistance = 250;
// The distance, in meters, will all vehicles without crew be simulated. Default: 250m
emptyVehicleSimulationDistance = 250;
// The distance, in meters, will static objects be simulated. This includes anything from a small tin can to a building. Default: 50m
propSimulationDistance = 50;
// Multiplies the entity activation distance by set value if the entity is moving. Default: 2
isMovingSimulationCoef = 2;
class CfgSlothMachine
spinCost = 100;
Jackpot = 10100;
chances[] =
{85, ""}, // 85% = Nothing
{95, "Level1"}, // 10% = 1pt
{96, "Level2"}, // 1% = 10pt
{97, "Level3"}, // 1% = 25pt
{98, "Level4"}, // 1% = 50pt
{99, "Level5"}, // 1% = 100pt
{100, "Jackpot"} // 1% = Jackpot
class Prizes
class Level1
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_ToiletPaper.paa";
prize = 101;
class Level2
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_CockONut.paa";
prize = 110;
class Level3
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_Beer.paa";
prize = 125;
class Level4
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_Knife.paa";
prize = 150;
class Level5
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_Safe.paa";
prize = 200;
class Jackpot
symbol = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_XmasPresent.paa";
class CfgTerritories
// Base Cost / Radius
// Level 1 is allways for Pop Tabs, >= 2 for Respect
prices[] =
// Purchase Price Radius Number of Objects
{5000, 15, 30 }, // Level 1
{10000, 30, 60 }, // Level 2
{15000, 45, 90 }, // Level 3
{20000, 60, 120 }, // Level 4
{25000, 75, 150 }, // Level 5
{30000, 90, 180 }, // Level 6
{35000, 105, 210 }, // Level 7
{40000, 120, 240 }, // Level 8
{45000, 135, 270 }, // Level 9
{50000, 150, 300 } // Level 10
// A shortcut of the above maximum radius
maximumRadius = 150;
// The above * 2 plus coverving the 20m you can move while placing things
minimumDistanceToOtherTerritories = 325;
// Maximum number of territories a player can own
maximumNumberOfTerritoriesPerPlayer = 2;
* Defines the minimum distance to safe zones / trader cities where players
* cannot build territories
minimumDistanceToTraderZones = 1000;
* Defines the minimum distance to spawn zones where players
* cannot build territories
minimumDistanceToSpawnZones = 1000;
// Amount of pop tabs per object to pay
popTabAmountPerObject = 10;
// Amount of minutes building is disabled after a charge has been planted
// in a territory. This basically prevents people from placing tons of walls
// or removing walls while their territory is under attack.
constructionBlockDuration = 5;
class CfgTraderCategories
class Community
name = "Community Items";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community2
name = "Community Items 2";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community3
name = "Community Items 3";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community4
name = "Community Items 4";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community5
name = "Community Items 5";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community6
name = "Community Items 6";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community7
name = "Community Items 7";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community8
name = "Community Items 8";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community9
name = "Community Items 9";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Community10
name = "Community Items 10";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Add your items here <3
class Uniforms
name = "Uniforms";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\uniform_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Vests
name = "Vests";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\vest_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Jets
class Headgear
name = "Headgear";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\headgear_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Glasses
name = "Glasses";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\Goggles_ca.paa";
items[] =
class PointerAttachments
name = "Pointer Attachments";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class BipodAttachments
name = "Bipod Attachments";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itembipod_ca.paa";
items[] =
class MuzzleAttachments
name = "Suppressor Attachments";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemmuzzle_ca.paa";
items[] =
class UAVs
name = "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\gps_ca.paa";
items[] =
class StaticMGs
name = "Static Machine Guns";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
//"O_HMG_01_support_high_F", // Does not seem to work with HMG01, only the lower version does
class OpticAttachments
name = "Scopes";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemoptic_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Hardware
name = "Hardware";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
--Not for Sale--
class Food
name = "Fast Food";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Hunted Animals
// Note: Adding these to the trader will defeat the purpose of hunting!
class NonVeganFood
name = "Non-Vegan Food";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Drinks
name = "Drinks";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Tools
name = "Tools";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class FirstAid
name = "FirstAid";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
// Not available in 0.9.4!
class Navigation
name = "Special Environment";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Backpacks
name = "Backpacks";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\backpack_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Ammunition
name = "Ammunition";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\CargoMag_ca.paa";
items[] =
//"130Rnd_338_Mag", SPMG
//"150Rnd_93x64_Mag", // NAVID
class Flares
name = "Flares";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Smokes
name = "Smokes";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Explosives
name = "Explosives";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\cargothrow_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Pistols
name = "Pistols";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\handgun_ca.paa";
items[] =
class SubMachineGuns
name = "Sub Machine Guns";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class LightMachineGuns
name = "Light Machine Guns";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class AssaultRifles
name = "Assault Rifles";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Shotguns
name = "Shotguns";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class SniperRifles
name = "Sniper Rifles";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Bikes
name = "Bikes";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Cars
name = "Cars";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Trucks
name = "Trucks";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Choppers
name = "Helicopters";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Boats
name = "Boats";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Planes
name = "Planes";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class Diving
name = "Diving";
icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa";
items[] =
class CfgTraders
* Weapons, scopes, silencers, ammo
class Exile_Trader_Armory
name = "ARMORY";
showWeaponFilter = 1;
categories[] =
* Satchels, nades, UAVs, static MGs
class Exile_Trader_SpecialOperations
showWeaponFilter = 1; // for noob tubes
categories[] =
* Uniforms, vests, helmets, backpacks
class Exile_Trader_Equipment
name = "EQUIPMENT";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Cans, cans, cans
class Exile_Trader_Food
name = "FAST FOOD";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Light bulbs, metal, etc.
class Exile_Trader_Hardware
name = "HARDWARE";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Sells cars and general vehicles
class Exile_Trader_Vehicle
name = "VEHICLE";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Sells choppers and planes
class Exile_Trader_Aircraft
name = "AIRCRAFT";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Sells ships and boats
class Exile_Trader_Boat
name = "BOAT";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_Diving
name = "DIVERS";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
* Sells Community Items
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms2
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms3
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms4
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms5
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms6
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms7
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms8
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms9
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class Exile_Trader_CommunityCustoms10
name = "COMMUNITY";
showWeaponFilter = 0;
categories[] =
class CfgTrading
* This factor defines the difference between sales/purchase price of
* items and vehicles. It is used if there is no sales price defined
* in CfgExileArsenal.
sellPriceFactor = 0.5;
rekeyPriceFactor = 0.1;
class requiredRespect
Level1 = 0;
Level2 = 5000;
Level3 = 10000;
Level4 = 15000;
Level5 = 20000;
Level6 = 25000;
class CfgVehicleCustoms
class Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_CIV_BLUE_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_CIVBLUE_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_CIV_RED_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_CIVRED_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_CIV_WHITE_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_CIVWHITE_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Nato", 150, "NATO", {"\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Csat", 150, "CSAT", {"\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_OPFOR_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_OPFOR_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Fia", 150, "FIA", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_INDP_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_INDP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla01", 150, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_IG_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_IG_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Guerilla02", 150, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_INDP_Hunter_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_INDP_Hunter_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_CIV_BLACK_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Beta\Quadbike_01\Data\Quadbike_01_wheel_CIVBLACK_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Bike_QuadBike_Black", 100, "Hex", {"\A3\Soft_f_Exp\Quadbike_01\data\Quadbike_01_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_f_Exp\Quadbike_01\data\Quadbike_01_wheel_ghex_CO.paa"}}
class Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Police", 350, "Police", {"\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_police_co.paa","\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_int_police_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Orange", 300, "Orange", {"\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_rescue_co.paa","\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_int_rescue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_White", 300, "White", {"\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_ext_co.paa","\a3\boat_f_gamma\Boat_Civil_01\data\Boat_Civil_01_int_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_CSAT", 200, "CSAT", {"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\Boat_Transport_01_OPFOR_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Digital", 200, "Digital",{"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\Boat_Transport_01_INDP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Orange", 150, "Orange", {"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\Boat_Transport_01_rescue_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Blue", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\Boat_Transport_01_civilian_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_RubberDuck_Black", 150, "Black", {"\A3\boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\data\boat_transport_01_co.paa"}}
// SDV
class Exile_Boat_SDV_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_SDV_CSAT", 200, "CSAT", {"\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_ext_opfor_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_SDV_Digital", 200, "Digital", {"\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_ext_INDP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_SDV_Grey", 100, "Grey", {"\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_ext_CO.paa"}}
// Hellcat
class Exile_Chopper_Hellcat_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Hellcat_Green", 350, "Green", {"\A3\Air_F_EPB\Heli_Light_03\data\Heli_Light_03_base_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hellcat_FIA", 500, "FIA", {"\A3\Air_F_EPB\Heli_Light_03\data\heli_light_03_base_indp_co.paa"}}
// Karts
class Exile_Car_Kart_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Kart_BluKing", 100, "Bluking", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_blu_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_blu_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_RedStone", 100, "RedStone", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_black_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_black_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Vrana", 100, "Vrana", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_vrana_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_vrana_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Green", 100, "Green", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_green_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_blu_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_blue_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_blu_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Orange", 100, "Orange", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_orange_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_blu_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_White", 100, "White", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_white_CO.paa","","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Yellow", 100, "Yellow", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_yellow_CO.paa","","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Kart_Black", 100, "Black", {"\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_base_black_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_01_logos_black_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_1_CA.paa","\a3\Soft_F_Kart\Kart_01\Data\Kart_num_3_CA.paa"}}
// Hummingbird (Civillian)
class Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Blue", 350, "Blue", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_blue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Red", 350, "Red", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_ION", 350, "ION", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_ion_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_BlueLine", 350, "BlueLine", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_blueLine_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Digital", 350, "Digital", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_digital_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Elliptical", 350, "Elliptical", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_elliptical_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Furious", 350, "Furious", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_furious_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_GrayWatcher", 350, "GrayWatcher", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_graywatcher_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Jeans", 350, "Jeans", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_jeans_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Light", 350, "Light", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_light_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Shadow", 350, "Shadow", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_shadow_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Sheriff", 350, "Sheriff", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_sheriff_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Speedy", 350, "Speedy", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_speedy_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Sunset", 350, "Sunset", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_sunset_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Vrana", 350, "Vrana", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_vrana_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Wasp", 350, "Wasp", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_wasp_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Civillian_Wave", 350, "Wave", {"\a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\Skins\heli_light_01_ext_wave_co.paa"}}
// Huron
class Exile_Chopper_Huron_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Huron_Black", 450, "Black", {"\A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_03\Data\Heli_Transport_03_ext01_black_CO.paa","\a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_03\data\heli_transport_03_ext02_black_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Huron_Green", 450, "Green", {"\a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_03\data\heli_transport_03_ext01_co.paa","\a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_03\data\heli_transport_03_ext02_co.paa"}}
// Orca
class Exile_Chopper_Orca_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Orca_CSAT", 350, "CSAT", {"\A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_ext_OPFOR_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Orca_Black", 350, "Black", {"\A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_ext_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Orca_BlackCustom", 350, "Black Custom", {"\A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_ext_OPFOR_V2_CO.paa"}}
// Taru
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_CSAT", 500, "CSAT", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Black", 500, "BLACK", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_black_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_black_CO.paa"}}
// Taru (Transport)
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Transport_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Transport_CSAT", 500, "CSAT", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Transport_Black", 500, "Black", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_black_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_black_CO.paa"}}
// Taru (Covered)
class Exile_Chopper_Taru_Covered_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Covered_CSAT", 500, "CSAT", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_01_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_base_02_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_Pod_Ext01_CO.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\Heli_Transport_04_Pod_Ext02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Taru_Covered_Black", 500, "Black", {"A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\heli_transport_04_base_01_black_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\heli_transport_04_base_02_black_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\heli_transport_04_pod_ext01_black_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Data\heli_transport_04_pod_ext02_black_co.paa"}}
// Hatchback
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Rusty1", 50, "Rusty White", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_Car_Hatchback_01_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Rusty2", 50, "Rusty Red", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_Car_Hatchback_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Rusty3", 50, "Rusty Yellow", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_Car_Hatchback_03_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Beige", 100, "Beige", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Green", 100, "Green", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_BlueCustom", 100, "Blue Custom", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_BeigeCustom", 100, "Beige Custom", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Yellow", 100, "Yellow", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Grey", 100, "Grey", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Dark", 100, "Dark", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_BASE09_CO.paa"}}
// Hatchback (Sport)
class Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Orange", 100, "Orange", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Beige", 100, "Beige", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hatchback_Sport_Green", 100, "Green", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\Hatchback_01\data\Hatchback_01_ext_SPORT06_CO.paa"}}
// Offroad
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Rusty1", 50, "Rusty White", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_03_co.paa","\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_03_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Rusty2", 50, "Rusty Red", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_01_co.paa","\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_01_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Rusty3", 50, "Rusty Blue", {"\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_02_co.paa","\exile_assets\model\RTV\Exile_offroad_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Red", 500, "Red", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Beige", 500, "Beige", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_White", 500, "White", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Blue", 500, "Blue", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 500, "Dark Red", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_BlueCustom", 500, "Blue Custom", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla01", 700, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla02", 700, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla03", 700, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla04", 700, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla05", 700, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla06", 700, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla07", 700, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla08", 700, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla09", 700, "Guerilla 09", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla10", 700, "Guerilla 10", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla11", 700, "Guerilla 11", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Guerilla12", 700, "Guerilla 12", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Black", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_Black_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Light Blue", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_LightBlue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Orange",{"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_Orange_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Pink", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_Pink_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile White", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_White_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_DarkRed", 700, "Exile Yellow",{"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Offroad_Yellow_co.paa"}}
// Land Rover
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Red", 250, "Red", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\r_lr_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\r_lr_special_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Urban", 250, "Urban", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\textures\lr_base_urbancamo_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\textures\lr_special_urbancamo_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Green", 250, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_spec_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Sand", 250, "Sand", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_sand_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_special_acr_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Desert", 250, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acrs_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_special_acr_co.paa"}}
// Land Rover (Ambulance)
class Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Green", 250, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_amb_ext_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_spec_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Desert", 250, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acrs_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_amb_ext_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_special_acr_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_LandRover_Ambulance_Sand", 250, "Sand", {"Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_acr_sand_base_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_amb_ext_co.paa","Exile_psycho_LRC\data\lr_special_acr_co.paa"}}
// Octavius
class Exile_Car_Octavius_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Octavius_White", 250, "White", {"exile_psycho_Octavia\Data\car_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Octavius_Black", 250, "Black", {"exile_psycho_Octavia\Data\car_body_bl_co.paa"}}
// UH-1H Huey
class Exile_Chopper_Huey_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Green", 700, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1h_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1h_in_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\default_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\alpha_ca.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Desert", 700, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1d_tka_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1d_in_tka_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\default_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\alpha_ca.paa"}}
// UH-1H Huey (Armed)
class Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green", 700, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1h_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1h_in_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\default_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\alpha_ca.paa"}},
{"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Desert", 700, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1d_tka_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\uh1d_in_tka_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\default_co.paa","Exile_psycho_UH1H\data\alpha_ca.paa"}}
// Offroad (Armed)
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla01", 250, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla02", 250, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla03", 250, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla04", 250, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla05", 250, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla06", 250, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla07", 250, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla08", 250, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla09", 250, "Guerilla 09", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla10", 250, "Guerilla 10", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla11", 250, "Guerilla 11", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Armed_Guerilla12", 250, "Guerilla 12", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa"}}
// Offroad (Repair)
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Civillian", 150, "Civillian", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\Offroad_01_ext_repair_CIV_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\Offroad_01_ext_repair_CIV_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Red", 150, "Red", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Beige", 150, "Beige", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_White", 150, "White", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Blue", 150, "Blue", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_DarkRed", 150, "DarkRed", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_BlueCustom", 150, "BlueCustom", {"\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa","\a3\Soft_F\Offroad_01\data\Offroad_01_ext_BASE05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla01", 250, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla02", 250, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla03", 250, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla04", 250, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla05", 250, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla06", 250, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla07", 250, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla08", 250, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla09", 250, "Guerilla 09", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_09_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla10", 250, "Guerilla 10", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_10_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla11", 250, "Guerilla 11", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_11_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Offroad_Repair_Guerilla12", 250, "Guerilla 12", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\Data\offroad_01_ext_IG_12_CO.paa"}}
// SUV
class Exile_Car_SUV_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\SUV_01\Data\SUV_01_ext_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Black", 150, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\SUV_01\Data\SUV_01_ext_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Grey", 100, "Grey", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\SUV_01\Data\SUV_01_ext_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Orange", 100, "Orange", {"\A3\Soft_F_Gamma\SUV_01\Data\SUV_01_ext_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Black", 150, "Snow Camo", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_SUV_Snow_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Black", 150, "Leaf Camo", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_SUV_Leaf_Light_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUV_Black", 150, "Leaf Camo (Dark)", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_SUV_Leaf_Dark_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_SUVXL_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 100, "Black", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\suv_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Blue White", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_bluewhite.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Charcoal", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_charcoal_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Orange", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_orange_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 200, "Hello Kitty", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_Pink_hello_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Red", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_red_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Silver", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_silver_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 100, "White", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_white_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_SUVXL_Black", 150, "Yellow", {"\Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\Data\textures\suv_body_yellow_co.paa"}}
// Van
class Exile_Car_Van_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Van_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_black_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_ext_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_red_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla01", 150, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla02", 150, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla03", 150, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla04", 150, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla05", 150, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla06", 150, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla07", 150, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla08", 150, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_08_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Black", 150, "Brown", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_brn_co.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_int_base_2_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Black", 150, "Olive", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_oli_co.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_int_base_3_CO.paa"}}
// Van (Box)
class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_black_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_ext_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_red_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_adds_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla01", 150, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla02", 150, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla03", 150, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_03_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla04", 150, "Guerilla 04", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_04_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_04_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla05", 150, "Guerilla 05", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_05_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_05_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla06", 150, "Guerilla 06", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_06_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_06_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla07", 150, "Guerilla 07", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_07_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_07_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla08", 150, "Guerilla 08", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_08_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_adds_IG_08_CO.paa"}}
// Van (Fuel)
class Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Black", 100, "Black", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_black_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_White", 100, "White", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\van_01_ext_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Red", 100, "Red", {"\A3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_red_CO.paa","\A3\soft_f_gamma\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla01", 150, "Guerilla 01", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_01_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_IG_01_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla02", 150, "Guerilla 02", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_02_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_IG_02_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Van_Fuel_Guerilla03", 150, "Guerilla 03", {"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_ext_IG_03_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Van_01\Data\Van_01_tank_IG_03_CO.paa"}}
// Tempest
class Exile_Car_Tempest_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Tempest", 200, "Green Hex", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Truck_03\Data\Truck_03_ext01_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Truck_03\Data\Truck_03_ext02_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Truck_03\Data\Truck_03_cargo_ghex_CO.paa"}}
// Ikarus
class Exile_Car_Ikarus_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Ikarus_Blue", 200, "Blue", {"Exile_psycho_Ikarus\Data\bus_exterior_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ikarus_Red", 200, "Red", {"Exile_psycho_Ikarus\Data\bus_exterior_eciv_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ikarus_Party", 500, "Party", {"Exile_psycho_Ikarus\Data\bus_exterior_eciv_co.paa"}}
// Ural (Open)
class Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Blue", 300, "Blue", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\Ural_kabina_civil_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_civil_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Yellow", 300, "Yellow", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civ1_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_civ1_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Worker", 300, "Worker", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civ2_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\Ural_plachta_civil_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Open_Military", 300, "Military", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_khk_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_co.paa"}}
// Ural (Covered)
class Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Blue", 300, "Blue", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civil_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_civil_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Yellow", 300, "Yellow", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civ1_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_civ1_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Worker", 300, "Worker", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_civ2_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\Ural_plachta_civil_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Ural_Covered_Military", 300, "Military", {"Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_kabina_khk_co.paa","Exile_psycho_Ural\data\ural_plachta_co.paa"}}
// Lada
class Exile_Car_Lada_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Lada_Green", 100, "Green", {"exile_psycho_lada\data\lada_eciv1_co.paa","exile_psycho_lada\data\Lada_glass_ECIV1_CA.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Lada_Taxi", 100, "Taxi", {"exile_psycho_lada\data\Lada_red_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Lada_Red", 100, "Red", {"exile_psycho_lada\data\Lada_red_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Lada_Hipster", 100, "Hipster", {"exile_psycho_lada\data\lada_eciv2_co.paa","exile_psycho_lada\data\Lada_glass_ECIV2_CA.paa"}}
// Volha
class Exile_Car_Volha_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Volha_Blue", 100, "Blue", {"Exile_psycho_Gaz_volha\data\Volha_ECIV_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Volha_White", 100, "White", {"Exile_psycho_Gaz_volha\data\Volha_Gray_ECIV_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Volha_Black", 100, "Black", {"Exile_psycho_Gaz_volha\data\Volha_Black_ECIV_CO.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_Hunter_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Hunter", 1000, "Exile White Edition", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Snow_co.paa","exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Snow_Back_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hunter", 1000, "Exile Hex", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Hex_co.paa","exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Black_Back_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Hunter", 1000, "Exile Black", {"exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Black_co.paa","exile_assets\texture\vehicle\Exile_Hunter_Black_Back_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_Ifrit_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Ifrit", 1000, "Green Hex", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\MRAP_02\data\MRAP_02_ext_01_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\MRAP_02\data\MRAP_02_ext_02_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Data_F_Exp\Vehicles\Turret_ghex_CO.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_M2_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_M2_Green", 1000, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_M2_Desert", 1000, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\des\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_M134_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_M134_Green", 1000, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_M134_Desert", 1000, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\des\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_MEV_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_MEV_Green", 1000, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\hmmwv_body_cm.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_MEV_Desert", 1000, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\des\hmmwv_body_cm.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_HMMWV_UNA_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_UNA_Green", 1000, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_HMMWV_UNA_Desert", 1000, "Desert", {"Exile_psycho_hmmw\data\des\hmmwv_body_co.paa"}}
// BTR40
class Exile_Car_BTR40_MG_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_BTR40_MG_Green", 1000, "Green", {"exile_psycho_btr40\data\btr40ext_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_BTR40_MG_Camo", 1000, "Camo", {"exile_psycho_btr40\data\btr40extcamo_co.paa"}}
class Exile_Car_BTR40_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_BTR40_Green", 1000, "Green", {"exile_psycho_btr40\data\btr40ext_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_BTR40_Camo", 1000, "Camo", {"exile_psycho_btr40\data\btr40extcamo_co.paa"}}
// Golf
class Exile_Car_Golf_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_Golf_Red", 1000, "Red", {"exile_psycho_VWGolf\data\vwgolf_body_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_Golf_Black", 1000, "Black", {"exile_psycho_VWGolf\data\texture\black_co.paa"}}
// AN-2
class Exile_Plane_AN2_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Plane_AN2_Green", 700, "Green", {"Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_1_co.paa","Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_2_co.paa","Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_wings_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_AN2_White", 700, "Red, White & Blue", {"Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_1_a_co.paa",
{"Exile_Plane_AN2_Stripe", 700, "Green Stripe", {"Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_1_b_co.paa","Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_2_b_co.paa","Exile_psycho_An2\data\an2_wings_b_co.paa"}}
class B_G_Boat_Transport_02_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_RHIB", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Boat_Transport_02\Data\Boat_Transport_02_exterior_civilian_CO.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Boat_Transport_02\Data\Boat_Transport_02_interior_2_civilian_CO.paa"}}
// Water Scooter
class Exile_Boat_WaterScooter_Abstract
skins[] =
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Blue_co.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_Blue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Grey", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Grey_co.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_Grey_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Lime", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Lime_co.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_Lime_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Red", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Red_CO.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "White", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_CO.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Boat_WaterScooter", 150, "Yellow", {"\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_Yellow_CO.paa","\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Scooter_Transport_01\Data\Scooter_Transport_01_VP_Yellow_CO.paa"}}
// Ceasar BTT
class C_Plane_Civil_01_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Racing (Tan Interior)", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Racer_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Racer_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_tan_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_tan_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Racing", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Racer_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Racer_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Red Line (Tan Interior)", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_RedLine_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_RedLine_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_tan_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_tan_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Tribal (Tan Interior)", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Tribal_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Tribal_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_tan_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_tan_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Tribal", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Tribal_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Tribal_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Blue Wave (Tan Interior)", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Wave_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Wave_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_tan_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_tan_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Plane_Ceasar", 150, "Blue Wave", {"A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_01_Wave_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_ext_02_Wave_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_01_co.paa","A3\Air_F_Exp\Plane_Civil_01\Data\btt_int_02_co.paa"}}
// V-44 X Blackfish (Infantry Transport)
class B_T_VTOL_01_infantry_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Plane_BlackfishInfantry", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT01_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT02_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT03_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT04_blue_CO.paa"}}
// V-44 X Blackfish (Vehicle Transport)
class B_T_VTOL_01_vehicle_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Plane_BlackfishVehicle", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT01_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT02_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT03_blue_CO.paa","\A3\Air_F_Exp\VTOL_01\Data\VTOL_01_EXT04_blue_CO.paa"}}
// Prowler (Light)
class B_CTRG_LSV_01_light_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerLight", 150, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_black_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_black_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_black_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_black_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerLight", 150, "Dazzle", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_dazzle_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_olive_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerLight", 150, "Sand", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_sand_CO.paa"}}
// Prowler (Unarmed)
class B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_black_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerUnarmed", 150, "Olive", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_olive_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerUnarmed", 150, "Dazzle", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_dazzle_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_olive_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_olive_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_ProwlerUnarmed", 150, "Sand", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_01_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_02_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_03_sand_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_01\Data\NATO_LSV_Adds_sand_CO.paa"}}
// Qilin (Unarmed)
class O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_black_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_QilinUnarmed", 150, "Arid", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_01_arid_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_02_arid_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_03_arid_CO.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_QilinUnarmed", 150, "Green Hex", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_01_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_02_ghex_CO.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\LSV_02\Data\CSAT_LSV_03_ghex_CO.paa"}}
// MB 4WD
class C_Offroad_02_unarmed_orange_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_black_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_blue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Brown", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_brown_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Green", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_green_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Olive", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_olive_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "Red", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_red_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WD", 150, "White", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_white_co.paa"}}
class I_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F
skins[] =
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Black", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_black_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_black_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Blue", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_blue_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_blue_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Brown", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_brown_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_brown_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Green", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_green_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_green_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Orange", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_orange_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_orange_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_orange_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_orange_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Red", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_red_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_red_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "White", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_white_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_white_co.paa"}},
{"Exile_Car_MB4WDOpen", 150, "Olive", {"\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_ext_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_olive_co.paa","\A3\Soft_F_Exp\Offroad_02\Data\offroad_02_int_olive_co.paa"}}
class CfgVehicleTransport
class Exile_Container_SupplyBox
vehicles[] = {"Exile_Car_Van_Abstract", "Exile_Car_Offroad_Abstract", "Exile_Car_Zamak_Abstract", "Exile_Car_HEMMT_Abstract", "Exile_Car_Tempest_Abstract"};
class Exile_Car_Van_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0, -1.1, 0.2};
cargoIndizes[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
detachPosition[] = {0, -4.4};
class Exile_Car_Offroad_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0, -1.6, 0.4};
cargoIndizes[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
detachPosition[] = {0, -4};
class Exile_Car_Zamak_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0.03, 0.3, 0};
cargoIndizes[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
detachPosition[] = {0.03, -4.8};
class Exile_Car_HEMMT_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0.05, -0.1, 0.3};
cargoIndizes[] = {1, 2, 8, 9};
detachPosition[] = {0.05, -6.1};
class Exile_Car_Tempest_Abstract
attachPosition[] = {0.08, -0.85, 0.4};
cargoIndizes[] = {1, 6, 7, 9};
detachPosition[] = {0.08, -6};
class CfgVirtualGarage
Enable or disable virtual garage on the server
0: Disable virtual garage
1: Enable virtual garage
enableVirtualGarage = 1;
Enables or disables the ability to access virtual garage while in combat
0: Players cannot access virtual garage while they are in combat
1: Players can access virtual garage when they are in combat
canAccessGarageInCombat = 0;
When enabled, this will dump any items and money from the vehicle onto the ground where the car was.
0: Do not clear inventory and money
1: Clear inventory and money
clearInventoryOnStore = 1;
The maximum number of vehicles that can be stored in the VG for that territory.
Use -1 to disable the ability to store vehicles at that level.
Make sure to have the same number of levels here as you do in CfgTerritories!
numberOfVehicles[] =
-1, // Level 1
5, // Level 2
8, // Level 3
11, // Level 4
13, // Level 5
15, // Level 6
18, // Level 7
21, // Level 8
25, // Level 9
28 // Level 10
The allowed types of vehicles that can be stored in the garage
Available Types: "Car", "Tank", "Plane", "Air", "Ship", "Submarine"
allowedVehicleTypes[] = {"Car","Tank","Plane","Air","Ship","Submarine"};
class CfgXM8
class settings
controlID = 4070;
appID = "App01";
title = "Settings";
class healthScanner
controlID = 4120;
appID = "App02";
title = "Health Scanner";
class slothMachine
controlID = 4140;
appID = "App03";
title = "Sloth Machine";
XM8 Extra apps, the Exile way of doing it
Here is an example app layout:
class XM8_App01_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = ""; // Path to picture. This can be via mission file or client side PBO
text = ""; // The name of the app to be display on the button
onButtonClick = ""; // The code to fire when the app is clicked
resource = ""; // The name of the resource to load for the app, leave as an empty string if you just want to run code without a GUI, like BOOM or spawning a bike
class XM8_App01_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_settings_ca.paa";
text = "Settings";
onButtonClick = "['settings', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
resource = "XM8SlideSettings";
class XM8_App02_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_health_scanner_ca.paa";
text = "Health Scanner";
onButtonClick = "['healthScanner', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
resource = "XM8SlideHealthScanner";
class XM8_App03_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_slothMachine_ca.paa";
text = "Sloth Machine";
onButtonClick = "['slothMachine', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
resource = "XM8SlideSlothMachine";
class XM8_App04_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_boom_ca.paa";
text = "BOOM!";
onButtonClick = "call ExileClient_system_breaching_detonate";
resource = "";
class XM8_App05_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App06_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App07_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App08_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App09_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App10_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App11_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App12_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App13_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8_App14_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1
textureNoShortcut = "";
text = "";
onButtonClick = "";
resource = "";
class XM8SlideSettings: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4070;
class Controls
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4071;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class 8GDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4072;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_on8GSelectionChanged";
class 8GLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Show my device in global 8G network.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class SoundDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4075;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (7 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onSoundSelectionChanged";
class SoundLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Play a beep sound on notifications.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (7 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyEspDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4076;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (9 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyEspSelectionChanged";
class PartyEspLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Color of 3D party icons and name tags.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (9 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyEspSlider: RscExileXM8XSliderH
idc = 4078;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (11 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onSliderPosChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyEspSliderChanged";
class PartyEspSliderLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Opacity of 3D party icons and name tags.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (11 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class PartyMarkerSlider: RscExileXM8XSliderH
idc = 4079;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (13 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onSliderPosChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onPartyMarkerSliderChanged";
class PartyMarkerSliderLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Opacity of 3D party markers.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (13 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class StreamModeDropDown: RscExileXM8Combo
idc = 4077;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (15 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 7 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onLBSelChanged = "_this call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_settings_event_onStreamModeSelectionChanged";
class StreamModeLabel: RscExileXM8Text
idc = -1;
text = "Masquerade PIN codes. Perfect for streamers.";
x = (13 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (15 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 22 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
shadow = 0;
class XM8SlideHealthScanner: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4120;
class Controls
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4122;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class HealthInfoControlGroup: RscExileXM8ControlsGroupNoHScrollbars
idc = -1;
x = (5 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (5 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 30 * (0.025);
h = 15 * (0.04);
colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.25};
class controls
class HealthInfo: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4121;
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = 29 * (0.025); // minus 1!
h = 15 * (0.04);
class XM8SlideSlothMachine: RscExileXM8Slide
idc = 4140;
class Controls
class Background: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = -1;
text = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\slothMachine\xm8_slothMachineBackground.paa";
x = -3.1 * (0.025) + (0);
y = -6 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 40 * (0.025);
h = 33 * (0.04);
class XM8SlothMachineSpinButton: RscExileXM8PictureButton
idc = 4141;
style = 0x30;
x = 14.3 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 15.9 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.7 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
text = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\slothMachine\button_off_ca.paa";
action = "[] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_slothMachine_event_onSpinButtonClick;";
class GoBackButton: RscExileXM8ButtonMenu
idc = 4148;
text = "GO BACK";
x = (30 - 3) * (0.025);
y = (19 - 2) * (0.04);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 1 * (0.04);
sizeEx = .9 * (0.04);
onButtonClick = "['extraApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide";
class PopTabsLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4142;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'><img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /></t>";
x = 6.5 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class JackpotLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4143;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'></t>";
x = 14 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class WinningsLabel: RscExileXM8StructuredText
idc = 4144;
text = "<t align='center'><t color='#e14141'>0</t>";
x = 21.5 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 13 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 6 * (0.025);
h = 2 * (0.04);
class Symbol01: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4145;
text = "";
x = 6.55 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
class Symbol02: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4146;
text = "";
x = 14.1 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
class Symbol03: RscExileXM8PictureKeepAspect
idc = 4147;
text = "";
x = 21.6 * (0.025) + (0);
y = 4 * (0.04) + (0);
w = 5.83 * (0.025);
h = 5 * (0.04);
I attached an Image of the problem I am having, not one I took, but of the same problem.
If there are anymore files that I would need to post to help diagnose the problem please let me know as I would like to resolve this issue quickly!
Edited by Mattmad1234Share this post
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