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  1. Luckix

    Bridge to Pyrgos

    Could you directly give us the line to put in the .sqf plz ?
  2. Luckix

    Should vehicles be lockable at all times?

    It doesn't really matter, you can kill the driver and steal the vehicle, if you are good you can kill him before he locks the car. But why not implementing a really rare lootable but not buyable item, the lock pick
  3. Luckix

    Backpack & Vehicle Capacity

    Yep Offroad > HEMTT ! Trucks are useless in the game for now
  4. Missions AI / AI ambiants / Scripts perso ( 'Y' pour régler la distance de vue - 'U' pour lock / unlock les véhicules .... ) Events réguliers, Admins présents non-stop, dev et staff à l'écoute, communauté soudée et mature, serveur dédié haute performance, mapping personnalisé, dédommagements, monitoring tournant 24/24h, sauvegarde de la BDD régulière (8 par jour), etc... Autant de bonnes raisons de nous rejoindre !
  5. Luckix

    Allow displays on infiSTAR AH

    look at the logs you should find it
  6. Luckix

    Allow displays on infiSTAR AH

    that easy, haha thank you
  7. Hey there, I use a script that open an ingame window but players have to spam the open key because infiSTAR close the display (display #2900). Do you know how to allow that specific display #2900 plz ?
  8. Luckix

    Bridge to Pyrgos

    Well that's really better to do it separately so you can put it server side and keep your mission file size down
  9. Luckix

    Give someone money

    Haha so true, Maca doesn't count as one dev but a lot more !
  10. Luckix

    Delete Rabbits and other Animals

    Ok thanks for your answer
  11. Luckix

    Delete Rabbits and other Animals

    Is there a real difference of FPS after this cleaning script or is this more "gadget" ?
  12. Luckix

    Bridge to Pyrgos

    Good job !
  13. Luckix

    Wood Storage Rollback

    Hi all, I have a problem I don't really know from where it comes, when a player take an object in his wood storage, the object will be back in the box after restart. If he put an object in the storage, the object will be deleted after restart. It seems that storage db requests don't work since a few days. Anyone else has noticed that ? Have you an idea how can I fix this ? Regards.
  14. Luckix


    Sorry you can delete my post ! I was wondering if curator was possible with Exilemod, yes it is
  15. Luckix

    New Building Parts

    We need something like sandbags you can put everywhere, so you can do ambushes ! Anyway.. seems to be a great work, good luck ! (sleeping bags +9000, but a limit so you can have only one and not spawn everywhere on the map if you have multiple flags)