
Andre's Convoy for Exile

10 posts in this topic

So i have been playing with code from the epoch andre convoy script with permission of course from Donnovan.

I changed classes from epoch to exile, changed the faction section from Resistance to east, as every other AI script uses east, and players are part of indepandant which is part of resistance.

The convoys seem to work, but their logic seems to be off.

When a person fires on the convoy, the AI get out, but they always do not fire at the player, they sometimes will just stand there and not fire back. And other times  they will even fire at other convoys.

I don't know if this is an Arma 3 thing or Exile.

but can anyone take a look and tell me what might be causing this?

Is there something within Exile that I need to add?



if (isServer) then {

	//Vehicles: Its ok to repeate the same car with different configuration.
	donn_carsConvy = [
		//(0) Crew: 2 / Armed
		//(1) Crew: 3 / Armed
		//(2) Crew: 4 / Armored
		//(3) Crew: 4 / Armored
		//(4) Crew: 2 / Armored
		//(5) Crew: 6 / Uncovered Truck
		//(6) Crew: 8 / Covered Truck

	//Soldier of the Convoys
	donn_soldierSkin = ["B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_lite_F","B_Soldier_SL_F","B_Soldier_TL_F"];


	//Time between each consecutive spawn
	_timeBetweenSpawns = 160;

	//Cars in each convoy (refere to donn_carsConvy)
	_convoyFormation = [
	//Crew Skill (driver, cargors and turreters)
	_driverManSkill = 0.8;	//Skill of the driver, from 0 to 1
	_cargoMansSkill = 0.8;	//Skill of the cargo ocupants, from 0 to 1
	_turretMansSkill = 0.1;	//Skill ot the turret operators, from 0 to 1
	//RUNNER BOMBER MAN CONFIG - Percentage of bomberman AI in car disembarks: 0 is 0% and 1 is 100%
	//Those bomberman will not fight and search for a player to explode right after disembark
	//0.2 means 1 runner bomber each 5 vehicle disembark (1/0.2 = 5)
	donn_runnerBomberManPerc = 0.2;
	_lootCutter = 2;			//Number of loot piles in veh are divided by this number (minimum of 1 loot pile)
	_showCrewNumber = true;	//Show crew number on the vehicle icon on map?

	// 0 - Altis; 1 - Chernarus; 2 - Bornholm; 3 - Napf
	_myMapIs = 3;
	//Select Spawns Based on _myMapIs
	//VEHICLES SPAWN: [[vehicle spawn position],[nothing],spawn angle,spawn radius]
	_spawns = [
		//Altis (0)
		//Chernarus (1)
		//Bornholm (2)
		//Napf (3)
	] select _myMapIs;


	_loot1 = [
		[["addWeaponCargoGlobal","Srifle_GM6_F",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","5Rnd_127x108_Mag",[4,4,5]]],		//Maried Loot
		[["addWeaponCargoGlobal","Exile_Weapon_LeeEnfield",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","Exile_Magazine_10Rnd_303",[2,3,4]]],		//Maried Loot
		[["addWeaponCargoGlobal","srifle_DMR_01_F",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","10Rnd_762x51_Mag",[4,4,5]]],	//Maried Loot
		[["addWeaponCargoGlobal","Exile_Weapon_AK107",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","Exile_Magazine_30Rnd_762x39_AK",	[3,4,5]]],		//Maried Loot
		[["addWeaponCargoGlobal","Srifle_LRR_F",[1,1,2]],["addMagazineCargoGlobal","7Rnd_408_Mag",[4,4,5]]],			//Maried Loot
	_donn_weapons = [
	//Generate Function Begin =========================================

	//Find Roads Intersections (can be separated by water)
	donn_find_intersections = {
		_minDist = _this select 0;
		_roads = [0,0,0] nearRoads 50000;
		_donn_wps = [];
			_road = _x;
			if (count roadsConnectedTo _x > 2) then {
				_alone = true;
					if (_road distance _x < _minDist) exitWith {
						_alone = false;
				} forEach _donn_wps;
				if (_alone) then {
					_donn_wps = _donn_wps + [position _x];
		} forEach _roads;

	//AI handle damage Event Handler	
	donn_casca_unit_HD = {
		_hurtedOne = _this select 0;
		_partDamage = _this select 1;
		_damage = _this select 2;
		_ofender = _this select 3;
		if (isPlayer _ofender) then {
			_dist = _ofender distance _hurtedOne; //MANY
			_groupShoted = group _hurtedOne; //MANY
			_groupShoted setVariable ["donn_pshot",true,false]; //MANY
			if (_dist < 300) then {_groupShoted reveal [_this select 3,4];}; //MANY
		} else {
			if (_hurtedOne != _ofender) then {_damage = 0;};

	//BomberMan handle damage
	donn_casca_unit_HD_bomber = {
		_hurtedOne = _this select 0;
		_partDamage = _this select 1;
		_damage = _this select 2;
		_ofender = _this select 3;
		if (isPlayer _ofender) then {
			if (_partDamage == "body" && _damage > 1) then {
				_uPos = position _hurtedOne;
				"HelicopterExploSmall" createVehicle _uPos;
				_hurtedOne setPos [0,0,0];
				deleteVehicle _hurtedOne;
		} else {
			if (_hurtedOne != _ofender) then {_damage = 0;};

	//Vehicle Handle Damage
	donn_casca_veh_HD = {
		_motor = _this select 0;
		_dist = (_this select 3) distance _motor;
		_groupShoted = _motor getVariable ["car_group",GrpNull];
		_inWar = _groupShoted getVariable ["donn_inWar",false];
		if (!_inWar) then {
			_crew = crew _motor;
			if (count _crew > 0) then {
				_groupShoted setVariable ["donn_pshot",true,false];
				if (_dist < 120) then {_groupShoted reveal [_this select 3,4];};
		if (_inWar) then {_groupShoted setVariable ["donn_pshot",true,false];	if (_dist < 120) then {_groupShoted reveal [_this select 3,4];};};

	//Clean AI on death and re-assign a new driver
	donn_cleanUnit = {
		_unit = _this select 0;
		_motor = assignedVehicle _unit;
		_role = assignedVehicleRole _unit;
		_unit removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
		if (_role select 0 == "Driver") then {_unit call donn_roll_driver;};
		{_unit removeMagazine _x;} forEach magazines _unit;
		if (random 100 > 60) then {
			{_unit removeWeapon _x;} forEach weapons _unit;
		donn_units_motor = donn_units_motor - [_unit];

	//Loot Selection Function
	donn_selectLoot = {
		_lootsOriginal = _this select 0;
		_qtd = _this select 1;
		_loots = +_lootsOriginal;
		_qtd = _qtd min 8;
		_return = [];
		for "_x" from 0 to (_qtd - 1) do {
			_rnd = (ceil (random (count _loots))) - 1;
			_rnd = _rnd max 0;
			_return = _return + [_loots select _rnd];
			_loots set [_rnd,"delme"];
			_loots = _loots - ["delme"];
			if (count _loots == 0) then {_loots = +_lootsOriginal;};

	//Add or Remove Turret Ammo - Function
	donn_cascar_tuAmmo = {
		_ammos = _this select 0;
		_motor = _this select 1;
		_action = _this select 2;
		if (_action == "add") then {
				_ammo = _x;
				for "_a" from 1 to 8 do {
					_motor addMagazineTurret [_ammo,[_forEachIndex]];
			} forEach _ammos;
		if (_action == "remove") then {
				_motor removeMagazinesTurret [_x,[_forEachIndex]];
			} forEach _ammos;

	//Select a new driver
	donn_roll_driver = {
		_unit = _this;
		_assignedVehDrv = assignedVehicle _unit;
		_unitsGrp = units group _unit;
		_newDriver = ObjNull;
			if (alive _x) then {
				if (assignedVehicle _x == _assignedVehDrv) then {
					if (isNull _newDriver) then {
						_newDriver = _x;
					} else {
						if ((assignedVehicleRole _newDriver) select 0 == "Turret") then {
							_newDriver = _x;
		} forEach (_unitsGrp - [_unit]);
		if (!isNull _newDriver) then {
			unassignVehicle _unit;
			_newDriver assignAsDriver _assignedVehDrv;
			if ((group _newDriver) getVariable "donn_inWar") then {
				if ((assignedVehicleRole _newDriver) select 0 == "Turret") then {
					[_newDriver] orderGetIn false;
					[_newDriver] allowGetIn false;
					_newDriver setSkill 1;

	//Protect Vehicles from players until all crew is off
	donn_casca_getIn = {
		_motor = _this select 0;
		_unit = _this select 2;
		if (isPlayer _unit) then {
			_carGroup = _motor getVariable ["car_group",GrpNull];
			_allOff = true;
			{if (alive _x && assignedVehicle _x == _motor) then {_allOff = false;};} forEach units _carGroup;
			if (!_allOff) then {_unit action ['getOut', _motor];};
			if (_allOff) then {
				_motor removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
				_motor removeAllEventHandlers "getIn";
				_motor removeAllEventHandlers "getOut";
				_motor setFuel 0.5;

	//Make bomber man on disembark
	donn_disembarkCount = 0;
	donn_casca_getOut = {
		_unit = _this select 2;
		if (!isPlayer _unit) then {
			donn_disembarkCount = donn_disembarkCount + 1;
			if (donn_disembarkCount mod (round (1/(donn_runnerBomberManPerc max 0.001))) == 0) then {
				_agentPos = position assignedVehicle _unit;
				_agent = createAgent ["B_Soldier_exp_F",_agentPos,[],0,"NONE"];
				_agent removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
				_agent addEventHandler ["handleDamage",{_this call donn_casca_unit_HD_bomber}];
				[objNull,_agent, group _unit] execFSM "andre_convoy_bomber.fsm";	

	//Route Maker
	donn_makeroute = {
		_origin = _this select 0;
		_rosa_group = _this select 1;
		_speed = _this select 2;
		_posBefore = _origin;
		_posNow = _origin;
		_wp = _rosa_group addWaypoint [_posNow,0,0];
		_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 15;
		_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
		_wp setWaypointSpeed _speed;
		_posNext = [0,0,0];
		for "_c" from 1 to 5 do {
			_distToBefore = 0;
			_distToNext = 0;
			_found = false;
			for "_x" from 1 to 200 do {
				_posNext = donn_wps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
				_distToNext = _posNow distance _posNext;
				_distToBefore = _posNext distance _posBefore;
				_otherIsland = false;
				if (_distToNext > 2500 && _distToNext < 5000 && _distToBefore > 2000) then {
					_found = true;
					_distUnits = _distToNext/20;
					_dltX = ((_posNext select 0) - (_posNow select 0))/_distUnits;
					_dltY = ((_posNext select 1) - (_posNow select 1))/_distUnits;
					for "_i" from 1 to _distUnits do {
						_travelPos = [(_posNow select 0)+_i*_dltX,(_posNow select 1)+_i*_dltX]; 
						if (surfaceIsWater _travelPos) exitWith {_found = false;};
				if (_found) exitWith {};
				sleep 0.001;
			if (!_found) then {_posNext = donn_wps call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;};
			_wp = _rosa_group addWaypoint [_posNext,0,_c];
			_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 15;
			_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
			_wp setWaypointSpeed _speed;
			_posNow = _posNext;
		_wp = _rosa_group addWaypoint [_origin,0,6];
		_wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 15;
		_wp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
		_wp setWaypointSpeed _speed;

	//MoveTo unit to vehcile
	donn_moveTB_veh = {
			_role = assignedVehicleRole _x;
			if (count _role > 0) then {
				_roleTxt = _role select 0;
				if (_roleTxt == "CARGO") then {
					_x action ["moveToCargo", assignedVehicle _x];
				if (_roleTxt == "DRIVER") then {
					_x action ["moveToDriver", assignedVehicle _x];
				if (_roleTxt == "TURRET") then {
					_rolePos = _role select 1;
					_x action ["moveToTurret", assignedVehicle _x,_rolePos];
		} forEach _this;

	//Generate Function End ===========================================
	//Find Waypoints: Automatic find street waypoints
	donn_wps = [1200] call donn_find_intersections;
	//Show Spawn Icons on Map / refuel Vehicles / Show convoy icons on map 
	donn_motor = [];
	donn_units_motor = [];
	[_spawns,_showCrewNumber] spawn {
			//Convoy Icons on Map Iniciate variables
			_showCrewNumber = _this select 1;
			_add = [];
			_remove = [];
			_update = [];
			_donn_units_motor_icon_old = [];
			//Add Icon Function
			_addIcon = {
				_iName = _this select 0;
				_iPos = _this select 1;
				_iColor = _this select 2;
				_iText = _this select 3;
				_mark = createMarker [_iName, _iPos];
				_mark setMarkerColor _iColor;
				_mark setMarkerShape "Icon";
				_mark setMarkerType "mil_dot";
				_mark setMarkerText _iText;
		//Spawn icons on map iniciate variables
		_spawns = _this select 0;
		_donn_casca_icons = [];
		{_donn_casca_icons = _donn_casca_icons + [[_x select 0,"Convoy Spawn " + str (_forEachIndex + 1)]];} forEach _spawns;
		//While: Spawn icons / Convoy Icons / Refuel
		_sleep_a = 0;
		_sleep_b = 0;
		_sleep_c = 0;
		while {true} do {
			//Spawn Icons Add
			if (_sleep_a == 0) then {
					_mark = createMarker ["Donn_Spawn_" + str _forEachIndex, _x select 0];
					_mark setMarkerShape "Icon";
					_mark setMarkerText (_x select 1);
					_mark setMarkerType "mil_dot";
					_mark setMarkerColor "ColorPink";
				} forEach _donn_casca_icons;

			//Refual Vehicles each 180 seconds
			if (_sleep_b >= 200) then {
				_sleep_b = 0;{_x setFuel 1;} forEach donn_motor;
			//Convoy Icons
				deleteMarker vehicleVarName _x;
			} forEach _remove;
				_color = "";
				if (_x isKindOf "LandVehicle") then {
					if (_x getVariable ["donn_tu",false]) then {_color = "ColorRed";} else {_color = "ColorBlue";};
				} else {
					_color = "ColorYellow";
				_array = [vehicleVarName _x,position _x,_color,""];
				_array call _addIcon;
			} forEach _add;
				_posXY = position _x;
				_marker = vehicleVarName _x;
				_marker setMarkerPos (getPosATL _x);
				if (_x isKindOf "LandVehicle") then {
					if (_showCrewNumber) then {_marker setMarkerText str ({alive _x} count crew _x);};

			} forEach _update;
			_donn_units_motor_icon = [];
			_vehIcon = [];
				_veh = vehicle _x;
				_assigned = assignedVehicle _x;
				if (_veh != _x) then {
					if !(_veh in _vehIcon) then {
						_vehIcon = _vehIcon + [_veh];
						_donn_units_motor_icon = _donn_units_motor_icon + [_veh];
				} else {
					_donn_units_motor_icon = _donn_units_motor_icon + [_x];
				if !(_assigned in _vehIcon) then {
					_vehIcon = _vehIcon + [_assigned];
					_donn_units_motor_icon = _donn_units_motor_icon + [_assigned];
			} forEach donn_units_motor;
			if (_sleep_c >= 20) then {
				_add = _donn_units_motor_icon;
				_remove = _donn_units_motor_icon_old;
				_donn_units_motor_icon_old = _donn_units_motor_icon;
				_sleep_c = 0;
			} else {
				_add = _donn_units_motor_icon - _donn_units_motor_icon_old;
				_remove = _donn_units_motor_icon_old - _donn_units_motor_icon;
				_update = _donn_units_motor_icon - _add;
				_donn_units_motor_icon_old = _donn_units_motor_icon;
			//Sleep Divisor of all
			_sleepTime = 2.5;
			sleep _sleepTime;
			_sleep_a = _sleep_a + _sleepTime;
			_sleep_b = _sleep_b + _sleepTime;
			_sleep_c = _sleep_c + _sleepTime;
			//Spawn Icons Remove
			if (_sleep_a == 15) then {
				_sleep_a = 0;
				{deleteMarker ("Donn_Spawn_" + str _forEachIndex);} forEach _donn_casca_icons;
	//Safe Sleep
	sleep 15;
	//Spawn Casca Units/Cars
	for "_cs" from 1 to (count _convoyFormation) do {
		diag_log ("[CASCA CONVOY] Initialized Spawn! " + str _cs);
		_spawn = _spawns select ((_cs + ((count _spawns)-1)) mod (count _spawns));
		_origin = _spawn select 0;
		_rad = _spawn select 3;
		_rosa_group = createGroup east;
		_convoy = _convoyFormation select (_cs-1);
		_behaviorSafe = "CARELESS";
		_speed = "NORMAL";
		_qtd = count _convoy;
		_cars = [];
			_cars = _cars + [donn_carsConvy select _x];
		} forEach _convoy;
		for "_n" from 1 to _qtd do {

			//Spawn Car
			_car = _cars select (_n - 1);
			_motor = createVehicle [_car select 0,_origin,[],_rad,"NONE"];
			_motor allowDamage false;
			_motor setVehicleVarName ("CASCA_CAR_" + str _cs + "_" + str _n);
			_motor setVariable ["car_group",_rosa_group,false];
			_motor removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
			_motor addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_this call donn_casca_veh_HD}];
			_motor setDir (_spawn select 2);
			_motor setFuel 1;
			donn_motor = donn_motor + [_motor];
			_motor addEventHandler ["GetIn",{_this call donn_casca_getIn;}];
			_motor addEventHandler ["GetOut",{_this call donn_casca_getOut;}];
			//Add Vehicle Ammo
			_ammos = _car select 2;
			if (count _ammos > 0) then {
				[_ammos,_motor,"add"] call donn_cascar_tuAmmo;
				_motor setVariable ["donn_tu",true,true];
			//count Crew
			_driverCount = 1;
			_turreterCount = count _ammos;
			_cargorsCount = _car select 1;
			_crewCount = _driverCount + _turreterCount + _cargorsCount;
			//Put Loot in the Car
			clearWeaponCargoGlobal _motor;
			clearMagazineCargoGlobal _motor;
				{call compile format ["_motor %1 ['%2',%3];",_x select 0,_x select 1,_x select 2 select ((_qtd - 1) min 2)];} forEach _x;
			} forEach ([_loot1,ceil (_crewCount/_lootCutter)] call donn_selectLoot);
			//Spawn Soldiers
			_gunnerPos = 0;
			for "_y" from 1 to _crewCount do {
				//Create Soldier
				_skin = donn_soldierSkin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
				_unit = _rosa_group createUnit [_skin,[50,50,50],[],50,"PRIVATE"];
				_unit setVehicleVarName ("CASCA_AI_" + str _cs + "_" + str _n + "_" + str _y);				
				[_unit] joinSilent _rosa_group;
				_unit addEventHandler ["Killed",{_this call donn_cleanUnit;}];
				_unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_this call donn_casca_unit_HD}];
				donn_units_motor = donn_units_motor + [_unit];
				_unit disableAi "TARGET";
				_unit disableAi "AUTOTARGET";
				//Give Soldier Weapon and Ammo
				removeAllWeapons _unit;
				{_unit removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _unit;
				_weap_mag = _donn_weapons call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
				_weapon = _weap_mag select 0;
				_magazine = _weap_mag select 1;
				_unit addWeapon _weapon;
				_unit selectWeapon _weapon;
				for "_pa" from 1 to 8 do {
					_unit addMagazine _magazine;
				//Put AI in the car
				if (_y == 1) then {
					_unit assignAsDriver _motor;
					_unit moveInDriver _motor;
					_unit setSkill _driverManSkill;
				if (_y > 1 && _y <= 1 + _turreterCount) then {
					_unit assignAsGunner _motor;
					_unit moveInTurret [_motor,[_gunnerPos]];
					_unit setSkill _turretMansSkill;
					_gunnerPos = _gunnerPos + 1;
				if (_y > 1 + _turreterCount) then {
					_unit assignAsCargo _motor;
					_unit moveInCargo _motor;
					_unit setSkill _cargoMansSkill;
			_rosa_group setCombatMode "BLUE";
			_rosa_group setBehaviour _behaviorSafe;
			_rosa_group setVariable ["donn_pshot",false,false];
			_rosa_group setVariable ["donn_inWar",false,false];
			{_x allowFleeing 0} forEach units _rosa_group;		
			{[_x] allowGetIn true;sleep 0.2;} forEach units _rosa_group;
			{[_x] orderGetIn true;sleep 0.2;} forEach units _rosa_group;
		//Make Units leave or Embark car
		[_rosa_group,_behaviorSafe] spawn {
			_rosa_group = _this select 0;
			_behaviorSafe = _this select 1;
			_noHurtTime = 0;
			_tm = 1;
			_targetOff = true;
			while {!isNil "_rosa_group"} do {
				_newHurt = _rosa_group getVariable ["donn_pshot",false];
				if (isNil "_newHurt") then {_newHurt = false;};
				if (_newHurt) then {
					_noHurtTime = 0;
					_rosa_group setVariable ["donn_pshot",false,false];
					if (_targetOff) then {
						_targetOff = false;
						_rosa_group setVariable ["donn_inWar",true,false];
						{_x enableAi "TARGET";sleep 0.025;} forEach units _rosa_group;
						{_x enableAi "AUTOTARGET";sleep 0.025;} forEach units _rosa_group;
						sleep 0.5;
						_rosa_group setBehaviour "COMBAT";
						_rosa_group setCombatMode "RED";
						sleep 0.5;
						_turreters = [];
						{if ((assignedVehicleRole _x) select 0 == "Turret") then {_turreters = _turreters + [_x];};} forEach units _rosa_group;
						_leaveToFight = (units _rosa_group) - _turreters;
						{[_x] orderGetIn false;sleep 0.05;} forEach _leaveToFight;
						{[_x] allowGetIn false;sleep 0.05;} forEach _leaveToFight;
						_tm = 15;
				} else {
					_noHurtTime = _noHurtTime + _tm;
					if (_noHurtTime > 120) then {
						_noDangerFell = true;
						{if (_rosa_group knowsAbout _x > 0) exitWith {_noDangerFell = false;};} forEach playableUnits;
						if (_noDangerFell) then {
							_targetOff = true;
							_rosa_group setVariable ["donn_inWar",false,false];
							{_x disableAi "TARGET";} forEach units _rosa_group;
							{_x disableAi "AUTOTARGET";} forEach units _rosa_group;
							sleep 1;
							_rosa_group setBehaviour _behaviorSafe;
							_rosa_group setCombatMode "BLUE";
							sleep 2;
							{[_x] allowGetIn true;sleep 0.2;} forEach units _rosa_group;
							{[_x] orderGetIn true;sleep 0.2;} forEach units _rosa_group;
							_tm = 1;
				sleep _tm;
		//Make Convoy Route
		[_spawn select 0,_rosa_group,_speed,donn_wps] call donn_makeroute;
		//Sleep Before Next Spawn
		sleep _timeBetweenSpawns;



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grab the convoy stuff out of FuMS for exile. Probably a better place to start looking. Might want to ping @Horbin a quick note to check he's OK with it

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@tinboye I can't comment on your code as this is not something I'm proficient in but I can comment that the issue you've reported I have heard about or witnessed in DMS and Occupation previously. I understand that it's an ARMA 3 thing more than anything else but I believe there are ways to lessen the issue which is how DMS has become quite reliable and Occupation has improved in it's reliability over time.

I had the pleasure once of sitting on a hill on Tanoa watching vehicle after vehicle spawn in from Occupation only to have each vehicle's AI get out and open fire on the previous vehicle's AI then wander off..... this continued for about 30 minutes and was quite entertaining to watch. Eventually it stopped doing it and the AI behaved properly but was quite entertaining while it lasted.

Kuplion might be a good resource for information on how it's handled in Occupation if you are still working on this and want some advice? I'd suggest Second Coming as he created Occupation but I don't believe he frequents these forums much or at all anymore.

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I think, as far as im guessing without testing myself, that this part:


{_x enableAi "TARGET";sleep 0.025;} forEach units _rosa_group;
						{_x enableAi "AUTOTARGET";sleep 0.025;} forEach units _rosa_group;
						sleep 0.5;
						_rosa_group setBehaviour "COMBAT";
						_rosa_group setCombatMode "RED";

Is never triggered but the function above or below it, those 2 disable the AI for autotargeting and targeting and also sets them to BLUE behaviour which keeps them "friendly".

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@tinboye did you ever get this working? I can't even get the convoy to spawn. I'm using the xcam Taunus map.
And I changed the coords of the napf example, to coords for where I want it to spawn on the Taunus map.

Never mind. :D I forgot to select which map it was for. I'll have to test it again.


Edited by 5niper

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Vehicles in convoy are invulnerable until i get in. How can i change this? Because some times cars go away and shooting on wheels don't help)

Edited by Ro1and

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anyone have this running successfully in Altis, with Exile Mod 1.0.4?

We're running DMS, Occupation, and infiSTAR.

1) ai kill each other
2) then another convoy spawns
3) and so on, and so on, etc.

any suggestions?

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