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[SOLVED] Base delete billboard.

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Hello Infi,

Just had a quick question, When deleting a base using the menu is there a way to modify the code to place a billboard  redirecting to a custom image in the mission file?

Maybe even make the billboard add to the database so its a permanent thing intill I delete it?

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Cool idea, but when saying custom image, then it'll be the same image for all players, no matter what? Otherwise you'd have to update the mission file with the new images everytime? 

Of course you could pre-fab a few with like: "Your base has been deleted because it's too close to a military compound/trader/water" etc etc etc? 

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Haven't installed it yet but was just going through the code,

pathToCustomBillBoardTextures[] =


Can I edit those to call a image from my mission file? 

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