
[WIP] Liqu1dShadow is Making Map Content! - Requests/Ideas

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So I have been asked and asked and asked to make content for people so I am going to start as my server is dead and its wasted content on my box. I have made a LOT of content in the past and I am sure some of you have used it or seen in without knowing on "the other" Arma 3 survival mods on A3 and also A2)


My ask is that you either put it in your server, stand there and smile at it.... or you know how to use xCam yourself to edit what you don't like or want. Once its made, its made. I will only change it if there is a glitchyness thing going on.


If you have any requests please post them here, please don't inbox me for custom content or paid content just for you, this is free and for everyone to have.


This content will be run server side so if you edit it, people cant steal your version, I will also provide the Raw file should anyone want to further customize it themselves using xCam. I will also give you the object count (so you know how many things your adding for performance and a sample Marker as well should you want to mark it on your map


Each add-on will have its own set of instructions on how to add it into your server, if you are a noob admin please read up on basic scripting so you can implement this without help.


I will often twitch what I am making so if your bored....


So give me some ideas and Ill pick them at random and start building. I have a day job so I will do as much as I can :)


I don't know how to use GITHUB so I will use my DropBox for all files



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Ok here is the first one (ill grab some screenshots in a sec)

Its for Cherno and is in Zelenogorsk

I have not got a Cherno server so it will need testing first, if someone could confirm working that would be good :)


Download Hope for


Instructions (Also in the Readme)

//////////Map Additions by Liqu1dShadow//////////
////////////////Runs Server Side/////////////////

Zelenogorsk Map Addition for Cherno

(I called it Lost Hope)

Military base with 3 ways in 4 ways out. gas tanks have fuel pumps hidden in them so players can refuel (just let them find it) AI can be added and I have included how to do this using A3AXI Custom File. I have added a couple of extra building around the town
and a few ways to overlook the base. Lighting is flood light so its a well lit area. There are around 400 object to this file.

Put the file in the right place:

1) Download your Exile_Server.pbo from you @ExileServer\addons folder on your server & un-pbo it with something like PBO manager
2) Put a folder called mapstuff in there
3) copy the Losthope.sqf from the Zip to this file
4) Re-PBO it and upload it to your server

Call the file:
1) Download your Exile.Chernarus & un-pbo it with something like PBO manager
2) Open your initServer.sqf
3) Right at the top add

if (isServer) then {
[] execVM "exile_server\mapstuff\Losthope.sqf";

4) Re-PBO the folder (if your adding map marker then also do Step 3 before PBO'ing it)
5) Upload it to your server making sure to backup the old Exile.Chernarus.pbo file so you can role back should something go wrong)

A3XAI Codes (If you want to use AI at this location)
Add the AI to A3XAI Custom File

1) Download your @A3XAI file from your server
2) in the addons folder you will find: a3xai_config.pbo
3) un-pbo it with something like PBO manager
4) Open: a3xai_custom_defs.sqf
5) Add the following below then Re-PBO it and re-upload it to your server

//----------------------------Add your custom spawn and dynamic area blacklist definitions below this line ----------------------------*/

["Losthope1",[2462.426025,5100.659668,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope2",[2463.932373,5097.115234,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope3",[2500.248535,5050.194336,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope4",[2496.799805,5054.695801,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope5",[2517.980225,5102.612793,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope6",[2542.134766,5123.745117,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope7",[2546.835938,5115.444824,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope8",[2539.53833,5117.117188,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope9",[2559.516846,5096.600098,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope10",[2559.218506,5046.0820313,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope11",[2547.165527,5043.562988,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope12",[2536.842041,5032.414551,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope13",[2537.244873,5071.273926,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope14",[2533.728516,5074.658203,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope15",[2511.705811,5075.95459,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;
["Losthope16",[2520.171875,5079.915527,0],95,1,2,false,0] call A3XAI_createCustomInfantryQueue;

Map Marker (If you want to put the location on the map)

This is in the Mission.sqm (You will need to derap it if you haven't)

Locate Markers And pay attention to these things....

1) The marker number has to be in sequence, change the ItemXX to the next number.... (Item35 for example)
2) You need to change the number of items in that marker array

Put the marker in:

1) Change the type and colour of the marker (mine is mil_dot but you can change this) Google Arma3 Map Markers for other names

        class ItemXX
            text="Lost Hope";
2) Change the number of the class item to match the sequence of your markers, so if your last marker is 34 change this to 35
3) Change the name Lost Hope if you don't like it
4) Go to tot he top of your marker array and change the number of items to match how many you have,

    class Markers
        items = 20;
REMEMBER that these markers start from 0 so if your last item is 35 then this number needs to be 36, as item 0 is actually item 1 <<<< this is VERY important!!!!

Go to 4) of STEP 1 in this doc


Included in the Zip is the RAW xCam file should you wish to edit this yourself and make it your own

At the bottom of the file you will see....

Land_Bucket_F = AI Location
Land_Bucket_clean = Map Marker Location








Edited by Liqu1dShadow
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Oh I see, you add buildings, I thought you were talking about terrains.


Although, feedback on my terrain would still be appreciated :)

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Your additions looks great from those pic's, I'm sure people would use your stuff if it were nice and organized so server owners can easily copy paste a whole trader zone or what not :)

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It is easy lol, 


each item ten is in the mapstuff folder and called from the mission file. Can't be any more simple :) 


im even including A3XAI defs so AI can be added to the location with identifiable names and .sqm map markers. 

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Looks great, just a little too much "junk" scattered about with the use of extra objects.

I might clean it up and use it though!

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