
Server slow performance after 0.9.20 (Tomato)

17 posts in this topic

Hi Guys,

My server faces a lot of lag when trying to lock/unlock doors or vehicles after 2 hours from server startup.

Nothing was changed in the server, but it started to happen after 0.9.20 release. Did anyone has the same problem ?

I see now on .rpt log files  a lot of network messages like this:


14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 154) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 163) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 162) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 152) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 151) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 154) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 153) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 160) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 159) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 156) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 161) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 157) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 155) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 158) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 163) not found
14:11:44 Error: Object(59 : 162) not found
14:11:48 Server: Network message 6a680a is pending
14:11:48 Server: Network message 6a680a is pending
14:11:48 Server: Network message 6a680a is pending
14:11:48 Server: Network message 6a680a is pending
14:11:49 Server: Network message 6a680a is pending
14:11:49 Server: Network message 6a68c7 is pending
14:11:49 Server: Network message 6a68c7 is pending
14:11:50 Inventory item with given name: [Laserdesignator] not found
14:11:56 Server: Network message 6a8ad5 is pending
14:11:56 Server: Network message 6a8ad6 is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f3b is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f3b is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f3b is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f3d is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f40 is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f40 is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f40 is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f40 is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f41 is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f41 is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f42 is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f42 is pending
14:12:33 Server: Network message 6b2f6d is pending


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Server: Network message 6b2f6d is pending

This issue is solved by increasing the "max_allowed_packet = " inside your mysql.ini configuration file.

The default value is 1M, increase it to 256M or 512M (Any larger is pointless, even 512 is pretty unnecessary).

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Server: Network message 6b2f6d is pending

This issue is solved by increasing the "max_allowed_packet = " inside your mysql.ini configuration file.

The default value is 1M, increase it to 256M or 512M (Any larger is pointless, even 512 is pretty unnecessary).

If the SQL server is local, which most servers likely have their SQL server on the same machine as the game server, then this is irrelevant.  

Server: Network message 6b2f6d is pending

Those messages have to do with the server needing to send status update messages to the client.  It's typical to see those in any Arma modded game and have nothing to do with SQL specifically.  

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If the SQL server is local, which most servers likely have their SQL server on the same machine as the game server, then this is irrelevant.  

Server: Network message 6b2f6d is pending

Those messages have to do with the server needing to send status update messages to the client.  It's typical to see those in any Arma modded game and have nothing to do with SQL specifically.  

Local or not, the mysqld will still only accept input of a certain size; a similar issue was present with Epoch.

Increasing the aforementioned value alleviated the Network message [a-z0-9] is pending issue, we were experiencing with the vanilla mysqld configuration.

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Decrease maxmsgsend to 192 and increase maxsizeguaranteed to 512 in basic.cfg

Default value (from Exile config) was 


MaxMsgSend = 256;
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512;

change to 

MaxMsgSend = 192;
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512;

Right ?

Server: Network message 6b2f6d is pending

This issue is solved by increasing the "max_allowed_packet = " inside your mysql.ini configuration file.

The default value is 1M, increase it to 256M or 512M (Any larger is pointless, even 512 is pretty unnecessary).

mysql.ini ? or my.ini right ?

If we don't have max_allowed_packet we need to add it ?

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Ah yeah, my.ini (mysql.ini was simply used as an illustration to point you in the right direction)

You should find 'max_allowed_packet = *' under the [mysqld] section of my.ini, which is the same section that port, socket, basedir and a number of other configuration options are set.

An example of my (locally hosted) mysqld configuration for this section is as follows.

port= 3306
socket = "C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock"
basedir = "C:/xampp/mysql" 
tmpdir = "C:/xampp/tmp" 
datadir = "C:/xampp/mysql/data"
pid_file = ""
# enable-named-pipe
key_buffer = 16M
max_allowed_packet = 512M
sort_buffer_size = 512K
net_buffer_length = 8K
read_buffer_size = 256K
read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
log_error = "mysql_error.log"

I don't recommend just copy and pasting the above however, as it's configured for an Xampp dev environment.

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