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Respect should not be a currency

8 posts in this topic

Currently players have to exchange some respect in order to gain a larger territory which makes respect just another currency to be traded for goods. 

I suggest the respect value become a constant that can only be affected by player interactions (killing players gives you more, killing bambis gives you less, etc.)  It doesn’t make sense that you can 'spend' your respect and end up with less respect than you had before the transaction.  Why I should lose respect for (presumably) influencing the Mafia to let me build a bigger base?

Rather than the current territory purchase prices in Exile.Altis\config.cpp, I suggest the following respect table:

5000     Level 1 (paid in tabs)
10000    Level 2
25000    Level 3
45000    Level 4
70000    Level 5
100000   Level 6
135000   Level 7
175000   Level 8
220000   Level 9
270000   Level 10

This table results in the exact same effort/reward ratio as the current territory system but critically, players wouldn't give away any respect points, rather by earning more respect they are *entitled* to larger territories.  They can earn respect by selling gear or killing other players, they can lose respect by acting like a dick, but they can’t exchange respect for a larger territory.

Once respect becomes a constant (like it kinda is in the real world) then it can form the basis of many different game mechanics; player bounties, an ELO ratings system (, high value target missions, etc.  You can put respect in the scoreboard so everyone in the server knows who they are dealing with and who they might like to kill or avoid, depending on their circumstances.

Edited by speedweasel

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Maybe this is possible:

You gain respect as it actually is. And the Territory-Cap per Respect stays, but you dont spend any respect points for it.


Respect | Territory Level   | UpgradeCosts in PopTabs
5000      Level 1             Stays at 5000Pt
10000     Level 2              15000 Pt
25000     Level 3              30000 Pt
45000     Level 4              60000 Pt
70000     Level 5              75000 Pt
100000    Level 6              90000 Pt
135000    Level 7             105000 Pt
175000    Level 8             120000 Pt
220000    Level 9             135000 Pt
270000    Level 10            150000 Pt


The Prices are configurable and are just set to show what i mean.

So, you have a new method to spend poptaps BUT you will not spend any respect other than killing banbis etc.

Just my two cents ^^



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3 hours ago, SlowMan said:

Maybe this is possible:

You gain respect as it actually is. And the Territory-Cap per Respect stays, but you dont spend any respect points for it.

This is what I mean.  You pass the territory cap as you earn respect and you keep all respect you earn.

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While I like the idea, the problem with it is that I could just create multiple level 10 flags once I've reached that level and it doesn't "cost" me anything to do that.

If respect stays then it would be better to require a certain respect-level to have access to upgrade the base with poptabs.

So for a level 5 base you would need 70k respect and 100k tabs for example.

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3 minutes ago, CEN said:

While I like the idea, the problem with it is that I could just create multiple level 10 flags once I've reached that level and it doesn't "cost" me anything to do that.

If respect stays then it would be better to require a certain respect-level to have access to upgrade the base with poptabs.

So for a level 5 base you would need 70k respect and 100k tabs for example.

I like it.

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well, right now with only one value that can be set you can at least check, if the players respect is as high as the poptabs it costs to upgrade. this is what i have on my server (running a humanity system but it can be equalled with respect somehow)

	if (_playerRespect < _territoryPrice) then
		throw "Not enough Humanity!";
	if (_playerMoney < _territoryPrice) then
		throw "Not enough Money!";
	_playerMoney = _playerMoney - _territoryPrice;
	_playerObject setVariable ["ExileMoney",_playerMoney];
	format["setAccountMoney:%1:%2", _playerMoney, getPlayerUID _playerObject] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;

so the only thing i added was the part above the money.

edit: when i have time i could have a look. im pretty sure this can be edited to use a second value in CfgTerritory

Edited by Dizzturbed
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did it, only problem is that the dialog is stored in exile client files. so im yet to find a way to include both values needed


class CfgTerritories
	// Base Cost / Radius
	prices[] = 
		{50000,	15,	50, 0			},
		{25000,	45,	150,5000		}, 
		{50000,	75,	250,15000		},
		{100000,150,500,50000		}
		{25000,	75,			250					},
		{30000,	90,			300					},
		{35000,	105,		350					},
		{40000,	120,		400					},
		{45000,	135,		450					},
		{50000,	150,		500					}


the territoryUpgradeRequest


	_territoryCheckScore = (_territoryConfig select _level) select 3;
	_territoryPrice = (_territoryConfig select _level) select 0;
	_territoryRange = (_territoryConfig select _level) select 1;
	_playerRespect = _playerObject getVariable ["ExileScore",0];
	_playerMoney = _playerObject getVariable ["ExileMoney",0];
	if (_playerRespect < _territoryCheckScore) then
		throw "Not enough Respect Bro!";
	if (_playerMoney < _territoryPrice) then
		throw "Not enough Money! Visit your Bank!";
	_playerMoney = _playerMoney - _territoryPrice;
	_playerObject setVariable ["ExileMoney",_playerMoney];



and upgradeTerritoryDialog


	_respectControl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["<img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_notification_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /><t size='1.4'> %1</t>",_territoryPrice];
	_radiusControl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["<t size='1.4'>%1m</t>",_territoryRange];
	_levelControl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["<t size='1.4'>%1/%2</t>",_currentLevel + 1,_territoryLevels];
	if (ExileClientPlayerMoney < _territoryPrice) then
		_upgradeButton ctrlEnable false;


just a quick n dirty fix. the upgrade button will be clickable if a player has enough money but not enough respect. it throws "not enough respect" to let him know. that could be fixed as well, but im good with that. if i only knew how to change that dialog.

also, when using this you might want to change the values for respect gained across the board, but thats personal taste i guess

Edited by Dizzturbed
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I agree with the original post.

It seems like paying pop tabs would make more sense when upgrading your base. You already have to do that when you pay protection money. I personally believe that respect points should be used as a form of "experience" points on servers, as a scoring system. It does not really make a lot of sense that I use respect points to upgrade my base.

Further thoughts on respect and in particular kill points and losses...

I would really enjoy a system where you gain the same amount of respect points that someone else loses when you kill them. For example, if I shoot another player and they lose 200 points for the death, I would gain those points. I would gain more or less points depending on how far away they were, if it was a headshot, etc.


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