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Exile weapon bug


Not really sure if this is client or server side.

But exile weapons seem to be bugged see attached screenshot: 

As you can see there is something floating above the weapon and moves when your player moves...


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46 minutes ago, clarkycalLad said:

Not really sure if this is client or server side.

But exile weapons seem to be bugged see attached screenshot: 

As you can see there is something floating above the weapon and moves when your player moves...


it could just be the usual arma spaz: 


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3 minutes ago, clarkycalLad said:

ok... xD while i agree, unfortunately not, here are other examples of the same bug:


It's the exact same thing, the spaz bug.

It has been told that some addons can cause this bug.

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6 minutes ago, StokesMagee said:

It's the exact same thing, the spaz bug.

It has been told that some addons can cause this bug.

oh... and yeah now that you say that..

Quote from @BetterDeadThanZed " People have suggested in the past that this only happens on the maps that use CUP Terrains but I can't confirm it. "

Edit: i guess i shall try to remove the exile weapons from loot spawns and add cup weapons instead.

Edited by clarkycalLad

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3 minutes ago, clarkycalLad said:

oh... and yeah now that you say that..

Quote from @BetterDeadThanZed " People have suggested in the past that this only happens on the maps that use CUP Terrains but I can't confirm it. "

the addon can cause the issue, but i doubt the map has anything to do with it, because you get it on Altis, Tanoa, and Stratis. 

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And I ran a Tanoa server for a short period and did not see this bug (didn't go looking for it, just never saw it). My Chernarus server however does have it so yeah, might be map related.....  I run the CUP version of Cherno if it's of use.

Suffice to say, I removed those weapons from the traders and loot spawns.

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