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SLB2k11 last won the day on September 26 2015

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212 Excellent

About SLB2k11

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  • Birthday 09/09/1986

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  1. Hey SLB!

    Mod works fine for me and I love it. Im wondering if it is possible to add CUP vehicles to similar categories with the default vehicles in Igiload.sqf? When I tried this, the CUP vehicles did not have full functionality from what I could tell. Thanks!


    >> For example using the Merlin HC3 chopper by adding it to the Mohawk vehicle group in the sqf. Or an Osprey instead of a Blackfish.

  2. Where do I 

    Overwrite ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezon.sqf in the Config.cpp in the Missionfile 
    1. _TwiStED_


      in you mission folder open config.cfg go to line 2717 (class CfgExileCustomCode)


      class CfgExileCustomCode 
              You can overwrite every single file of our code without touching it.
              To do that, add the function name you want to overwrite plus the 
              path to your custom file here. If you wonder how this works, have a
              look at our bootstrap/fn_preInit.sqf function.

              Simply add the following scheme here:

              <Function Name of Exile> = "<New File Name>";


              ExileClient_util_fusRoDah = "myaddon\myfunction.sqf";
          // Igiload //
          ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone = "Igiload\ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone.sqf";

  3. Love the mod. My chutes were bugging but they seem fine now. Awesome work.


  4. Hey SLB2k11,

    Just  wondering if i can get perrmission to include your igiload in the ExPack repack?


  5. SLB2k11

    Edited Repair Function

    yes its possible i have done it but not released
  6. Das geht nur über ein custom Script wie zb mein erweitertes bausystem aber bevor du fragst, das gibt's hier nicht zu laden
  7. SLB2k11

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    @fsdsoyu Read the complete thread and you find a solution
  8. SLB2k11

    New Building Parts

    I have a full working custom building script with move, remove,original building system ui with all features of the normal Exile system. You can add whatever you want everything that you can place in the editor only need to fill the classname in a list with price (option for money or respect) It's not so much work to do this all but my version won't be released actually maybe some server get the option to use it I must think about it.
  9. SLB2k11

    Buy Taru Pods

    When I have enough time maybe I will work on a new version or a fix for that but actually I'm not happy with many people's here so maybe I will kill all my work and threads
  10. SLB2k11

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    erstes is das kein deutscher Support thread sondern der englische! 2. Search the thread and you will find a way to fix that
  11. SLB2k11

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    Read the complete thread and you find a solution
  12. SLB2k11

    Fahrzeugskins....der einfache Weg

    mehrere wird nicht gehen ohne zusatzscript
  13. SLB2k11

    Hilfe bei "Ground Fog Mod"

    dann les mal die parameterzuweisung welcher wert für was ist time: Number[fogValue, fogDecay, fogBase]: ArrayfogValue: Number - value for fog at base levelfogDecay: Number - decay of fog density with altitudefogBase: Number - base altitude of fog (in meters)
  14. SLB2k11

    New Building Parts

    still working on the other things to , but i have not enough time the "biggest" problem is i want to do it so, that everyone can customize so much they want on my scripts and it must be made in missionfile only (with some stuff serverside to protect that everyone can copy and paste the configs i hate it that people connect to the server and only want to "steal" configs or some stuff ) without any additional mods clientside. A mod based version is done in about 1hour , but without a mod it is not so easy to get all working fine. but i will release a mod based version and a missionfile based version when its done. That are the biggest thing why its not get released actually maybe its only be released to special peoples i must think about it keep you updated when i have a decision about it
  15. SLB2k11

    New Building Parts

    still working on the other things to , but i have not enough time the "biggest" problem is i want to do it so, that everyone can customize so much they want on my scripts and it must be made in missionfile only (with some stuff serverside to protect that everyone can copy and paste the configs i hate it that people connect to the server and only want to "steal" configs or some stuff ) without any additional mods clientside. A mod based version is done in about 1hour , but without a mod it is not so easy to get all working fine. but i will release a mod based version and a missionfile based version when its done. That are the biggest thing why its not get released actually maybe its only be released to special peoples i must think about it keep you updated when i have a decision about it