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py3rcon - Arma 3 Rcon tool for Linux / Windows [TEXT GUI]

1 post in this topic


Version: 0.2.1 | Authors: indepth666 (Basic protocol design), ole1986 (CLI)


py3rcon is a Python3 client for Battleye Rcon protocol. It's designed with ARMA2 and ARMA3 in mind but may also work with other implemenation of the protocol.

How to use?

Configuration example can be found in configexample.json.

Usage: ./ <configfile>

Since version 1.58.1* of Arma 3 it is REQUIRED to add the line RConPort <port> into the beserver.cfg
Otherwise Rcon will possible not work.

Configuration explained

PLEASE NOTE: The configuration is stored JSON file. This format usually does not allow comments.

Config entry            | Example        | Description
----------------------- | -------------- | -----------
logfile                 | pyrcon.log     | File name of the pyrcon log
loglevel                | 10             | Loglevel (10 = show debug info, 20 = exclude debug info, 30 = display only error and warnings)
server : host           |      | Hostname of the armaX server
server : port           | 2402           | Port of the armaX server
server : rcon_password  | yourPW         | Rcon password
commands                | commands.json  | Commands configuration file in JSON format (rconcommand module)
whitelist               | whitelist.json | stores the whitelisted players used by rconwhitelist module
restart : interval      | 240            | Restart interval in minutes
restart : delay         | 15             | Wait x seconds until shutdown after players have been kicked
restart : exitonrestart | true           | End the application when restart interval has reached


Use the following command to display the GUI.

To run the py3rcon GUI on WINDOWS an unofficial version of curses is REQUIRED:
Download Link:

When using the --gui argument, schedules like repeating messages and restart become disabled

Usage: ./ --gui <configfile>

#---------------------------# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
| Refresh Players           | |                                                                               |
| Manage Whitelist          | |                                                                               |
| Restart Mission...        | |                                                                               |
| Kick All                  | |                                                                               |
| Shutdown Server           | |                                                                               |
| Restart Server (v1.65)    | |                                                                               |
| Exit                      | |                                                                               |
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#---------------------------# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#-  Enter command --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
|                                                                                                             |
| 2016-12-01 21:20:11,927 INFO [Server: xxxxxxxxxxx.xx:10501]: Authenticated                                  |
| 2016-12-01 21:20:11,986 INFO [Server: xxxxxxxxxxx.xx:10501]: RCon admin #0 (xx.xx0.xx1.97:54410) logged in  |
| 2016-12-01 21:20:12,018 INFO [Server: xxxxxxxxxxx.xx:10501]: Players on server:                             |
| [#] [IP Address]:[Port] [Ping] [GUID] [Name]                                                                |
| --------------------------------------------------                                                          |
| (0 players in total)                                                                                        |


Edited by ole
Updated to 0.2.1
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