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About HemiPWD

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  1. Where do I 

    Overwrite ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezon.sqf in the Config.cpp in the Missionfile 
    1. _TwiStED_


      in you mission folder open config.cfg go to line 2717 (class CfgExileCustomCode)


      class CfgExileCustomCode 
              You can overwrite every single file of our code without touching it.
              To do that, add the function name you want to overwrite plus the 
              path to your custom file here. If you wonder how this works, have a
              look at our bootstrap/fn_preInit.sqf function.

              Simply add the following scheme here:

              <Function Name of Exile> = "<New File Name>";


              ExileClient_util_fusRoDah = "myaddon\myfunction.sqf";
          // Igiload //
          ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone = "Igiload\ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone.sqf";

  2. HemiPWD

    R3F Exile

    I can load quad but I get this message and can't unload ? resource R3R_Log_contenu_Vehicule not found Help Pleas
  3. HemiPWD

    view vehicle content

    I can load quad bike in vehicle but can't view or take out ? Help Please
  4. If I do a fresh install will I have to update SQL to 0.9.41 and then to 0.9.6 or do I just do exile ?
  5. i get all the way to load bambi an get Error:bambi creation time out why?