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clarkycalLad last won the day on February 26 2017

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About clarkycalLad

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  • Birthday 04/03/2000

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  1. That could possibly be the problem, I haven't tested it so... Are there any errors in the RPT. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully on the github. Also as a side note, I no longer active on arma/exile so my help is limited.
  2. clarkycalLad

    Extended Base Mod

    Can give it a try, that might actually be the problem..
  3. clarkycalLad

    Extended Base Mod

    Eh, anyone had issues with the exile 3den plugin when exporting Extended base mod stuff? For example it seems the 3den plugin doesn't detect stuff such as Land_CncBarrier_F
  4. clarkycalLad

    Help with ExAd

    Send the whole config Edit: Sorry just noticed this is a kinda old thread.
  5. Can you you buy them? and if you can, can you see it in your hands? If not refer to number 1, if it's just the picture that's not there refer to number 2. 1. Probably the client(you) or the server doesn't have the Correct mods (Or not installed properly) 2. it might be this part: class CUPPointerAttachments { name = "CUP Pointer Attachments"; icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa"; // MAKE SURE THIS IS CORRECT items[] = { //not used from the items list }; }; PS. i'm sorry if this didn't help i have not been active with arma as a whole so i'm rusty.
  6. clarkycalLad

    1.68 Released!

    Let the games begin! @Flosstradamus Time to open the 1.68 Bugs Megathread Discussion?
  7. clarkycalLad

    ExAd problems

    If its exad your setting up then I'm almost 100% sure that's not how you do it, like I said go over the instructions carefully. (I'm on my phone so I'm limited on how I can help)
  8. clarkycalLad

    Error in Description.EXT

    Exactly what it says, You've missed a '}' Somewhere, Most likely in one of your includes
  9. clarkycalLad

    ExAd problems

    Well you're including it twice.... Basically you're including an include? why ? Change your description.ext to this(It may work..) Also Please LOOK over the ExAd Instructions CAREFULLY!:
  10. clarkycalLad

    ExAd problems

    What does CfgNetworkMessages.cpp contain?
  11. Couldn't have said it any better myself
  12. Please, Raspberry sauce as well
  13. Bro.. Do you even read or acknowledge other posts? I sent you 1 static DMS mission and there is plenty more.. I can even make a custom one if you're needing something in particular.
  14. And if you still want a static missions then i made one not long ago:
  15. clarkycalLad

    [XM8 App] Personal Base Location Markers

    I know exactly what you've done. You have moved the wrong folder into your apps folder... You have to move the "BaseMarker" folder in NOT the "BaseMarkers_ExAd" So inside the Folder you have put in (The one called "BaseMarkers_ExAd") there should be a folder called "BaseMarker" So what you could do instead is change this: To This: tbh the instructions do say "Add BaseMarker folder to your ExAd XM8 Apps folder; Exile.Mission > ExAdClient > XM8 > Apps > Place_Folder" Therefore Start again and read carefully^