
Color grading

9 posts in this topic

With all respect I think color grading should be optional. I know you put a lot of work into it but I'm sorry it's simply rubbish. Colors are too saturated, especially at night. And what's with vignette effect? That's a lens error. Why should we have it in the game? I'm not controlling a lens, I'm controlling a human being. I have head, not a camera. And even if I'd had a camera instead of my head why should it have low quality lens with blur and vignetting effect? 


Please make the post-process effect of Exile optional. I don't want to look at yellowish radioactive grass which shines in the night on Esseker. It looks all right in the editor but on Exile server it's ugly as hell.


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You can remove the color grading by putting the following in your mission's initPlayerLocal.sqf

ppEffectDestroy ExileClientPostProcessingColorCorrections;
ppEffectDestroy ExileClientPostProcessingBorderVignette;

With the Exile color grading the game has a very noticeable green push and is virtually unplayable at night. Note: this also disables the vignette, the black edging around the screen that's most noticeable in the corners, which also needs to be scaled down at least 40% IMO.

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Create a new file called effect.sqf and place it in your mission root

Paste this into that file

ppEffectDestroy ExileClientPostProcessingColorCorrections;
ppEffectDestroy ExileClientPostProcessingBorderVignette;

Note: To add further color corrections, in effect.sqf, underneath, add your changes, eg

"ColorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true;   "ColorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [0.88, 0.88, 0, [0.2, 0.29, 0.4, -0.22], [1, 1, 1, 1.3], [0.15, 0.09, 0.09, 0.0]];  "ColorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;

Then open up initPlayerLocal.sqf and at the very top paste this line

call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "effect.sqf";

Repack your mission and wave goodbye to vignette effect and the color corrections.

Edited by MGTDB
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As far as I know, Bohemia changed the in-game color grading for the upcoming APEX update. They have basically done what we have done before. Depending on how they change the color grading in APEX, we will adjust or remove our color grading.



There is the overhauled lighting configuration itself, for all terrains, times of day and weather (contrast, saturation, etc.).


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