Right, This problem started persisting when i started playing ArmA 3 again.
Only that Exile is the only mod that kicks me out of all servers.
I've tried other servers with/without mods, works perfect.
Reinstalled Exile Manually and Automatically from A3Launcher. Yet it doesn't fix it.
Tried reinstalling ArmA 3, nope.
Tried deleting anything that connects with ArmA 3.
BattlEye installed manually and automatically, nothing out of it.
I've seen all threads around these forums, none of those methods work.
Yet i can't play with my friends. This has been for several days and a few weeks.
Any help? If so, Please do help.
Right, This problem started persisting when i started playing ArmA 3 again.
Only that Exile is the only mod that kicks me out of all servers.
I've tried other servers with/without mods, works perfect.
Reinstalled Exile Manually and Automatically from A3Launcher. Yet it doesn't fix it.
Tried reinstalling ArmA 3, nope.
Tried deleting anything that connects with ArmA 3.
BattlEye installed manually and automatically, nothing out of it.
I've seen all threads around these forums, none of those methods work.
Yet i can't play with my friends. This has been for several days and a few weeks.
Any help? If so, Please do help.
RPT File: http://pastebin.com/6k9kiVkB
And this: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/91596491007636483/7D1410A4560FF451454A7A7A9C3B80C9E0665C7E/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1152&composite-to%3D*%2C*|2048%3A1152&background-color=black
It nearly gets me to join, but at the end, it decides to kick.
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