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App that...

6 posts in this topic

So I have what I think is a great idea for you folks.  

An app, that people can put on a tablet, smartphone.  The app pulls telemetry data from the game through your in home wifi to the app.  So this would allow the player to have his monitor completely clear of clutter. 

The app shows information like rounds, health, thirst, hunger.  Have this function could also be use to 'window' just that information for people with dual monitors.

Now the good part.  Since your not allowed to monetize the mod, you CAN however monetize the app to help with some of your development work.  I am sure people would pay a couple bucks for an app like this.  Your not going to get rich, but I think its a great idea for your Mod.. i know I would buy it. 

I am not a developer and have no idea how difficult this would be, but there are many apps like this for racing sims, so it shouldn't be too hard.

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It's a good idea.... But one should be careful with how many calls are made to the server, the more calls to the server, the more lag, desynch etc. 

It has been discussed for other mods as well, how would you think the overall server performance would be with say 80 players, all running this app, making constant calls to the server? B|

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I don't think this would/should be server side. this should be driven by the client files. No reason to have the server involved in it.  I use similar apps in iRacing.  They are very common.  This CANT be that hard.

Have client side for the app (will function as server to local host WiFi) and then the app side (apk) this would certainly set exile aside from the others, a completely clean screen with the info showing in real time on your tablet.

Edited by Nopinky
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