
Custom status bar

45 posts in this topic

hi everybody someone knows where can i find this status bar (background) i tried to do one by myself but that f*** my mission...

I'm really looking for that background with the name in.

Tank's by advance


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I recall this status bar being the product of a completely different topic on this forum. I saw it a month or two ago while browsing the forum for ways to change and develop the overall UI. Much further into the post a guy posts a random picture displaying his screen and people went off on his status bar because they loved it. So then he ended up posting the code for it 1-2 pages into the topic. Sorry I can't remember his name or the topic name but maybe this will narrow your search field a bit. Or maybe I'm completely wrong idk.

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32 minutes ago, Twiztedintentions said:

That's the closest to what I could find that matched that, and @ka0s typed it all up and explained how to use it. 

Yup that should be the one he's looking for... Couldn't for the life of me figure what it was called. Nice find.

Edit: Heres the code if you don't want to go digging through that:

Add this to your Description.ext

class RscTitles
    #include "path\to\statusBar.hpp"

Then Edit StatusBar.hpp with this:


 class RscExileStatusBar
        idd = -1;
        duration = 10e10;
        onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['RscExileStatusBar', _this select 0];";
        fadein = 0;
        fadeout = 0;
        movingEnable = 0;
        objects[] = {};

        class controlsBackground
                class statusBarImage
                        idc = 55557;
                        type = 0;
                        style = 48;
                        x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.883;
                        y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.092; //0.068
                        w = 1.35;
                        h = 0.08; //0.06
                        colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
                        sizeEx = 0.4;
                        font = "OrbitronLight";
                        text = "path\to\StatusBarBackground.paa"; // Picture wanted for background.

        class controls
                class statusBarText
                        idc = 55554;
                        x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.90;
                        y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.063;
                        w = 1.35;
                        h = 0.06;
                        shadow = 2;
                        font = "OrbitronLight";
                        size = 0.032;
                        type = 13;
                        style = 2;
                        text = "";

                        class Attributes
                                color = "#ffffff";
                                font = "OrbitronLight";


If I'm not mistaken, you'll have to download the XM8 Apps script found here:

Check out the apps repository as well:


From there you're on your own. I'm not sure where the StatusBar.hpp file comes from but the answers in one of these three threads.

Edited by OrbDamu
Including Code

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4 hours ago, mojitoboy said:

hi everybody someone knows where can i find this status bar (background) i tried to do one by myself but that f*** my mission...

I'm really looking for that background with the name in.

Tank's by advance


ive got the one you are after as i use this on my servers

Edited by hogansheroes

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9 minutes ago, mojitoboy said:

thx a lot buddy i'll try that right now !!

Do you know how to change the "Exile PVE" by any chance ?

Thx a lot


mate i wish i knew myself, but i do know it can be done but how.

If anyone else knows how to change the name from Exile PVE to whatever name you put, can you let us no please.

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