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hello everyone,


first of i want to thank any dev who is working on exile mod, it is pretty good so far. but i would like to give some "advice" to improve the mod.


no parachute spawn. yes i know it is kind of part for the story of exile but i played on different servers and although i land with speed between 0 and 12 i die so many times it isnt funny anymore (and yes i land on flat ground, no trees or stuff around). and the same goes for a friend of mine, so this problem isnt bound to my account. either fixing this or make it a normal ground spawn will do better imo.


go on with this good mod. cheers.


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You can configure it so you automatically spawn on the ground, the way you spawn in is part of the game and a really nice addition. Keep it!

As for you keep saying you die, at the end of the day this is still alpha, beta whatever! There is bound to be bugs just deal with it for the time being.

Patience is key!

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