
server programming procedure

6 posts in this topic

Hi just wondering does any1 have any thought on the best way to help ppl with setting up servers and getting paid for it. money first then files ? 50-50? any ideas ?




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Honestly, most people here on the forums would rather keep it a relatively money free environment. If you really do want to be paid for this kind of thing, I guess keep your eyes out for anyone wanting help and offering to pay. Another option would be to setup some kind of website, offering it as a service.


Please do note of two things

1. When money gets involved, people can become kinda of... iffy.

2. If you want to be paid for this kind of thing and do get clients etc, you need to make sure that you are not breaking any licenses attached to either the mod(s) or script(s). You will also need to setup yourself as a business in the country of residence depending on local laws. 


Its probably not what you want to hear, however there is no point doing it half-assed and then getting burnt because of it. :D

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nah nah i just saw a few post of people offering to pay for server setup so was kinda curious how any payment would be made safe for the service?

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1 hour ago, Delish said:

nah nah i just saw a few post of people offering to pay for server setup so was kinda curious how any payment would be made safe for the service?

Hmmm paypal or bitcoin would be standard. Just ask the guys offering ;P

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id say the reason they want to pay someone is 

A,  they havn't got the time too setup a server 

B,  they don't have the knowledge around mods etc


C,  they are struggling to get there head around scripts/mods to run the server.

in any event, this should not be a payed service as there are lots of peeps out there willing to help if they ask for it.

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i agree.. ive had a lot of help from the forums and helped a good few people too but setting up a full server takes a lot of time especially if the person is asking for specifics and cant do it themselves or as you said doest have the time..

and i kind of think that if someone is willing to spend hours of there time helping some fully set up a server then maybe they should be paid for it.. i can understand helping some1 with snippets of code or certain little problems but a full server set up may be going a bit far..

But thats also not really what i was asking if you should be paid for it or not but more if some1 was going to pay for it wat would be the safest way of making that transactions for both parties involved..

proably my initial post was a little vague.. was more curious to hear if any1 has done what ive said and how theyve done it sucessfully.

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