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Tobias Solem

Features and their impact on server performance

5 posts in this topic

There are several factors in ARMA 3 that has an adverse effect on server performance (Server FPS and CPS), I figured there ought to be a thread to support server owners with some information about what settings will have what effects. This thread is mainly about server performance, if you want help with FPS on the client, please consult another thread.



* Windows (versions) vs. Linux
* Content mods (Weapons, Uniforms, Buildings, Vehicles, etc.)
* Amount of buildables by players
* Amount of cars on the map
* Map choice and complexity
* Amount of players on the server
* Server hardware

Please post your experiences as server-admins here, with tips and hints on how to improve server performance. It can be in the shape or form of FPS/CPS on a server with 70 players and 800 cars and 200 cars, or a 20 player server with or without AI, with statistics/measurements from @marma or whatnot, or it could be the impressions you, subjectively have and how and what you have done to improve your performance. This includes tips and hints for setting processor affinity, assigning primary cores to deal with a headless client, or how enabling hyperthreading made a difference? Regardless, this is the place for you.

My past experiences can be surmised like this:

* Windows Server 2008 ran arma3server better than 2012R2
* The amount of cars on a server makes a huge difference for both client and server
* All issues performance-wise are always compounded by more players, 2-5 more players can drop FPS by 50% sometimes
* A good memory allocator helps with performance, having the system managing your RAM worked less optimally
* Enabling hyperthreading works well if you only run one instance per server
* CBA_A3 on its own does not limit FPS, but other addons using it certainly do
* EnableHT decreases performance when you have a HC running on the same host, assigning cores works better
* Linux performance vs. Windows, I have far too little data thus far, with 14 users, 2000 buildables, 250 cars, A3XAI and Defent's missions with 2 mods, server FPS drops from 50 to 47 (Intel i7 4790K @ 4.4GHz with 32GB RAM and SSD-drive from SYS).  

Edited by Tobias Solem
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Hey ,

"* A good memory allocator helps with performance, having the system managing your RAM worked less optimally"

Where can i find a good memory allocator or what is good for Arma 3 exile ?


I tryd  1 - 2 days the Arma 3 Performance Binary 5.7z and i dont know why but my server has with it - 10 Fps

30 Player normal exe 40 - 47 Fps

30 Player Performance exe  30 - 35

Startoptions : 

-name=SC -enableHT -autoinit -maxMem=3072 -exThreads=7

My Server specs :

I will just run one Arma 3 Server with 60 people on it. Is this Possible ?

and everytime when a Player connect my Memory PageFault jump to 8000 stay there for like 1 - 2 min and go back to normal (40 - 100 ).

Is this normal or did i somethink wrong ? 




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i7 4790k @ 4.36GHz, 16GB RAM, SSD, Windows 8.1 x64 Pro, running Perf v5

with 75 players I get approx 8fps/cps

Map: Chernarus

Territories: 103

Constructions: 8426

Containers: 695

Vehicles: 285

Addons: infiSTAR / DMS / ZCP with AI guards (controlled by DMS) / Random Loot Crates with AI guards (controlled by DMS) approx 30 AI in total



i7 4790k @ 4.36GHz, 16GB RAM, SSD, Windows 8.1 x64 Pro, running Perf v5

with 75 players I get approx 10fps/cps

Map: Altis

Territories: 89

Constructions: 6264

Containers: 550

Vehicles: 228

Addons: infiSTAR / DMS / ZCP with AI guards (controlled by DMS) / Random Loot Crates with AI guards (controlled by DMS) approx 30 AI in total


From what I've seen FPS starts to drop when I have more than about 20 players connected. Up to then it maxes at about 48fps.
I'm running 4 hour restarts and the FPS doesn't tail off towards the end of the restart period.
I'd say the key is maintaining the database to keep the server running properly and also limiting the amount of random spawning vehicles and the amount of construction items per base.
Edited by second_coming
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