
Vehicle Balancing

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As it stands, the capacities of the vehicles in this mod need to be addressed. The offroad currently has the highest storage capacity, this renders this vehicles such as the HEMTT and Zamak pretty much pointless in purchasing. This isn't a major issue but would be nice to have fixed so there's a better variety of player vehicles driving around the servers.

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As it stands, the capacities of the vehicles in this mod need to be addressed. The offroad currently has the highest storage capacity, this renders this vehicles such as the HEMTT and Zamak pretty much pointless in purchasing. This isn't a major issue but would be nice to have fixed so there's a better variety of player vehicles driving around the servers.

Its an arma thing, nothing to do with the mod.

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As it stands, the capacities of the vehicles in this mod need to be addressed. The offroad currently has the highest storage capacity, this renders this vehicles such as the HEMTT and Zamak pretty much pointless in purchasing. This isn't a major issue but would be nice to have fixed so there's a better variety of player vehicles driving around the servers.

I very much agree with this, the big trucks are redundant due to low capacity. If this can be addressed i think it would be great

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I put this in my infamous assault on the eyes suggestion thread but it's so far down the list I doubt anyone made it that far lol No it is on there and I'm lead to believe the dev are working their way through it considering each item so with a  bit of luck we will see them tackling this. I know it's an ARMA issue but the mod could correct it, especially as BI probably never will as it's pretty much irrelevant to their game. I think the original Epoch mod on A2 fixed vehicle capacities because of the grater emphasis on the storage of loot. 

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I have to agree, The Strider is a vehicle that has all the perks as of now, speed, armor, and capacity.. While it doesn't even have room to hold anything like the Hunter or Ifrit. Nothing should have all the good perks, Personally I think the Ifrit should have speed, hunter has capacity, Strider has armor. This is my opinion with many others and the pick-ups and hemmts definitively need to be balanced

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Well at least the Dev's are going to be looking into it. I think we can all agree that they've done a great job of creating a really cool mod and hopefully the improvements keep on coming.

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I don't think the vehicle's should be "balanced" per say, but rather should have realistic attributes. For example, as Pistolo said, Ifrit is the fastest vehicle, and appears to have a moderate storage capacity, nothing too fantastic. hunter and Strider would also not have that great capacity for storage. however the HEMTT, Tempest, and Zamak should have their capacity about doubled, or more. Their massive trucks, thus capable of holding large sums of storage. Off-Roads are fine i guess. This would make big trucks a bigger target (even if driving a truck around isn't being the biggest possible target you could be to begin with. XD) 

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It's just nutty that the Offroad and Strider have more capacity than even a Box Van let alone a Kamaz or HEMTT. Vehicle storage capacity is crying out to be fixed. If you park a Strider next to an Ifrit, the size difference makes the capacity difference nonsensical, it's one of those things that breaks the 4th wall as far as realism goes. Currently the only use the trucks have is for ramming, it's a bit of a waste that the only people attracted to them are Safezone Trolls.

Edited by '45
Spellnig XD

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