
More then 1 Idea

22 posts in this topic

- A 4x4 Helipad (big enough for ALL Choppers) to land the Chopper on it (on the actually Floor they glitch in the Corners and explode )

- Building Parts: Sandbags , Fences , bigger Box for loot (maybe a Small Shipping Container or the Taru Pods with the function to load it on the Cars/Slingload it)

- Knifes for silent Takedowns

- Bigger Repair System not only Ductape to repair everything maybe weheels,engine , rotor , tank parts to fix it.

- Revive System maybe there is a way to build anything like AGM System with bandage , bloodpack and so stuff

- HUD: Leftside under Hunger / Thirst:  - Health and Restarttimer     Rigth side under the Car Panel:   Money and Respect

- Xm8-Mini with the option to get there on Tabs created

- Hunting System to catch Fish oder kill Goats or Sheeps to get Food and Wool

- Territoy Spawn after dead (but with a delay with 10 Minutes or so) with a placeable Bed or Sleeping Bed

- A Funny Thing ability to Build / Playce and Sit on Chairs. We have so much Funny Moments in our Base so you can sit in a Round and Drink a Beer at the Camping Fire :)





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, bigger Box for loot

More space in the vaults (by default, and not just up to server admins to boost) would also be great too. They're too expensive to hold so little.

And speaking of the base building:
¤ Vectors! Would open up for so many possibilities.
¤ More snapping points. Would be great to be able to snap something UNDER something, not just above. Shouldnt be too hard to fix.
¤ Fortified floors or just plain metal ones, since now people can just blow their way into bases from the top, or under depending on how it's built.


I'll use your thread and update this post with more of my own ideas when I remember... would be great if others did the same, to keep ideas more organized and in one place. :P

Edited by Zarbon
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Please, please please!!! Add the helipad block. The Exile trailer shows a helicopter landed on top of a base which leads people to think that this is a safe thing to do with their choppers, which is very much NOT true. They will explode randomly. 

Add the helipad block please!

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A evelvating helicopter pad with opening doors above, the stuff of dreams.


+1 for these ideas 

and the fact you put sleeping bag in and it didn't get shot down :)

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Here is a list of my ideas

  1. Adding hunting on land and underwater (kill fish, sharks, goats, rabbits, cows, pigs and other types of animals).
  2. The use of more maps (would love to see NAPF).
  3. Reduce weapon sway - GOD that can be annoying at times!
  4. A "bambi" timer when leaving safezones for x seconds, meaning campers would receive negative respect for killing those just leaving. Means they can still get the gear, but it comes at a price.
  5. More clothing, maybe some from Arma 2 (Overpoch aswell if possible).
  6. Some sort of symbol that goes above a bambi that tells you if you ‘kill me’ you will receive negative respect. Once 5 minutes has passed, or the bambi protection wares off it disappears.
  7. More craftable items such as wooden ladders, wooden ramps, sandbags, storage sheds/cabinets. Some interior decoration would be quite cool.
  8. Craftable rope and hook, meaning you craft the two of the items combine them which then will allow you for example throw up onto a base roof (make sure it grips properly) then be able to pull yourself up.
  9. Under water wrecks (lootable).
  10. Implement a repair/heal system like on Arma 2 DayZ.

 I use to have so many cool ideas in my head but now I have completely for them. If I remember them or come up with anymore I shall add them here,

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I'd be find with some sort of metal floors in various sizes so players can enjoy the variety to make unique structures..

Maybe they can have a contest at the mod's first year anniversary on who can build the best looking base... 


I do agree the safes seem to hold not enough.  They need to hold more.. Not a lot more but more than they currently do.


Was hoping the mod would have a trap door that can be lockable to work with the wood floors with ports.



In a nut shell.. those are all some great ideas everyone is adding. Figured I'd add a few that came to mind.


The one that I keep thinking of the most is to get this mod to separate and be more unique from other mods is to ditch all the military feeling of it and make it non-military completely.


- Standard clothing

- Standard vehicles

- Standard weapons


Lets not make another Arma3 military simulator mod.  I would love it to not become  ArmaXile


Feels like it's going in that direction.

Edited by Brez

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Lift systems?, Castle walls. Stone Walls / cinder walls like arma 2?

more storage options like sheds or barrels for fuel or water. maybe the ability to make your own blue water barrel that fills when it rains

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I'd be find with some sort of metal floors in various sizes so players can enjoy the variety to make unique structures..

Maybe they can have a contest at the mod's first year anniversary on who can build the best looking base... 


I do agree the safes seem to hold not enough.  They need to hold more.. Not a lot more but more than they currently do.


Was hoping the mod would have a trap door that can be lockable to work with the wood floors with ports.



In a nut shell.. those are all some great ideas everyone is adding. Figured I'd add a few that came to mind.


The one that I keep thinking of the most is to get this mod to separate and be more unique from other mods is to ditch all the military feeling of it and make it non-military completely.


- Standard clothing

- Standard vehicles

- Standard weapons


Lets not make another Arma3 military simulator mod.  I would love it to not become  ArmaXile


Feels like it's going in that direction.


It's a PVP mod thats what It was designed as, not a survival mod. The player base for something like 2017 is extremely small even when it first released. People just like the instant action nowadays.

Edited by Rangecreed

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Bringing pack the vehicle health onscreen instead of in my XM8, I shouldn't have to go through menus while in a gunfight/being shot at just to see how much more damage my vehicle can take.

Edited by Rangecreed

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I love the fact that people had though of a lot of things that I do, gives you that "collective" feeling. Alright to the point now:

There are several things that I would like for the mod dev's to add, such as cinder block walls, with you building half walls, then having the option to make it a full wall or to upgrade the half wal, much like the current system. Along with that, being able to make sheet metal walls, actual roofing pieces (A 45 degree slope with some 2x4 [planks] forming a L where you can match two pieces up(have to say this now before I go on, Arma 2 Epoch was a builder's dream, least is was for me) .

Barb wire, sandbags, MG nests (for the exile MG's) camo netting, and if they are in arma 3 H barriers. A lot of my building expertise in arma comes from Arma 2/3 Epoch, I feel that a lot of what they had was good for building a "walled outpost" but now we can build a base, just not with very efficient walls (Granted one upgrade makes them Semi- bullet proof) which is why I think there should be more building parts added, leaving only wood structures, with some corrugated metal, well, leaves a lot to be desired, The base sizes are great, and I feel that the mod devs would be able to expand on it by (maybe?) adding a second 'boundary' where you could build a fence (similar to the chicken wire fences of Doom in Arma, barb wire, or wooden fences, thous would be 10m further out then your current base's boundary? Or maybe its 10m from your max boundary only?

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