
[SOLVED] Harvest Hemp [Need Support]

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Hi There, if this post is in the wrong place please can a dev member move it, unsure where to place it.

I used to run a script on Arma 2 created by Shogun338 from Insurrection Gaming which would enable you to harvest/smoke hemp and could then be sold through the trader, it was a great point of interest and always had some players chilling out there :) 

I have been looking over it again recently and wanted some feedback on how this could be implemented into Arma 3. Firstly, i have been unable to find a classname for hemp which was in arma 2 called Fibreplant. I have found a addon through armaholic called simply Hemp Plant but wouldn't that need to be server-side?

The Script I'm talking about can be found here: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11797-tutorial-harvestable-hemp-smoking-weed-pot-farms/

Hemp Plant addon: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4272

If anyone who has more experience is interested in this please let me know if this is even possible or has an idea on how to implement it.


Edited by Hazard
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+1 for the idea, I'll smoke a bowl to that :P


I know there is an Arma 3 addon to smoke cigarettes, maybe we could get in touch with that dev and see if we can use his work to make the players smoke joints instead ;)

Also, breaking point has a few nice looking weed plant assets on the new haven terrain, maybe get in touch with nohrt and see if we can use them.


Wasteland mod also has a few drugs you can buy, and I think some of the exile code is derived from wasteland (I could be wrong)

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I like the idea of being able to smoke a J whilst sat round a fire :)

I believe this is the mod you are talking about? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28846 (Uses ACE3)

The harvesting part is what im most interested in as it was a quick way to make some early cash if you could survive the bandits waiting for you. Im just not experienced enough to develop it. Hope someone can take these idea's and produce something alot of people will enjoy. 

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would love to see some more interaction with the world (like getting salt at the seas for better food etc. -> there is alot detail possible)


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The topic of drugs in the game has been brought up before but a few people always have to say "If you want to harvest drugs go play Altis Life"

but i dont want to play altis life.... i want to play exile xD @hieve yeah I would also like to see more interactions

@MrWhite So do you think there will be less talking now? :D 

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