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"Can't build in enemy territory"


Hey, hello there!

I have a problem when building (just in a zone).I play Taviana server; I discovered a ship where build a nice base; I put the flag in the ship , and when I try to build something, it says "can't build in enemy territory" everytime. We tried everything: called for admins (they doesn't know why it happens); remove the flag and put it again; remove the flag and let a friend of mine put it again; upgrade to level 2; wait for server restarts. When the admin removes the flag, we can build (a tent, for example); but when we claim the territory again, it get bugs again :D

I hope there's a solution, but anyway I'll claim another place until that is resolved. Thanks!

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Yeah, it seems to be a quite common issue. Server admins don't have idea of what can be causing that issue, basically they told me to go here and find some help because they didn't know how to solve it x)

So it's a server problem, right? Sad to see there's no solution :(

Thanks all anyway mates.

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So I unlocked the vehicle that was in my build area and the message went away.  I did not play around with it to verify it was the problem but it seems consistent with other issues we have had.


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