I am needing help with custom loot spawns reverting back to original vanilla settings on hosted server. After running customised loot settings on our server for over a month, I am now finding loot has reverted back to the vanilla loot classes and locations, nothing I am trying has fixed.
I don’t know if pertinent, noted this started after the recent CBA, Arma and CUP updates.
And I possibly should add that even though I have worked to update files, they were originally sourced from…
Tested so far:
Re-ran LootCompiler with raised loot tables and settings, to spawn premium loot and more of it.
Ran Stream update on server (just in case).
Re-installed Exile and ALL mods (including CUP), as well as their BIkeys, on server to ensure no corrupted or erroneous files, etc. Double checked all mods called correctly in server command line.
Tweaked both the mission.pbo’s CfgExileLootSettings and exile_server_config.pbo’s GarbageCollector. Ensured lifetime of spawned loot, in both files, matched.
Rolled back both mission.pbo and exile_server_config.pbo to previous ‘known’ working version, actually went back thru my change log folders and tried several.
Removed NATO_Rus_Weapons, PROJECT UNCUT & CUP items from loot tables, reran complier etc.
Re-tested aboveafter removing NATO_Rus_Weapons, MiddleEastWarfare & PROJECT UNCUT mods from server command line.
Replaced mods and re-built loottables, from scratch.
Re-worked mission.pbo. Cross referenced EVERY file with older (August ‘17) pbo. Tidied up things as best as I could and removed what I believe is outdated scripting.
***Tested 3rd Jan***
I noticed there were buildings listed in the original CfgBuildings I have not noted on Al Rayak i.e. a pub! So thought that may have been issue with loot reverting to vanilla (don’t know why loot worked beforehand though, if that was the issue). So off I went creating new loot positions in Eden, I have probably overlooked 1 or 2 buildings (definitely one).
Since overwriting CfgBuildings, loot is spawning at the designated new positions and at the desired levels (yay it’s talking to mission config!). Unfortunately the tell-tale “somethings messed up” thermal buddies are spawning everywhere, when they have been completely removed from LootTables altogether! It is not spawning the designated loot types for locations, as set in LootTables; I have medical, food and drink items spawning in UpperCivilian, Tourist and Military areas, after having removed them completely from the pertinent loot table sections, yet they still spawn. Also noticing shotguns and pistols etc. spawning in Shop buildings where, yet again, I don’t have them listed in that section.
The bigger issue... mod loot is still not spawning! I went through and removed, once again, mas mod items... then the adfu mod items, to no avail, loot is still all over the place.
I am hopeful I am getting closer to solving the issue or (fingers crossed) help someone with superior knowledge of this sorta thing go... “Aha!” Hey, at least I’m trying!
Does anyone out there have any hints, tips... complete answers? Please??
I am needing help with custom loot spawns reverting back to original vanilla settings on hosted server. After running customised loot settings on our server for over a month, I am now finding loot has reverted back to the vanilla loot classes and locations, nothing I am trying has fixed.
I don’t know if pertinent, noted this started after the recent CBA, Arma and CUP updates.
And I possibly should add that even though I have worked to update files, they were originally sourced from…
Tested so far:
***Tested 3rd Jan***
I am hopeful I am getting closer to solving the issue or (fingers crossed) help someone with superior knowledge of this sorta thing go... “Aha!” Hey, at least I’m trying!
Does anyone out there have any hints, tips... complete answers? Please??
***Updated files 3rd Jan***
Rpt log:
exile_server_config config.cpp:
mission.pbo config.cpp:
class CfgExileLootSettings
lifeTime = 8;
spawnInterval = 30;
maximumPositionCoverage = 60;
maximumNumberOfLootSpotsPerBuilding = 10;
maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = 5;
spawnRadius = 60;
minimumDistanceToTraderZones = 300;
minimumDistanceToTerritories = 150;
Just in case...
Edited by Numbat177updated troubleshooting and links
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