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About '45

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  1. '45

    [SOLVED] Frozen Jets

    Yes, it's called the Bohemian Waltz or Shuffle but is more like a stumble really...
  2. '45

    [SOLVED] Frozen Jets

    I tried shooting them to see if it would make them spawn in properly as it sometimes does on floating vehicles. They don't seem to be there as a solid object but the rangefinder on a nightstalker registers them. Some are more solid than others or at least they are to different choppers.
  3. '45

    [SOLVED] abandoned safe

    0000 won't work now because I changed it.
  4. '45

    [SOLVED] abandoned safe

    Yeah, that was me, I emptied it and changed the code coz I was just a bambi and couldn't take it without a backpack. Cam back to pack it and I don't know if I got the code wrong but I tried a few and it kept saying wrong code.
  5. '45


    Well, congratulations and commiserations in the same breath. I know people make full recoveries from worse so long as they exercise what they have, you'll be fine if there's no obvious damage. Thatnks for all you've done for us, you deserve a break mate, I wish you the best of luck and a full speedy recovery!
  6. '45

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    A bit late for that mate, some of them think the school yard is the height of human evolution and what's worse, they're not even funny about it! The point's been made, CUP are not going to change their minds and this has just turned in to a pissing contest. If that's what this was about, that'd be fine, not many of the pro CUPpers have the smarts to make this entertaining, the "won" their license dispute but haven't got a clue how to win a pissing match. Now they're just jumping on Chairbornes coattails to big themselves up.
  7. '45

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    Ah, someone's in touch with reality! Phew, I was beginning to despair...
  8. '45

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    It's out of hand. These guys are unreasonable, immature, off the wall, can't partake in civilized discussion and some of them are so dazzled by their imagined intellectual superiority they can't see they've actually sunk this topic below playground levels. Let them enjoy their piric victory. Can someone please shut this kindergarten circus down.
  9. '45

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    Eh, that's kind of left field... I think you're just being facetious now? My actions do not deny anyone the right to a roof over their head or food to eat. So no, I never have thought how I might be elitist simply because I live in a brick house or manage not to starve until now and now that I am thinking about, I'm completely lost as to how I might be considered elitist for an accident of birth... No, completely lost me there mate... The picture I'm getting is that you're so sure of your beliefs that you're capable of coming up with any argument, no matter how tenuous it is, to support your argument. Yes you are. You're denying people the time to put effort in to creating or fixing stuff that would better serve the community by forcing them to reproduce content that already exists. Ok, so you guys are happy being out there on your own, doing your own thing. You don't wish to be helpful to people who you might find you have more in common with if you tried to explore an amicable solution with them. You've succumbed to the negativity that the anonymity of the internet has created and chosen to tar everyone who belongs to a certain part of the community(I'll let you guess which one ) with the same brush you've tarred the DDOSers, IP thieves and bitches(of which both sides have in spades!). I'm sorry, it's a loss to the whole community of which you are a part of no matter how apart or above the rest of it you feel. I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors, I'm sure I'll experience the fruits of it at some point on some server, somewhere though I'm sure there are going to be less and less of them which you are, of course, ok with. I'm going to quit trying to persuade you as I can tell it'll be a cold day in hell before you guys change your minds though I still hope someday you will. Best of luck mate.
  10. '45

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    It's fine to operate at al lose if you can absorb it but not everyone can. Why should any community be forced to die when a solution is possible? Something less? Why settle for something less when it's more than possible to have more? That's limiting the potential of the community and it means we all have to put up with substandards when it is more than feasible to make better improvements, quicker. Denying someone membership of a community because they don't meet your ideals is the very definition of elitism. It may not be a nice nor flattering word but it fits. Your Ferrari analogy, however, doesn't. I agree, no one community should be making thousands for the sole purpose of putting a Ferrari in their garage. That's why I suggest a transparent system that shares any profit within the community for the good of the community, use it to pay for hosting or bandwidth, use it to upgrade RAM or a failed harddrive, anything that benefits the community. As it stands, the situation is detrimental because some of that money is going to hackers to supply the wants and whimsies of players who are going to spend for what they want. That means more headaches for everyone and less time enjoying the game, be that playing it or coding for it. Please help try come up with a solution to prevent this.
  11. '45

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    This is the sad reality of it all. Saying a community "should" be able to get by on goodwill donations does nothing to change the reality that that's not possible. Limiting the community is synonymous with strangling it. How can it be a good idea to create a situation that will see any part of our community dwindle and die? Communities need to grow and prosper in order to thrive. More servers with quality content running at optimum performance should be everyone's goal. Imagine a player buys a game, they experience a terrible online experience, lots of bugs, glitches and terrible frames. Are they going to stick with that game? Doubtful, especially if the idea of improvements being implemented seems like pie in the sky. If our community could act cohesively, these issues would get solved, more players would join and have a good experience, some of them would get bit by the coding/modding bug and we'd all benefit. What's the harm in that?
  12. '45

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    I'm not sure where I suggested taking away control from any content creator? If someone goes to the trouble of doing another port of all the Arma2 content to Arma3, that's a huge duplication of effort that's wholly unnecessary. They won't be doing it for the joy of it but because they've been forced to and that's all the worse because they could be putting their time and effort towards other areas that would be of actual benefit to everyone. I'm not suggesting anyone make a living out of it, how anyone can pick up that idea, I do not know. What I do know is, there are players who are going to pay someone for what they want, that means hackers and that's not good for ANYONE in the community. Money is a necessary evil, it's a fact of life and living the life of an esthetic is not going to protect you from the Devil.
  13. '45

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    To make money means to profit. The solution I'm suggesting does not involve profit, I'm merely saying that a solution needs to be found that benefits the whole community, protects it and helps it to thrive. This currently is not the case. The thing is, not everybody is the same, there are in fact two ends to every the spectrum. We can all accept this and figure out how to get along rather than convincing ourselves that those who disagree with our personal opinions are obviously retarded idiots.
  14. '45

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    No, no I don't. I'm saying that a better solution should be reached for the benefit of the entire community because, the situation as it stands, is impractical and actually detrimental to the whole community.