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server will not run with out me on? lol


Ok i have a very strange situation happening. my server is on a 4 hour restart schedule. 2,6,10 est.  when i get home from work i will be on from 4pm to 10 pm. then i have to go to bed to go to work.  but for the past few nights my server has gone retarded after the 2am restart. and players cant connect for up to 2 or 3 restarts, but when i get home i connect just fine and then everyone else can connect just fine. we thought it was just a hicup during one restart but it has done it every night for the past few nights. during the same restart. my server host is blue fang solutions, the server is not based on my computer. this makes no since to me at all. if there is any one that could shine some light on this it would be great. thank you

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7 answers to this question

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its likely you do not have persistent=1; in your server.cfg or config.cfg, but if you do, then are you using -autoinit in your arma3server startup parameters?


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9 hours ago, tinboye said:

its likely you do not have persistent=1; in your server.cfg or config.cfg, but if you do, then are you using -autoinit in your arma3server startup parameters?


I am one of silentheros admins, hes at work and we are having the issue again, he said persistence is set to 1, and autoinit is not in the arma 3 server startup parameters.

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