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aussie battler

[SOLVED] Arma 1.78/1.80 Bug: Players Computer Crashes on entering Trader / Spawning Vehicle in trader


Players having a memory dump crash when the enter the trader or purchase a vehicle. The problem came after the Arma 1.78 / 1.80 update.

The answer is to remove all simple object or objects with the class name "Exile" and especially "Exile_Cosmetic" from your traders. Leave all the trader signs, they dont seem to make the crash happen.

To remove the objects, you have to edit the file that contains all your trader objects and delete them.

This is either in your initPlayerLocal.sqf  Looking like this:


_beer = "Exile_Cosmetic_Beer" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
_beer setDir 4.50268;    
_beer setPosATL [3648.4,8042.74,0.000854492];

In the initServer.sqf Looking like this:



_beers =
    [[13266.4, 6091.65, 7.9456],  35],
    [[1860.42, 2130.54, 5.85339],  90],
    [[10765.6, 10862.3, 153.005], -40]

    _beers = "Exile_Cosmetic_Beer" createVehicle (_x select 0);
    _beers setDir (_x select 1);
    _beers setPosASL (_x select 0);
    _beers allowDamage false;
    _beers enableSimulationGlobal true;
forEach _beers;

Or in your server addons where you have made a pbo for mission objects.


Players will also crash if you have placed simple objects at the trader (objects that cant be interacted with). Here is what I am talking about https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createSimpleObject

Edited by aussie battler
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12 answers to this question

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4 hours ago, NFGCaboose-1 said:

@aussie battler Ok... So I have these on both my servers, one crashes all the time and the other doesn't and hasnt since the update. Any Ideas


What maps are you running? My Malden server was affected a lot. Tanoa not at all. Altis a little. Esseker seems ok. 


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@Chainsaw Squirrel @DoDGaming I applied the fix in this thread and my Lithium server no longer crashes and is running at 47 FPS the whole time. Switched out A3XAI for Occupation AI and with 250+ server FPS doesn't dip. My traders look boring as hell but they function. Take out all Cosmetic Exile items from Initplayer.sqf and InitServer.sqf

4 hours ago, TroyT said:

What maps are you running? My Malden server was affected a lot. Tanoa not at all. Altis a little. Esseker seems ok. 


@TroyTI am running Altis and Lythium. Both seem to be running fine at the moment with this fix!

Edited by NFGCaboose-1
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Glad you guys got it sorted.

@TroyT I am running Cherno Redux, Taviana & Malden. Once I took out Exile beers, porn mags & simple objects nobody has had a crash.

Beers & porn will do it to you every time...

Edited by aussie battler

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On 12/12/2017 at 3:24 AM, aussie battler said:

Beers & porn will do it to you every time...


Yeah, but ...

Edited by TroyT
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