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Status bar script troubleshooting.<SOLVED>


Hey all, tried adding a post to the status bar script page asking about this but, it's been a few days with no response so I figured I'd create a thread for it as I can't seem to locate the problems solution elsewhere.


Upon installing Cr34mpie's (I apologize if I murdered the spelling) status bar script I got everything up and running except the pop tabs always displays as ANY for the amount on hand(only in the status bar, physical pops are unaffected) I'm assuming there was a value I was supposed to edit but missed somewhere.


If you need an logs or screenshots on the Issue I am happy to provide.


Thanks in advance,


Edited by Arkan

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Hello Arkan,

"ANY" in ARMA scripting can mean 'null', empty, etc.  In other words the variable that you used for the tabs is NOT defined.  To ME, this would mean you have a typo somewhere.

Where?  Beats me.  Find the ORIGINAL variable in the ORIGINAL file and do a count on the number of times it shows, then repeat SAME SEARCH on YOUR file.

This might show the issue/typo.


Also, do you have the latest version and is it compatible with the latest Exile?


You also could just use the default 'out-of-the-box' settings (modify NOTHING) and see it if works.  If not, the script is 'no good'.


Regardless, the 'ANY' means the variable is 'empty'.



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That is indeed the issue and, I located it in the eden editor.

It's in line 40 of the statusbar.sqf it's trying to define the wallet as "exileclientplayermoney" and this is not a valid variable.

The variable may have changed and my script might be outdated although I just picked it up two days ago. I'll look around for an updated version and compare the variables.


(although I am unsure of where exileclientplayermoney is defined at in the first place.)

Edited by Arkan

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It appears to be identical so I think the defining value may have been renamed either in an update or by me I guess?

here is the sqf though.

 @file Version: 0.2
 @file Name: statusBar.sqf
 @file  EpochMod StatusBar Port for Wasteland / Exile by CRE4MPIE
 @file Created: 21/4/2015
 @file Updated by CRE4MPIE for new Exile Attributes
 @File Edited 15/3/2016
 @notes: Added custom Icons and Attributes, removed garbage
 All Credits Due to the original creator of this script.
waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
[] spawn
 _uid = getPlayerUID player;
 while {true} do
  uisleep 5;
   _rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
   _rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];
   if(isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554)) then
    diag_log "statusbar is null create";
    _rscLayer = "RscStatusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
    _rscLayer cutRsc ["RscStatusBar","PLAIN",1,false];
   //initialize variables and set values
   _unit = _this select 0;
   _damage = round ((1 - (damage player)) * 100);
   //_damage = (round(_damage * 100));
   _hunger = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2);
   _thirst = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 3);
   _bodytemp = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 5);
   _ambient = [ExileClientEnvironmentTemperature, 1] call ExileClient_util_math_round;
   _wallet = ExileClientPlayerMoney;
   _respect = ExileClientPlayerScore;
   _serverFPS = round diag_fps;
   _pos = getPosATL player;
   _dir = round (getDir (vehicle player));
   _grid = mapGridPosition  player; _xx = (format[_grid]) select  [0,3];
   _yy = (format[_grid]) select  [3,3];
   _time = (round(240-(serverTime)/60));  //edit the '240' value (60*4=240) to change the countdown timer if your server restarts are shorter or longer than 4 hour intervals
   _hours = (floor(_time/60));
   _minutes = (_time - (_hours * 60));
   switch(_minutes) do
    case 9: {_minutes = "09"};
    case 8: {_minutes = "08"};
    case 7: {_minutes = "07"};
    case 6: {_minutes = "06"};
    case 5: {_minutes = "05"};
    case 4: {_minutes = "04"};
    case 3: {_minutes = "03"};
    case 2: {_minutes = "02"};
    case 1: {_minutes = "01"};
    case 0: {_minutes = "00"};
   //Color Gradient
   _colourDefault  = parseText "#FBFCFE"; //
   _colour90   = parseText "#F5E6EC"; //
   _colour80   = parseText "#F0D1DB"; //
   _colour70   = parseText "#EBBBC9"; //
   _colour60   = parseText "#E6A6B8"; //
   _colour50   = parseText "#E191A7"; //
   _colour40   = parseText "#DB7B95"; //
   _colour30   = parseText "#D66684"; //
   _colour20   = parseText "#D15072"; //
   _colour10   = parseText "#CC3B61"; //
   _colour0   = parseText "#C72650"; //
   _colourDead  = parseText "#000000";
   //Colour coding
   _colourDamage = _colourDefault;
   if(_damage >= 100) then{_colourDamage = _colourDefault;};
   if((_damage >= 90) && (_damage < 100)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour90;};
   if((_damage >= 80) && (_damage < 90)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour80;};
   if((_damage >= 70) && (_damage < 80)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour70;};
   if((_damage >= 60) && (_damage < 70)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour60;};
   if((_damage >= 50) && (_damage < 60)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour50;};
   if((_damage >= 40) && (_damage < 50)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour40;};
   if((_damage >= 30) && (_damage < 40)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour30;};
   if((_damage >= 20) && (_damage < 30)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour20;};
   if((_damage >= 10) && (_damage < 20)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour10;};
   if((_damage >= 1) && (_damage < 10)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour0;};
   if(_damage < 1) then{_colourDamage =  _colourDead;};
   _colourHunger = _colourDefault;
   if(_hunger >= 100) then{_colourHunger = _colourDefault;};
   if((_hunger >= 90) && (_hunger < 100)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour90;};
   if((_hunger >= 80) && (_hunger < 90)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour80;};
   if((_hunger >= 70) && (_hunger < 80)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour70;};
   if((_hunger >= 60) && (_hunger < 70)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour60;};
   if((_hunger >= 50) && (_hunger < 60)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour50;};
   if((_hunger >= 40) && (_hunger < 50)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour40;};
   if((_hunger >= 30) && (_hunger < 40)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour30;};
   if((_hunger >= 20) && (_hunger < 30)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour20;};
   if((_hunger >= 10) && (_hunger < 20)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour10;};
   if((_hunger >= 1) && (_hunger < 10)) then {_colourHunger =  _colour0;};
   if(_hunger < 1) then{_colourHunger =  _colourDead;};

   _colourThirst = _colourDefault;
   switch true do
    case(_thirst >= 100) : {_colourThirst = _colourDefault;};
    case((_thirst >= 90) && (_thirst < 100)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour90;};
    case((_thirst >= 80) && (_thirst < 90)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour80;};
    case((_thirst >= 70) && (_thirst < 80)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour70;};
    case((_thirst >= 60) && (_thirst < 70)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour60;};
    case((_thirst >= 50) && (_thirst < 60)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour50;};
    case((_thirst >= 40) && (_thirst < 50)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour40;};
    case((_thirst >= 30) && (_thirst < 40)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour30;};
    case((_thirst >= 20) && (_thirst < 30)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour20;};
    case((_thirst >= 10) && (_thirst < 20)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour10;};
    case((_thirst >= 1) && (_thirst < 10)) :  {_colourThirst =  _colour0;};
    case(_thirst < 1) : {_colourThirst =  _colourDead;};
   _colourCold = _colourDefault;
   switch true do
    case(_bodytemp >= 37) : {_colourCold = _colourDefault;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 37) && (_bodytemp < 38)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour90;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 36) && (_bodytemp < 37)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour80;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 35) && (_bodytemp < 36)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour70;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 34) && (_bodytemp < 35)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour60;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 34) && (_bodytemp < 35)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour50;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 33) && (_bodytemp < 34)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour40;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 33) && (_bodytemp < 34)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour30;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 32) && (_bodytemp < 33)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour20;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 31) && (_bodytemp < 32)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour10;};
    case((_bodytemp >= 1) && (_bodytemp < 10)) :  {_colourCold =  _colour0;};
    case(_bodytemp < 1) : {_colourCold =  _colourDead;};
   //display the information
   ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscStatusBar")displayCtrl 55554) ctrlSetStructuredText
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.6'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\players.paa' color='%9'/> %2</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%14'><img size='1.0'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\health.paa' color='%9'/> %3%1</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.0'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\poptab_ca.paa' color='%9'/> %4</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'><img size='1.6'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\hunger.paa' color='%9'/> %5%1</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%16'><img size='1.6'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\thirst.paa' color='%9'/> %6%1</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'><img size='1.0'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\snowflake.paa' color='%9'/> %18%20</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%16'><img size='1.0'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\thermostat.paa' color='%9'/> %19%20</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.0'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\exile.paa' color='%9'/> %8</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'>FPS: %7</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.0'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\compass.paa' color='%9'/> %11</t>
    <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%9'><img size='1.6'  shadowColor='#000000' image='addons\statusbar\icons\restart.paa' color='%9'/>%12:%13</t>",
      count playableUnits,

I'll keep looking for the correct variable it's trying to define.

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Gah, this was answered already after all.

Right here. In case anyone else sees this.

On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 1:23 AM, Zeppo said:

Here is a quick fix for the poptabs to show on the status bar.

Replace ExileClientPlayerMoney whit  (player getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0])

Here is a example 

_wallet = ExileClientPlayerMoney;                         ( This is the old one )

 _wallet = (player getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0]);                  ( this is the new one )

At the end for the lockers

(player getVariable ["ExileLocker", 0])


Sorry for my english.


I am very sorry for the needless post.

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There ya go!  :)

I knew it had to be a variable and I was correct that it was 'old' as well.

They changed that variable one or two versions back.

I am glad you got it going and that I was able to help!


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